Chapter 172
"It turns out that in your heart, that evil bastard is more important than the master, good! Very good!"

Yinzhen got up, dressed neatly with a cold face, slammed the door and left.

The city is full of wind and wind, when the plums are yellow, it rains.

Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, Nian Yaoyue is sitting alone under the pepper tree, the rice dumpling rope is hanging from the pepper tree trunk, and she is making zongzi by herself.

She had been imprisoned in this nameless courtyard for a month by order of the fourth master.

It turned out that the moon gate had long been sealed with blue bricks, and even the gate to enter and exit the courtyard was locked from the outside.

There was only a corner door that allowed one person to enter and exit, guarded by two vicious blood droplet guards.

No one is allowed to visit her.

She moved quickly, and soon made dozens of rice dumplings, which were wrapped with colorful cotton ropes of different colors.

There are bean paste fillings, meat fillings, and egg yolk fillings. Suddenly realizing that she has made too much, Nian Yaoyue was stunned as she stared blankly at the half pot of glutinous rice left.

At this time, Nanny Zhou walked up to Nian Yaoyue with a cup of tea.

"Master, please drink some tea~"

Nian Yaoyue looked up at the nurse who had taken care of her for more than ten years.

"Nurse Zhou, you can go~ You can go anywhere if you leave the capital. You'd better hide your name and hide, otherwise you won't have a good death."

Nian Yaoyue gave the blood sample to Neptune for analysis, and she was infected with a strange slow poison, which can delay fetal breathing and pulse.

Who could have noticed that she was pregnant in the first place, and could poison her without anyone noticing?
It can only be the closest people around.

"Master... I don't even want to kill this slave, but they captured the grandson of this slave, and this is the only grandson of this slave, blah blah blah"

Nanny Zhou is a servant of the Nian family, who has been loyal to the Nian family for generations, but she never expected that it would be her turn to become a cunning person who betrayed her master.

"Let's go, pick a time to go at night~"

Nian Yaoyue took out a stack of bank notes from her sleeve.

In the final analysis, it was due to the lack of trust between her and Fourth Master, flies never bitten seamless eggs, Nanny Zhou and Tong Jinxian were just seeing stitches.

She no longer wants to pursue what is true or not, these are not important anymore.

"Thank you master for not killing me, slave, thank you master~" Nanny Zhou was tearful, knelt on the ground and kowtowed in gratitude.

"Master, don't worry, the slave never said a single word that shouldn't be said!"

That night, Nian Yaoyue notified the concierge to drive Nanny Zhou out of Baylor's residence.

Nian Yaoyue was the only one living in the quiet nameless courtyard now, and within two days, Fourth Master arranged for two nuns.

The vegetables and fruits planted in the spring are almost ripe now.

She took the zongzi to cook in a large pot in the small kitchen.Then he walked slowly into the back garden, bent down and picked up two eggs from the chicken coop.

And feed the chopped rotten vegetable leaves to fish, chickens and ducks.I squeezed a big jug of goat milk and went back to the small kitchen.

Counting the days, the baby will be born in more than six months.

She lives a self-sufficient life every day, basking in the sun when she has nothing to do, strolling in the yard, or pickling some appetizers such as kimchi, radish and sauerkraut.

Those two nuns just quietly guarded the door on weekdays, like door gods, and never said a word to her.

Separated by a wall, in the study room, Yinzhen was writing at his desk.

"Master, Nian coughed twelve times last night. Yesterday's breakfast was not delicious. I only had a bowl of rice porridge and half a vegetable bun. For lunch, I ate half a cup of chicken soup and a cup of rice. A plate of fried cucumbers, a plate of scrambled eggs with shallots, last night I only drank a bowl of porridge with fish slices, served with appetizing sesame oil and drizzled with pickles.”

Su Peisheng lowered his head and said to himself, he had to report Nianshi's three meals a day before and all his developments to his grandfather every day.

The master only listened in silence, never asked him carefully, and never scolded him, telling him not to speak too much.

"Tomorrow's Dragon Boat Festival, enjoy the crystal dumplings~ reward the cloth, make clothes according to her figure and send them in, and send a few velvet flowers and Diancui jewelry newly made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and polish all the jewelry to roundness, absolutely without leaving any sharp edges !"

Su Peisheng responded, he knew that the woman Grandpa was talking about was Nian from the courtyard next door.

"Master, this child is almost four months old. The imperial doctor said that the older the month, the greater the damage to the mother's body. What should I do?"

"When the child falls to the ground, let Wen Po take the opportunity to kill the child without anyone noticing."

Yinzhen can't take any risks, Nian's attitude is extreme and decisive, if he continues to force, what should be done in case of trouble.

He is waiting, waiting for Nian to give birth to that evil seed, and then get rid of him.

"Fourth brother~" Jinxian's voice came from outside the courtyard, Yinzhen wanted to ignore it, but suddenly frowned slightly, put down the brush in his hand, and Yinzhen walked out of the courtyard.

"Why are you here? The road is slippery in rainy days, be careful when you fall~"

Nian Yaoyue, who was sitting on the swing, heard the laughter of Tong Jinxian and Fourth Master in the courtyard next door.

It was uncomfortable at first, but now it's numb.

That man was just a passer-by in her life, he and Tong Jinxian were childhood sweethearts, a match made in heaven.

She can have many ways to make Tong Jinxian show her true colors in front of fourth master, but what if she defeats Tong Jinxian?

In the future there will be Zhang Jinxian, Liu Jinxian, and Chen Jinxian.

"New Year Cake~"

At this moment, there were a few whispers from the corner of the wall, Nian Yaoyue raised her eyes and saw four ladders on the wall.

At this moment, Yixian, the seventh lucky Jin Lejin, the eighth lucky Jin Zhiqing, and the ninth lucky Jin Cun Xin were lying on the fence and grinning brightly at her.

"Why are you here!" Nian Yaoyue hurriedly walked to the wall, watching the little sisters throwing the bundles in their hands to her feet, Nian Yaoyue burst into tears.

"Here are the clothes, shoes and socks we made for the children, as well as your favorite snacks and snacks. You put them away, and we will bring them to you later."

"I have them all, don't worry about me!" Nian Yaoyue wiped the tear stains from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and said softly.

"Fujin! My master said, you are not allowed to come near this small courtyard, so don't embarrass the slave anymore." Su Peisheng's voice suddenly came from outside the wall.

"Understood, dead slave! Rice cake, are you really not going? Let's go!" Ulanara Yixian persuaded indignantly.

If it wasn't for Nian Gao's willingness to stay, they would have taken Nian Gao away from this ghostly place long ago.

"Leave when the child is born!" She held her breath, this child was the only existence that could prove her innocence.

She wanted fourth master to see this child with his own eyes, to see which white-eyed wolf bandit this child looked like!

After proving everything, she took her son and left here, never to return.

Even if she leaves Baylor House, she can't take the child back to her mother's house to drag the family down.

And if she disappears, what awaits her is endless chasing and hurting each other, she is already tired of this kind of life.

(End of this chapter)

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