Chapter 227 Come to kill him

"My lord, everyone is dead. We have no witnesses. When the time comes, Prince Zhijun will turn black and white, saying that these people came here in private to take advantage of the autumn wind. We can't argue with it~"

Su Peisheng didn't want to disappoint Nian's good intentions, so he reminded him.


Yinzhen was very annoyed, his eldest brother was like a pig and a dog, he must have framed these innocent villagers as rioters in order to grab credit.

Furious, he suddenly felt a splitting headache, and Yin Zhen held his forehead in pain.

"Master! Are you uncomfortable~"

Su Peisheng saw that Master Belle's face was pale, and he was struggling to stand upright, so he was so frightened that he rushed over to help him.

After saying goodbye to Nalan Heng, Nian Yaoyue wore a bamboo hat and hid in the alley opposite the government office, waiting for the fourth master to return in triumph.

About half an hour later, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes, Fourth Master finally came back!

She craned her neck happily to look, but saw several people hurriedly got off the carriage carrying a stretcher.

On the side of the stretcher, Su Peisheng was crying while supporting the stretcher.

An ominous premonition welled up in her heart, she frowned and stared at the person on the stretcher, and when she saw the pale and haggard face clearly, she was frightened out of her wits.

Not caring much, she rushed to the stretcher and was about to get close to the unconscious fourth master, but was blocked by Xue Dizi with a sharp sword.

"Alas, you! This is your own person, you let her come here!"

"Ah? Who is this person? Why don't I know?"

Enpu looked at the unfamiliar man and said vigilantly.

"You know what a fart, this is the bodyguard chosen by Empress Defei to secretly protect Fourth Master, get out of the way!"

Su Peisheng threw all the blame on Concubine De, anyway, even if the master asked about Concubine De, she would accept it all.

Nian Yaoyue grabbed Fourth Master's hand and went into the wing room, burning her life anxiously to scan Fourth Master's body condition.

Damn it, I didn't expect that fourth master, who was always in good health, contracted cholera virus at some point.

"Su Peisheng, let the idlers leave, I'm infected with the plague!"

Nian Yaoyue took out the antibiotics from the storage compartment and gave it to Fourth Master, and touched his forehead. At this time, he had a severe fever.

"Ah? Why don't you change your slaves to serve you? You should take care of your own health first~"

Seeing Nian's skinny appearance, Su Peisheng panicked, so he hurriedly spoke to persuade him.

"Don't push it, you can't be idle, you still have to cover for me, the little guard! By the way, Eunuch Su, my servant Su Xiaosheng, your family, please give me your advice~"

Nian Yaoyue made up her identity and name casually, and stayed with Fourth Master to take care of her in the name of a bodyguard.

Fourth master, who had a high fever, was talking nonsense again, but when he heard fourth master shouting her name, Nian Yaoyue burst into tears.

"You're driving me crazy..." Nian Yaoyue sobbed softly, leaning over Fourth Master's heart.

"Nian Yaoyue, I hate you"

Hearing fourth master say that he hated her, even though she had been waiting for this sentence, when she heard this sentence, she still couldn't help but shed tears of grievance.

"Aixinjue Luo Yinzhen...I love you..." Nian Yaoyue said with tears in her eyes as she kissed Fourth Master's cheek.

"Here comes the medicine~" Su Peisheng said softly as he stood aside holding the medicine.

Nian Yaoyue was about to get up when fourth master suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Don't go, rice cake please rice cake"

Hearing fourth master's pitiful and helpless plea, her heart felt like a knife was stabbed.

She held back her tears and was about to push fourth master away, but at this moment, the feverish fourth master suddenly grabbed her wrist vigorously, opened his mouth and bit her left arm hard.

Feeling that a big piece of flesh had fallen off, Nian Yaoyue burst into tears in pain, but she couldn't bear to push fourth master away.

Su Peisheng, who was at the side, was so frightened that he took a silver needle and pricked Grandpa's sleeping point, and then rescued Nian's blood-stained arm from Grandpa's mouth.

Su Peisheng looked at the bloody hole on Nian's arm in horror, how much I hate her, I want to eat her flesh and drink her blood
"Should I let the imperial physician show you, don't be infected by the master~" Su Peisheng turned around anxiously and wanted to find the imperial physician.

"Don't alarm the imperial doctor, after tonight it will be almost done, wait for his fever to subside!" Nian Yaoyue is confident in the special medicine she brought from burning her life.

In the middle of the night, fourth master's fever subsided.

"Remind me, now is not the time to confront King Zhijun head-on, I'm going back to the capital first!"

The affairs of Zhenjiang Mansion are coming to an end, Fourth Master should be returning to Beijing in a few days.

After all, after a serious illness, Lord Kangxi and Concubine De must not worry about the sick fourth master staying here.

"Master, be careful all the way~" Su Peisheng bowed respectfully to Mrs. Nian.

Nian Yaoyue waved her hand, turned around and left gracefully.

On the official road outside the city, Nalan Heng, who had removed his armor, was sitting in front of the carriage in a moon white gown.

"Nalan, why are you here?" Nian Yaoyue looked behind curiously, who is Nalan Heng waiting for here?

"I'm waiting for you to go back to Beijing together! I thought you didn't come so soon, but I didn't expect you to come~"

This is the only way for Shangguan Road to leave Zhenjiang Mansion. Nalan Heng guarded here for a day and a night.He knew that Nianshi would leave alone, pretending that he had never been here.

"Aren't you working in the Zhijun King's tent? Why is he willing to let you go back?"

Prince Zhijun is moody and the most difficult to serve.

"I'm sick, it's as simple as that~"

Nalanheng wedged the jade flute obliquely around his waist, and raised the horsewhip in his hand.

"Let's go! We have to go back to Baylor Mansion before your Lord Baylor returns~" Nalan Hengcan said with a smile.


Nian Yaoyue let go of the horse she was leading, and jumped onto the other side of the carriage with a smile, and sat in front of the carriage with Nalan Heng on the left and right, looking at Yun Shu Yunjuan.

In the wing room, Yinzhen suddenly opened his eyes. Last night, he dreamed that Nian was crying in his arms and was heartbroken.

He was distressed, but in the end, hatred welled up, and he bit her angrily.

Still lingering in his mouth was a faint smell of blood, Yin Zhen struggled to get up and looked around.

"Master, God bless you, you finally woke up, woo woo woo" Su Peisheng, who was guarding the bedside, burst into tears of joy.

"Her?" Yinzhen's voice was haggard and hoarse.

"Ah? Who? This is a slave, no one else~" Su Peisheng looked at Fourth Master pretending to be in a daze.

"It's nothing~" Yinzhen thought he was crazy, and actually thought that Nianshi would come for him and take care of him.

Shaking his head mockingly, even if Nian Shi came, he was here to kill him, how could he save him?

On the second day after Nian Yaoyue returned to Baylor Mansion, she entered the palace to meet Concubine De.

Tell Concubine De everything that happened in Zhenjiang Mansion, so Concubine De knows how to deal with Fourth Master's interrogation at that time.

"Good boy, you are suffering, you should go back and rest quickly, I will immediately ask Lord Long Live to call Yinzhen back to recuperate!"

(End of this chapter)

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