Chapter 201

"Returning to Huang Mafa, my grandson just feels that these animals are very pitiful. They lost their lives in vain for the sake of killing them for fun. I can't help crying for them."

Hongshi told Huang Mafa what E Niang had repeatedly told him last night.

"You are a kind-hearted child~"

With neither sadness nor joy on his face, Emperor Kangxi raised his hand, and Liang Jiugong, who was holding a tray behind him, rewarded the third elder brother Hongshi with a jade ruyi.

But Yinzhen and Sifu Jin Yixian all changed their faces, because they noticed that Huang Ama was very unhappy, and Huang Ama disliked the benevolent and cowardly people the most.

"Master, it's the concubine who is not strict in discipline. I will teach the third elder brother well after I go back."

Ulanara Yixian gritted her teeth with hatred, Hongshi had always had a bad temper, and his mind was clumsy and single-minded thinking about things. It must have been instigated by that bitch of the Li family.

The children taught by petty women are also narrow-minded.

They are the grandsons of the emperor, they have to pretend to be their family, country and the world in their hearts, how can they be so compassionate.


Yinzhen cast a cold glance at Hongshi who was still crying, and suddenly felt irritated.

"Hongli, just now I saw that you shot and killed a female deer with a young deer, why didn't you see the young deer?"

"Huang Mafa, that young roe deer is here with my grandson!"

At this moment, the elder brother Honghui suddenly kicked the shot little roe under his feet and said.

"Returning to Huang Mafa, my grandson let go of the little one, but I just feel that I can't kill it all, and I can't catch the fish. Only by keeping alive can I hunt and kill it." Hongli knelt on the ground and said clearly.

The eyes of Emperor Kangxi, who was drinking lightly while holding a teacup, immediately put down the teacup, got up and walked towards Hongli.

Suddenly, he saw the young deer at the foot of Yinzhen's eldest son, Honghui.There is also a small elk at the foot of Yinzhen's second son Hongsheng.

Suddenly came the interest to test these children, so Emperor Kangxi stopped.

"Hui'er, how do you know that the one you shot was the roe? Why did I see that the one under your second brother's feet is the roe, and yours is a small elk? Which one is the roe?"

"Who will tell me?"

Nian Yaoyue was dumbfounded, the young deer and the young deer looked very similar, even she couldn't tell which one was the deer right now.

"Returning to Huang Mafa, the servant who just carried the prey must have confused it, but my grandson can be sure that the one next to the deer must be a deer, and the one next to the deer must be a deer~"

Nian Yaoyue laughed angrily at the sophistry of little Honghui.

"Hahahaha~ you little clever ghost~"

Emperor Kangxi was immediately amused by this clever little grandson, stroked his beard and laughed loudly.

"I'll ask you again, why do you want to kill such a small deer? Don't you know the rules of your ancestors who hunted and killed endlessly?"

Emperor Kangxi suddenly withdrew his smile and questioned Xiao Honghui with a straight face.

Seeing his elder brother being embarrassed by Huang Ama, at this moment scratching his ears and cheeks, the second elder brother Xiao Hongsheng rolled his eyes.

"Back to Huang Mafa, just now my grandson heard from my elder brother that without the protection of its mother, the little deer will die in the wilderness sooner or later. Instead of leaving the little deer alone and being mutilated by wild wolves, it is better to let it live with the family. Life and death share hardships~"

"And my grandson doesn't think there is anything wrong with hunting these animals. It's like big fish eating small fish, small fish eating shrimp, and shrimp eating plankton. Survival of the fittest, natural selection~"

The last eight characters were taught by Er Niang, and Hong Sheng thought it made sense, so he took these eight characters as the code of conduct.

Yinzhen clenched his knuckles hidden in his sleeves, and his heart jumped for joy. Among several sons, the second elder brother Hongsheng was the most outstanding, and Nianshi taught Hongsheng very well.

But the children saw Huang Mafa's stern face and didn't know what they were thinking. They thought Huang Mafa was angry, and they looked at each other in shock.

"Huang Ama, Hui'er and Sheng'er have been clever since they were young, please forgive me~"

Yinzhen felt that the two sons were too showy today, so he hastily knelt down and pleaded guilty.

Xiao Honghui keenly noticed that although Ama was scolding them, there was a faint smile in his eyes.

From time to time, his eyes wandered to brother Hongxi, the eldest son of the crown prince.The little guy immediately understood.

"Huang Mafa, these are the stories Hongxi elder brother told us from books on weekdays. Just now, it was Hongxi elder brother who taught us two brothers not to overflow with sympathy, but to kill decisively~"

Xiao Honghui hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

Nian Yaoyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the little guy also knew to pass the credit to the crown prince's favorite eldest son, Hong Xi.

"Huang Mafa, grandson knows his mistake, grandson shouldn't teach these fallacies to his cousins!" Hongxi knelt down and pleaded guilty.

"Huang Ama calm down, this minister will punish this child Hong Xi properly!"

Prince Yinreng also saw that Huang Ama was very happy. His son Hongxi was so outstanding, and he was a leader at such a young age. The prince couldn't help but feel complacent.

"Good! What a survival of the fittest! What a life and death with the family! Good! Good! Good!"

At this moment, Emperor Kangxi suddenly applauded and said three good words in succession.

Then came another reward.

Nian Yaoyue saw that Hongli had received rewards, but only her two sons, the eldest brother Hongxi of the crown prince, the eldest son of the fifth elder brother, and the second son of the seventh elder brother were not rewarded. indignant.

"Master Nian, you don't understand. Let me give you an example. Every year on New Year's Eve, the Lord rewarded the entire Baylor Mansion, but he didn't reward you and his brothers. Why? Only outsiders who are not recognized I need a reward~"

"If it's a recognized family, how can we reward them?" Su Peisheng said without stopping.

Nian Yaoyue understood immediately, so the children who did not get rewards fell into the eyes of the Long Live God, could it be
She had a vague guess in her heart, perhaps it was because Grandpa Kangxi wanted to pick out the best grandsons and take them with him to cultivate them himself, that's why Tong Jinxian was so nervous about today's hunt.

If Honghui and Hongsheng hadn't stepped in, then the child chosen by Lord Kangxi today would definitely be Hongli.

After all, what he said just now about hunting endlessly and fishing endlessly was really amazing.

At this time, he looked at Hongli who was still complacently holding the imperial bow awarded by Long Live God.

Tong Jinxian slumped on the chair, never expecting that the child she carefully taught would lose to the eldest son from the Nala clan, and even to the little bastard from the Nian clan!
It doesn't matter if the elder brother Honghui is the eldest son, but how can the bastard of Nianshi, a nameless girl in the house, be qualified to be taught by the Long Live Lord himself!
No, no one can hinder the future of the fourth elder brother Hongli. Hongli is the only hope for Tong Jinxian in this life.
And the noble concubine Tong Jiashi who was sitting on top of the concubine looked at the triumphant concubine Wu Yashi, and she was itching with hatred.

She is doomed to have no children in this life, and Jin Xian also has no children.Hongli is the hope of all Tong Jia's clan.

(End of this chapter)

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