Chapter 203 Are You Satisfied?

The two brothers knelt together in front of the imperial tent.

Watching the dead leaves fall one by one, spread out shallowly, like a soft sigh.

"Nian Gao, fourth master was punished by Long Live God, and he is kneeling in front of the imperial tent!"

For the first time, Wulanara Yixian felt that the scheming fourth master had a hole in his head, and even at this juncture, he touched the bad luck of Long Live Lord.

"I know, I'll go see him now~"

Nian Yaoyue knew long ago what the consequences would be if the memorial was presented to Lord Long Live.

Nothing will happen to the crown prince, as long as he survives today, let Lord Long Live use the fourth master's intercession as a ladder to find a way for him to step down.

Long live Lord will completely let go of his guard against fourth master, thinking that fourth master is an honest boy who does not covet the position of prince.

Nian Yaoyue followed Yixian to the imperial tent, and saw fourth master and thirteenth elder brother kneeling on the open space in front of the imperial tent from a distance.

Taking a deep breath, she walked slowly behind fourth master, reached out and brushed away the dead branches and leaves that fell on his shoulders.

"Are you satisfied? Huh?"

Yinzhen looked at Nian angrily, whether she knew that she had committed the crime of deceiving the emperor.

"Su Peisheng, send Nian Shi back to Baylor's Mansion immediately! Immediately!" Yinzhen didn't want Nian Shi to make any more trouble at this juncture.

Just because of her pleading memorial, all his long-planned plans were disrupted.

Now he is at a loss, if she is still messing around, he is worried that he will not be able to protect Nian Shi.

"Fourth brother. Wuwuwu, don't worry, you will be fine. I have already asked my natal family and the concubine and aunt to intercede with the Long Live Lord~"

Tong Jinxian, who got the news, covered her handkerchief to see the fourth brother, and saw that Nian Shi had arrived ahead of time, and the fourth brother seemed very dissatisfied with Nian Shi, so he took the opportunity to express his heartfelt gratitude.

"If you want Sibei Le to be safe, you'd better not move anything, don't say anything!"

Nian Yaoyue put down the food box in her hand, and gave fourth master a deep look.

"Eunuch Su doesn't need to send the servant, the servant can go back to Baylor Mansion by himself!" Nian Yaoyue turned and left angrily.

Seeing that bitch Nian Shi was driven back to Baylor Mansion by the fourth brother, Tong Jinxian felt happy and couldn't help thinking about it.
So I exchanged a few words with my fourth brother, and hurried to find my aunt to discuss countermeasures.

This kneeling lasted for three whole days. Although the Yinzhen brothers knelt in front of the imperial tent during these three days, news about the prince continued to flow into Huang Ama's imperial tent.

The two brothers are so close that it's hard not to hear them.

Suo'etu died, and Suo'etu, who had power over the government and the public, was starved to death by Huang Ama.

Suo'etu is one of Huang Ama's most important ministers, and he has been rewarded many times.

Although Huang Ama once suppressed him and demoted him, he was promoted again immediately.

It can be said that for the sake of Empress Hesheli, Huang Ama never really hit him.

Think carefully.Yinzhen's back was already wet with cold sweat.

Suo'etu was used by Huang Ama to blame the prince!On the one hand, it suppressed the arrogance of the Hesheli clan, and on the other hand, it publicly stated that Huang Ama had no intention of abolishing the prince!

Huang Ama even bluntly said that the reason why the prince caused such a situation was because ministers like Suo'etu abetted Yinfeng behind him.

Moreover, this instigation is not ordinary instigation, it is instigation of the prince to rebel.

Therefore, Huang Ama can tolerate Suo'etu and Nalan Mingzhu fighting for power and gaining power, but they will never be allowed to get involved in the affairs of the crown prince.

The prince's detention ended with Suo'etu being starved to death by Huang Ama.

Yinzhen and Xiao Shisan were kneeling numb at this time, but they saw the eighth and ninth brothers, the tenth and the eldest brother, the third brother, the fifth brother, and the seventh brother, and they also came here in a hurry .

The crown prince Yinreng, who was full of spring breeze, came to Huang Ama's imperial tent in person, and knelt side by side with his fourth brother Yinzhen in front of Huang Ama's imperial tent to plead guilty.

Seeing the high-spirited prince and mynah all looking so mournful, Yinxiang's palms broke out in cold sweat.

The crown prince has not fallen, so what awaits myna and the others is the vigorous counterattack of the crown prince.

Fortunately, Nian Shi handed over the pleading note, otherwise they would not be the crown prince's opponents at all.

"Fourth brother, Gu's good brother, Gu knows that even if the whole world abandons Gu, you will not betray your trust and do things that will make you worse!"

As Yinfeng said, he turned his head and gave the eighth brother and elder brother who were kneeling behind them a hard look.

Just wait, he will never let anyone who harmed him go!

"Prince, Long Live Lord asked you to go back to the Forbidden City to recuperate earlier. By the way, let you think about your own past. Why do brothers fight against each other? Brothers are like brothers, so you can't kill each other~ Otherwise, what is the difference between you and a beast?"

Liang Jiugong repeated the oral instructions of the Long Live Lord with a fake smile.

"I thank the emperor Ama for your kindness. I will reflect on it carefully and be sure to be brothers and friends with my brothers in the future."

The smug smile on the corner of the crown prince's mouth could no longer be concealed.

"Fourth brother, thirteenth brother, get up quickly!"

Prince Yinreng personally helped Yinzhen who had knelt on the ground to intercede for him for three days to get up.

And the personal eunuch next to the prince also helped the thirteenth elder brother up.

"Get up, Gu thank you brothers for pleading for Gu, Gu will always remember it~"

Yinreng glanced sullenly at the other brothers who were pretending.

"Prince, Yinzhen wants to go back to the capital with you!" the unshaven, tired-eyed Yinzhen pleaded anxiously.

In Baylor's mansion, Nian Yaoyue was in a daze in the fourth master's room.

This woman, Tong Jinxian, really has something wrong with her, she even went back to Baylor Mansion with her under the pretext of suffering from heart palpitations.

Fourth Master and Si Fujin were not in the mansion, and the most honorable person in the mansion was her side Fujin. Based on Tong Jinxian's hatred for her, he probably wanted to kill her before Fourth Master came back.

But Nian Yaoyue is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she usually just stays in Si Ye's house and doesn't leave the door.

The fourth master's front yard was guarded by a separate blood drop guard, and no one was allowed to enter without the order of the fourth master.

But today, Tong Jinxian actually invited her second uncle Long Kedo to the mansion for dinner.

Longkodo had a very bad impression of this bitch Nianshi. He didn't expect that Sibeile wasn't in the mansion, and this bitch didn't pay attention to Jin Xian, an upright side Fujin.

After three reminders and four invitations, they just stayed in Sibeile's room and didn't want to serve Jinxian in the dining room. It's unreasonable!

"Yueya, do you usually live in such a miserable life in Baylor Mansion! It's unreasonable!!"

Long Ke patted the table angrily, showing such arrogance and disrespect when guests came, one can imagine how defiant Nian must be on weekdays.

Angrily pouring a pot of yellow soup, Longkodo got up with a whip and walked to Sibeile's front yard.

"Nianshi, get out of here!" Nian Yaoyue was basking in the sun in the yard when she saw Longkodo standing outside the door holding a riding whip with an angry face.

"What's the matter, Lord Longkodo?"

She didn't want to embarrass fourth master and make outsiders think she was unruly, so Nian Yaoyue got up and went to Long Kedo to bow her knees to pay her respects.

(End of this chapter)

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