The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 187 Meeting 1 Person, White Hair and White Hair

Chapter 187 Meeting a person, black hair and white hair

Nian Yaoyue was stunned for a moment, her heart warmed up, her emotions turned back and forth.

Fourth master is always like this.

No matter how much you like it, you hate it. The emotions are all light, rather than pouring down and shouting loudly.

On the contrary, he always endured it carefully, keeping it as if walking on eggshells.


Thousands of words, Nian Yaoyue didn't even know what to say at this time.

Although those children were innocent, she had never experienced fourth master's despair and humiliation at that time, and she was not qualified to persuade fourth master to smile away all grievances.


Nian Yaoyue suddenly snatched the letter from fourth master's hand, and cupped his handsome face with her palm.

"Say you love me!" Suddenly, he wanted Si Ye to tell her love, only to her alone.

" love me~( ̄ー ̄)~"

Yinzhen stared at Nian's smiling face, and responded blankly.

"Quiet! Master did it on purpose!" Nian Yaoyue stomped her feet coquettishly, turned around and was about to leave, ignoring this prim man who pretended to be serious.

"Love is not for talking...heh~" Yinzhen smiled softly.

Fourth Master whispered softly in her ear, Nian Yaoyue's cheeks flushed immediately, she covered her face and ran away...

In the side Fujin courtyard, Tong Jinxian only said softly when he received the news that Niu Hulu's family had died.

Then let the nanny fetch the side Fujin crown clothes and enter the Forbidden City.

When the dusk was heavy, an eunuch delivering the order came to the palace.

Concubine Tong Guizhi ordered that the fourth elder brother who had lost her mother be adopted by the frail and childless Sibeile side Fujin Tong Jia's knee to be raised.

When she got the news, Nian Yaoyue was playing with her three sons in the courtyard.


She stood up abruptly, Tong Jinxian raised the fourth elder brother Hongli!

At this moment, she suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, Tong Jinxian raised the future Emperor Qianlong.

With Tong Jinxian's hatred for her, if she becomes the queen mother in the future, how could she let her son go.


She was about to cry in despair, and ran into the small kitchen in a hurry.

At this time Yin Zhen was cooking with his sleeves rolled up.

Seeing Nian's anxious and panic-stricken eyes, he was so startled that he put down the half-cut scallion in his hand.

"Why are you in such a panic? Don't be afraid, the Lord is here!"

With the smell of onion, ginger, garlic and fish on his hands, Yinzhen opened his arms and let Nianshi throw himself into her arms and comforted her softly.

"Master, can you promise me that no matter what happens, you will never choose Hongli as the successor. Well..."

Nian Yaoyue said word by word while bearing the excruciating pain of the system punishing the electric shock.


With a mouthful of fishy sweetness in her throat, Nian Yaoyue spat out a mouthful of blood on Fourth Master's Yuebai gown, her eyes darkened, and she fainted from the pain.


At this time Yinzhen was sitting on the edge of the bed, reaching out to caress Nianshi's pale and haggard eyes.

Unexpectedly, adopting Hongli, a mere concubine, under Tong Jia's knee to raise him, made Nian's furious and vomited blood on the spot.

"Don't worry, the heir of the master will only be your blood~" Yinzhen promised word by word.

Tong Jinxian got a concubine elder brother with Niu Hulu's blood in vain, and Wulanara went to the palace to cry and complain to her mother-in-law and concubine Defei the next day.

In the Yonghe Palace, Wu Ya's family was also angry and dropped several vases. She begged the Lord Long Live to hand over Hongli's child to Sifujin to raise him.

But that bitch, Concubine Tong Jia!

However, on the grounds that Sifujin already had a biological son, and two adopted sons Hong Sheng and Hong Xi from the Nian family, how could they jealously take all the older brothers in the mansion under their knees? He passed it on to Tong Jia's family of Jinfu.

"Your Majesty, the Eunuch Zhou from the respect room has come to send a message that Lord Long Live turned over your green card today~"

Lan Cui bit her bullet and stepped on the broken porcelain pieces on the floor to enter.

"Tell the respect room that I have come to Kuishui, and ask Long Live Lord to take care of me instead!"

Wu Yashi angrily smashed the Pixiu Paperweight Topaz at hand to pieces.

"Your Majesty..You Kuishui just left the day before yesterday." Lan Cui was trembling with fright, even if the Empress wanted to perfunctory the Long Live Lord, she would at least find a plausible reason.

"I've been very angry recently, can't my menstruation be disordered?"

"Just now the sunflower water came again, I'm afraid it won't be clean within ten days and half a month, you asked the people in the respect room to remove the green head plate of the palace, and send someone to notify them to put it back on after the palace is ready. !"

Wu Yashi shouted angrily.

When Ulanara Yixian stepped into the Yonghe Palace, she saw her mother-in-law Defei was furious.

"Er Niang, that bitch from the Tong Jia family got a son for nothing, and it's also the son of the Niu Hulu family, what should I do?"

Ulanara Yixian gritted her teeth with hatred, knowing that the current crown prince is perverse and lonely, it is still unknown who the future prince will be.

Although her family's master behaved indifferent to the world, as long as he was a prince, who wouldn't miss that supreme chair?
If in the future she has such overwhelming wealth and becomes the empress, it is not impossible for the Niu Hulu clan and the Tong Jia clan to join hands, and it is not impossible for Tong Jinxian's son to compete with the empress's son for the crown prince.

She had to plan ahead and kill this terrible possibility immediately.

"Nala, calm down. She just got a bastard. How could the Niu Hulu clan have any kind of connection with her for the sake of a bastard?"

Wu Yashi said in a deep voice.

As the adoptive mother of the fourth elder brother Hongli, Tong Jinxian personally took care of Niu Hulu Gege's funeral.

There were almost no details, and the funeral objects were extremely luxurious. She even used the dowry brought from her natal family to supplement Niu Hulu Gege's funeral objects.

In the early morning of this day, Tong Jinxian took the hand of the fourth elder brother and came to the residence of the fourth grade Dianyi Niu Hulu Lingzhu.

Ling Zhu, who had been notified earlier, greeted him at the door with his family members.

Because Tong Jia's family is only the prince's side Fujin, Ling Zhu didn't show too much humility, but led him into the study in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

At this time, in the study of the Ling Mansion, there were several middle-aged men with stately appearances sitting upright.

Sitting on the top seat is the current patriarch of the Niu Hulu clan, the seventh son of Ye Bilong, one of the four major assistant ministers: the first-class public A Ling'a.

"My concubine sends greetings to Grandpa Ling~ In terms of seniority, your Fujin is the younger sister of Empress Defei, so I should call you uncle~"

Facing the bigwigs of the Niu Hulu clan who are now prominent in the court, Tong Jinxian is not timid at all.

"Tong Jia side Fujin, I don't know what secret you are talking about that is related to the rise and fall of the Niu Hulu clan?"

In the ups and downs of the officialdom for more than ten years, he has never experienced any storms and waves. At this time, A Ling'a even had a touch of disdain in his tone.

"These are all the reliable uncles and brothers of the Niu Hulu clan. Since that's the case, the concubine said it straight to the point!" Tong Jinxian's tone paused.

"If the crown prince ascends to the throne, the Niu Hulu clan will be overthrown, and it will be difficult to continue the glory! I have a way to make the Niu Hulu clan stand tall for a hundred years!"


A Ling'a swept the study lightly with his eyes, and soon several young juniors from the Niu Hulu clan got up and prepared to exit the study respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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