Chapter 218

"Who said it was his fault! Don't always be prejudiced against him, and treat fourth master better in the future. "

Nian Yaoyue knew that Yixian was longing for the fourth master to die young, and she happened to live with Qi Yuan.

"Huh? So it's not his fault, it's yours? Then you clearly know that you are wrong, why do you still want to make fourth master unhappy? Little sister, there is something wrong with you!"

Ulanara Yixian keenly sensed that something was wrong with the rice cake.

"No way!" Nian Yaoyue casually picked up the book that Fourth Master put on the table and flipped through it.

At this moment, I suddenly felt the prickling pain in my heart gradually spread.

Nian Yaoyue immediately covered her heart in pain, panting heavily.

"Rice cake! What's wrong with you!"

Wulanara Yixian saw that the lips of the rice cake were purple, but her face was as pale as ashes, she was so frightened that she wanted to call someone.

"'t...shout...please...please..." Nian Yaoyue clenched Yi Xian's hand with all her strength and begged.

"Fourth...Fourth master is gone..." Nian Yaoyue felt her heart suddenly being held by an invisible hand.

As long as that hand exerts a little force, her heart will suddenly burst.

Wulanara Yixian was so frightened that she trembled slightly, she opened the curtain of the carriage tremblingly, but she didn't see Fourth Master.

"Let's go! What's the matter with you! No way! Let's go to the Tai Hospital!"

Ulanara Yixian was in a hurry and wanted someone to go to Tai Hospital first.

"I won't... I won't go! I..." Before Nian Yaoyue finished speaking, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart, her eyes went dark, and she lost consciousness.


Feeling the refreshing scent of peppermint camphor oil in her nostrils, Nian Yaoyue quietly opened her eyes, and saw Yixian watching her with red eyes with concern.

"Where is this!!"

Nian Yaoyue looked around in a panic, and found that this was a medical clinic, so she reluctantly felt relieved.

"Nian Gao! How did you become like this! Woohoo! Who did it! Was it Tong Jinxian! I'll kill her!!"

Ulanara Yixian said in tears.

Hearing that the doctor said that Nian Gao's body was dying, and that he had at most two or three years to live, Ulanara Yixian almost lost her footing.

"How long are you going to hide from me! Go! Let's go find Lord Baylor!"

Wulanara Yixian supported Nian Yaoyue and was about to cry to Fourth Master, but she dragged her away and refused to let her leave.


In Yonghe Palace.

The concubine Wu Ya was wearing a Sichuan brocade satin dress today, watching Yinzhen and the children playing with diabolos.

Although she had a smile on her face, the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Daughter-in-law pays respects to Erniang, wishing Erniang a happy life every year! Prosperity like the East China Sea and longevity!"

Four Fujin Ulanara Yixian came late.

"Er Niang, this is the Western music box inlaid with jewels prepared by my daughter-in-law for you. It is much more fun than our revolving lantern!"

Ulana Yixian presented a pure gold music box studded with precious stones to Concubine De.

"Okay! Everyone is here, let's have a banquet!"

I used lunch with the children, and for dinner, Long Live said that they had arranged a birthday party for just the two of them.

Seeing the house full of children and grandchildren, Wu Ya should have been happy, but when he saw Nian who was joking with Si Fujin, he immediately suppressed his smile.

At this time, the servant brought up a plate of boiled peony shrimp.

Nian Yaoyue picked up a few plump peony shrimps and put them on the plate in front of her.

"Master, can you peel the shrimp for me?" Nian Yaoyue pushed the plate in front of Fourth Master.

"Su Peisheng!"

Yinzhen doesn't like to show her affection to others in public. Does she know that she is in the Forbidden City, not at home.

"The servant will help you peel the shrimp, don't worry, the servant's craftsmanship is very good~"

Su Peisheng took silver tweezers and a lancet to help Nian with the plate of peony shrimp.

"never mind!"

Nian Yaoyue pushed the plate of prawns aside, suddenly she lost control of her strength and threw the plate of prawns onto Sifu Jin Yixian.


Yixian hurriedly stood up and brushed the shrimp off her robe.

"Nianshi! Presumptuous! I see that Yinzhen has spoiled you so much! I order you to kneel down and apologize to Si Fujin!"

"Your Majesty, the slave didn't do it on purpose. The slave believes that Lord Sifujin has a lot, so I won't blame the slave!"

Nian Yaoyue sat beside Fourth Master and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"You! You mean I have a small stomach!"

When Wu Ya saw that even she, the Concubine De, had stood up, while Nian was still sitting leisurely, she suddenly became angry.

"Mother, I know that you have always looked down on me, but I have given birth to a child for Lord Baylor. Can you treat me like a human being?"

Nian Yaoyue confronted Concubine De tit for tat, snorted coldly, got up and left the table resolutely.

"It seems that this slave is not welcome. I don't want to spoil everyone's interest. I will leave first!"

"Stop! Today is Er Niang's birthday. Sit down and eat!" Yinzhen grabbed Nian's wrist to prevent her from leaving.

"I've had enough! Me and her, you can only choose one, me or her!"

Nian Yaoyue angrily shook off Fourth Master's hand and asked.

"Enough! Nian Gao, sit down first. No more talking!"

Ulanara Yixian called Nian Yaoyue to stop.

"Yixian! Don't you even help me? Are you still my good sister? In order to please Concubine De, you are targeting me with her?"

Nian Yaoyue growled hysterically.

"If it wasn't for me, you thought you could hold Fujin's position! You..."

Nian Yaoyue hadn't finished speaking when she was slapped by Concubine De who rushed to her face.

"Slave dog! It is your blessing to have children for Yinzhen! If Yinzhen hadn't blindly taken a fancy to you, would you be worthy of a dog slave with the Han army flag?"

"What are you! Yixian is the serious daughter-in-law of this palace! You dare to spoil your concubine and destroy your wife!"

Wu Yashi scolded domineeringly.

"Emiang! My son will definitely teach Nianshi well! But Nianshi is the elder brother and little Gege's own mother-in-law after all, please be careful!"

Yinzhen protects Nianshi behind him.He retorted in a displeased tone.

"You! Okay. Sure enough, you have a daughter-in-law and forgot about your mother!"

"Get out! Get out! I don't need you, an unfilial son, to be angry with me, but also to celebrate my birthday! I see that you want to make me mad and come to the funeral!! Get out!"

Wu Yashi angrily tore off the tablecloth, spilling all the exquisite dishes on the table.

Sifu Jin Yixian took Xiao Shisi and Xiao Gege to hide in the side hall long ago.

"Let's go! Do you think it's rare for me to come?" Nian Yaoyue sneered, turned around and was about to leave.But the fourth master held his wrist tightly again to prevent her from leaving.

"Apologize to Er Niang!"

A good birthday banquet broke up because of Nianshi's unreasonable troubles regardless of the occasion, but Nianshi didn't show any guilt at all, and Yinzhen was furious immediately.

"It's endless! I said I didn't want to come, but you forced me to come! I'm not wrong! Why do you have to apologize!"

Nian Yaoyue angrily shook off Fourth Master's hand, and left without looking back.

"And you get out too! I don't want to see you as an unfilial son again!"

Seeing that Yinzhen was still standing there in a daze, Wu Yashi was angry and anxious, and smashed the chopsticks in his hand at the brat.

"Emiang, my son apologizes for Nian! Later, my son will make up for Emiang's birthday party!"

(End of this chapter)

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