Chapter 184
"Hurry up, hurry up, it won't be crisp if you wash your hairy belly too much!" Nian Yaoyue deliberately changed the subject.

Ulanara Yixian shook her head helplessly, she didn't know how long the two of them would be so twisted.

In the dining room, Tong Jinxian was the highest-ranking woman in the backyard at this time, so naturally all the concubines came to her to toast.

"Cian Fujin, I wish you a happy new year!" Gege Niu Hulu followed Song Gege and the others to toast in front of Fujin.

"Sister Niu Hulu is being polite. Speaking of which, should Ben Fujin and your natal cousin embroider hearts or handkerchiefs~"

Tong Jinxian did it first as a respect, seeing that Niu Hulu's hand had also run out of wine, so she took the wine jug and filled it up for her.

The Niu Hulu family came from one of the four great families of the Qing Dynasty. Although she was only a daughter of the fourth grade Dianyi, her blood was much more noble than the Southern barbarians present under the Han army banner.

So even in the face of Tong Jia's side Fujin, he is still neither humble nor overbearing.

Taking the wine cup brought by Tong Jiashi himself with peace of mind, Niu Hulu gulped it down gracefully.

"The fourth elder brother has grown taller again~ Come on, this is a New Year gift from Tong Jiaeriang~"

Tong Jinxian directly took a piece of fine-colored beryl from her waist and put it in the hands of the fourth elder brother Hongli.

"Oh, I can't help it, our fourth elder brother is still young, how can we accept such an expensive gift~"

Niu Hulu didn't expect that Tong Jia's move would be the valuable water beryl, so he repeatedly declined.

"Sister Niu Hulu, don't be polite, if you don't accept it, then you will be born~"

Niu Hulu heard the words, so he no longer refused, and accepted the gift respectfully.

The eyes of Li Gege, who was holding the third elder brother by the side, lit up.

But then, the presents that Ci Fujin gave to the other elder brothers were ordinary Hetian jade, Kunlun jade, hibiscus jade and so on.

Li Gege's teeth itched with hatred, and he secretly scolded Tong Jia's dog for looking down on people!
After drinking for three rounds, Tong Jinxian's eyes were drunk and blurred, and with the support of her mother, she staggered back to the courtyard.

After closing the door, her eyes were clear and she was no longer drunk.

He hurriedly took off the armor inlaid with tourmaline stones, wrapped the armor with a handkerchief, and shiveringly threw it into the vinegar bowl that had been prepared earlier.

She still felt unsafe, so she walked behind the screen and washed her hands several times with fragrant soap before she managed to calm down.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Nian Yaoyue returned to her natal home early in the carriage.

Jin Yu, who was waiting for the master in the carriage, looked at the master silently.

Going back to my mother's house in the second day of junior high school, but there is no uncle by my side, how pitiful it is...
The carriage drove to Yanzhi Hutong, Nian Yaoyue opened the curtain of the carriage, and saw several carriages parked in front of the house.

Su Peisheng was yelling and directing the little eunuchs to move things in and out of her house.

"Eunuch Su, why are you here?"

Nian Yaoyue looked at Su Peisheng quite unexpectedly, thinking in her heart that something was wrong, Su Peisheng is here, can the fourth master be far away?

Sure enough, she saw fourth master getting off a carriage.

"Nian Gaoer Sibeile Wanfu~" Originally seeing his sister full of joy, but seeing the hateful Sibeile, Nian Gengyao immediately put away his smile.

"If you don't want them to worry, I can cooperate with you to go through the motions~" Yinzhen lowered his voice and said softly to Nianshi.

Nian Yaoyue didn't have time to refuse, the palm of her hand was held up by the fourth master, and she walked towards the inner courtyard with a smile in her eyes.

"Slave Nian Xia Ling and his family, please greet Sibeile~"

Nian Xialing hurriedly came out of the inner courtyard with a large family and knelt down to welcome Si Bei Le.

Every time he came back, he was so motivating, seeing her gray-haired father kneeling on his knees, Nian Yaoyue couldn't help frowning.

"You don't need to be too polite, I'm just passing by, and I'm taking Nian Shi back to her mother's house by the way, I still have business to do, so let's go first~"

Nian Yaoyue looked at Fourth Master in surprise, this man was clearly waiting here for her to come.

This is... wanting to fulfill her decency and let her natal family know that she has not fallen out of favor in the Baylor Mansion.

Chatting with the family for a long time, Nian Yaoyue reluctantly stepped on the carriage back to Baylor Mansion until the sun was setting.

