Chapter 178

Lan Cui nodded, and tiptoed to the door to look for Si Baylor.

At this time, Su Peisheng came back to his master with his waist bent, and was about to tell him that everything was ready and only owed Dongfeng, but suddenly he was so frightened that he almost fell over when the fourth master called him a dog slave.

"Tell them to stop. If anything goes wrong with Nian's mother and son, they will all die!"

Yinzhen clenched his fists tightly, never expecting that Nianshi would threaten his life to spare the child.

"The slave obeys! o(╥﹏╥)o"

Su Peisheng was about to cry, it was too difficult for him.
Yinzhen was pacing anxiously outside the door, until the moon was setting and the crows were crowing, when suddenly there was a loud cry of a baby in the room.

"It's been born, congratulations, ma'am, you've got a golden grandson again, what about the fat little elder brother who weighs nine to two nines~"

The midwives all had smiles on their faces and kept saying auspicious words.

Wu Yashi held the infant child in his arms.

Seeing the child's chubby little face, Wu Ya's face burst into a loving smile.

"Look at this big fat boy, his eyes and thin lips are exactly the same as his heartless Ama. If his appearance grows, no one will believe that they are not father and son~"

"Master Nian, I will take the little elder brother to meet his Ama~"

Wu Ya gleefully walked out of the delivery room with her good grandson in her arms, ready to deal with her silly son.

Yinzhen listened clearly to the movement in the room, and saw that Erniang was walking towards him step by step with that evil creature in her arms, so he turned around and was about to leave.

"Come, come, grandson, come and see your idiot Ama~"

Wu Yashi hurriedly ran to Yinzhen to block his way, without any explanation, he stuffed the little guy into Yinzhen's hand.

The moment Yinzhen saw the child, his eyes widened in disbelief, could it be! !Filled with remorse, he was so shocked that he stopped again and again.

Although the child's facial features are still wrinkled and closed, but his eyebrows and eyes are very similar to him.
He almost killed his own son
"Hey, hey, you don't want your son anymore?" Wu Yashi hugged the little elder brother Yinzhen stuffed back to her, with a smile on his face.

At this time, the delivery room had been cleaned up, and Nian Yaoyue was lying on the bed with her forehead wiped.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and she saw fourth master rushing in panting.

There was no words for each other, only one tear fell down her cheek, she had no more tears to feel sad for this man.

Because there are no tears in great sorrow.

She struggled to turn around and not look at the man. This time, she promised that she would never forgive her for the rest of her life, and she would never break her promise.

"Aunt Lan Cui, the servant is very weak, can you let the idlers leave, the servant wants to rest alone."

Lan Cui, who was waiting beside Nianshi, was so frightened that her calves trembled, she walked up to the idlers and Sibei Le with trepidation, and made a gesture of asking respectfully.

"Go down~" Yinzhen said in a deep voice.

The servants in the room hung their heads in fright and exited the room one after another.

Su Peisheng, who was at the end, closed the door thoughtfully and stood guard outside.

Nian Yaoyue was pretending to sleep with her eyes closed, when suddenly someone grabbed her wrist. Before she could react, Fourth Master grabbed his hand and forced her to slap him heavily on the face.

"Go away! Why do you always force me!"

She roared with all her might.

"That's my son, not your son. It's my son with another man. It has nothing to do with you! You go!"

Tears were still unbearable, bursting in an instant, Nian Yaoyue was crying hysterically, and slammed her fist heavily on Si Ye's body.

"Go to the moon on Nima's shoulder, go to Aixinjueluo Yinzhen of Nima, get out! If you don't get out, I'll get out!"

Nian Yaoyue angrily shook off Fourth Master's hand, lifted the quilt and was about to get up and leave.

"Don't cry, I'm leaving now..."

Yinzhen pushed Nianshi back into the bed with red eyes, gritted his teeth, and slowly turned and left.

Walking to the outside of the courtyard with heavy steps, seeing Er Niang and the four Fujin, Eight Fujin, and Crown Princess all had joyful smiles on their faces.

Even Su Peisheng, that dog servant, had a smile on his face. It turned out that the whole world believed that this child was his blood, but he didn't believe it.
"Hehe, Lord Baylor, are you so happy that you're insane? Look at you, put your empathetic yi (that pinyin is the word for clothes)... oh no, beat this empathetic handsome face swollen~"

Eight Fortune Jin Guo Luo Luo Zhiqing said gloatingly and mockingly.

The women were chattering, but Yinzhen could no longer hear them at all, and the buzzing in his head kept ringing.

What went wrong?

What is going wrong here and there?What the hell!

It’s another birthday, I didn’t expect the 23rd birthday to be so impressive, even Er Niang wouldn’t let him enter the gate of Yonghe Palace
In Yuqing Palace, the prince personally presided over the fourth brother's birthday banquet.

"Fourth brother, this is Yinhu's birthday gift for you~" Babeile Yinhu brought a long brocade box to fourth brother himself.

When he opened the brocade box and was about to show the calligraphy and paintings inside to the fourth brother, Yinhu was dumbfounded!He immediately closed the brocade box!

"Myna myna, what good things don't let the brothers feast their eyes, let me see~"

The mischievous fourteenth elder brother snatched the brocade box quickly.

The brocade box suddenly fell to the ground with a bang, and a shiny silver washboard fell out.
"Fourth brother, fourth brother, you'd better look at the gift Yinzhen prepared!" Ninth elder brother Yinzhen glanced at mynah awkwardly, what a strange gift this is.

But when he smiled and took out the iron-sharpened sword from the brocade box, the corners of his mouth froze suddenly, it didn't feel right... a little wider.
He looked down, frightened and hastily stuffed the things in his hand back into the brocade box.

But everyone looked at it for real... It seemed to be made of brass... a washboard.

"This, this, this was prepared by Yinzhen's Fujin. Dong E's family must have made a mistake. Later, Yinzhen delivered the sword given to the fourth brother to the fourth brother's house in person."

Hearing Fujin's preparation, the prince and Qi Beilor trembled.

They invariably recalled the behavior of their wives who were too courteous this morning.

Yinrong's brows were twitching non-stop. In order to highlight his status as the crown prince, the gift he gave to the fourth brother was placed on the table of the fourth brother early.

"That...fourth brother, the Dushan jade inkstone that I prepared alone"

Su Peisheng, who was standing behind the fourth master, dripping with cold sweat, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, finally had a normal gift.

So obediently walked to the side of the grandfather, quickly opened the gold-painted brocade box, and Su Peisheng gasped in fright.

Everyone stretched their necks to see, good guy... what the crown prince gave was a washboard made of... pure gold.

There was another clang, and Qibeile smiled awkwardly, revealing half of the hidden iron washboard behind him.
"Master, Fujin is serving the concubine De concubine in Yonghe Palace and can't leave, so I asked my servant to bring you a birthday present."

At this moment, Enpu came in with a smile on his face, and he presented the brocade box prepared by Fujin to Fourth Master.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Su Peisheng wished he could chop off his own hand, but now he stood there, not daring to be cheap anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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