Back in the small courtyard without a name, she saw fourth master's study room with lights on, and the flickering lights reflected his tall and straight figure on the window lattice, forming a pair of shadows, but he was indescribably lonely.

Shaking her head, Nian Yaoyue turned around and went back to the house. This night, she tossed and turned, unable to sleep all night.

The sun was rising, and Su Peisheng was waiting for his master to practice sword in the courtyard, when he suddenly saw the door of Nian's room open.

Nian was carrying a small basket, and two handfuls of sandalwood were exposed in the basket.

Su Peisheng carefully glanced at the fourth master who was absent-mindedly practicing his sword.

"Master, where are you planning to go to offer incense? Do you want the servant to help you prepare the carriage?" Su Peisheng asked loudly.

"To go to Tanzhe Temple, you don't need to prepare a carriage. The sun is good today, so I'm going to walk around and stay at Tanzhe Temple for two or three nights before coming back~"

Maybe because she forgot to wrap her cloak when she came back yesterday, and she didn't sleep well for a few days, Nian Yaoyue actually caught a bad cold.

Worried about infecting the three children, I took the children to Sifujin Hospital and asked her to take care of them for a few days.

Nian Yaoyue is planning to go to Tanzhe Temple to pray for her son who died young, to eat vegetarian food, and to add lamp oil for a few days.

"Then be careful on the road~" After hearing about Nian's whereabouts, Su Peisheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just after walking out of the gate of Baylor's Mansion, I saw Le Jin of the Seventh Fortune, Zhiqing of the Eighth Fortune, and Cunxin of the Nine Fortunes came to Baylor's Mansion.

"Nian Gao, we haven't arrived at Baylor's Mansion yet, where are you going? Let's go, let's go to Yixian Courtyard to chat.. Where are you planning to go to worship Buddha?"

Jiufujin Dong Ecun saw the rice cake carrying a basket with sharp eyes, and inside it was sandalwood for worshiping Buddha.

Several people knew that Nian Gao was going to Tanzhe Temple, so they suddenly regained their spirits. These few days, they visited everywhere, bowed down and paid New Year greetings to the masters of the palace, their knees were almost swollen.

A few people discussed it, so they made an impromptu decision to go to Tanzhe Temple with rice cakes to play for two days.

Unexpectedly, it is already the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, and it has been a few days since the first incense, but the incense in Tanzhe Temple is still so prosperous.

The Daxiong Hall and the Avalokitesvara Statue were even more crowded by the crowd of pilgrims.

The Buddhist hall where the lanterns were lit was just behind the Daxiong Hall, and Nian Yaoyue could only hold up incense sticks and squeeze into the crowd.

Thinking that it was inconvenient to wear a white fox cloak, Nian Yaoyue took off the cloak and handed it to the servant girl who was waiting for her outside the palace gate for safekeeping.

"Look at the rice cake, the shoe is almost squeezed out, just to light the lamp for her son, tsk tsk, if the child is still alive, this will be soy sauce~"

Guo Luo Luo Zhiqing said with emotion.

"Fu Jin, when I was just tying the horse, I saw Sibeile heading towards Tanzhe Temple~"

Ruizhu, Cunxin's personal servant girl, said.

"Tsk tsk, this man is shamelessly pestering our rice cakes, what should we do?" Qifu Jin Lejin stamped her feet angrily.

 There are quite a lot of common sense about the court customs of the Qing Dynasty. I wrote too much for fear that many people would find it boring.

  After all, the readers in the book city are relatively young.My writing style is completely out of tune with this.

  I apologize in advance, it is not my intention to write you crying, in fact, sometimes I write while crying.

  This story is like a story in real life, with laughter and tears, joys and sorrows.

  It's very important to empathize with the character, I can't even touch myself, how can I make you empathize?

  I don't know how many readers shed tears for the story of rice cake and fourth master, anyway, I'm the first one (^_^)v!

  In fact, I have already compromised with the style of writing here, so the comments on this book are very polarized.

  If you like it, you think it's good, if you don't like it, you don't understand it, what kind of barren stuff you write, it's just a piece of shit.

  After that, I am not ready to compromise anymore. Only by writing what I feel can I write my soul!
  [The following content tends to be old-fashioned, warm reminder: skipping chapters is addictive, readers who read ten lines at a glance, please read carefully]

  If you have any questions or suggestions, you can chat with me privately: 166825661
  I'm not around often, so you can poke me directly if you have something to do.See the message must reply.

(End of this chapter)

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