Chapter 232

"Don't mess around, you Ahma is right, it's Erniang who is wrong, Erniang doesn't like you Ahma anymore! Erniang hates him, Erniang likes someone else, and she is going to marry someone else, do you know that!"

How could the children know this, they only understood that Er Niang hated Ama, and that Er Niang wanted to leave by herself.

"It turns out that what Enpu said is true, Erniang really betrayed Ama! Dang wife!"

Xiao Honghui's eyes widened with anger, he never thought that Er Niang would be such a capable person, she was not worthy to be his Er Niang at all.

"Second brother, what are you talking about, don't delay her from finding the wild man! Ama is the victim!"

Hong Hui snatched the younger sister from Nian Shi's arms and held her in his arms, glaring at Nian Shi with resentment.

"Emiang, it's not like this, I want to hear your explanation!"

Hongsheng was still holding on to the last glimmer of hope in his heart, but when he saw Erniang dodging her eyes and nodding slightly, she immediately despaired.

He wiped away his tears, curled his lips into a sneer, held his younger brother's hand, and left angrily with his elder brother.

At this moment, only Si Fu Jin Yixian and Su Peisheng were left in the room, Nian Yaoyue couldn't restrain the grief in her heart any longer, she slumped on the ground precariously.

"Nian Gao, why are you bothering..." Yixian couldn't help but took off the handkerchief and quietly wiped her tears.

"Fujin, Nianzhu, it's Enpu, the traitor is Enpu! He was the one who changed the jade pendant of the master, and he was the one who took bribes in the house!" At this time, Su Peisheng closed the door vigilantly, and said in a low voice.

"How do you know it's him?" Nian Yaoyue didn't expect Enpu to look at the usually taciturn person, and secretly harbor evil intentions.

"Su Peisheng, you have nothing to back up your words. I will definitely not believe you now! Don't worry, Ben Fujin will keep an eye on Enpu. If he gets the chance, he will be cut into pieces!"

Yi Xian gritted her teeth and said.

"I can not wait anymore!"

She couldn't wait any longer. Now that she knew it was Enpu, she absolutely couldn't let him stay by Siye's side, and even take Su Peisheng's place as Siye's confidant.

Nian Yaoyue got up resolutely, and walked quickly to Fourth Master's front yard.

At this time, Enpu was serving Master Baylor for breakfast, when he saw Nian's angry eyes barging in, he immediately rushed forward to drive her out.


But before he finished speaking, Nian grabbed his collar fiercely and wouldn't let him go.

"go to hell!"

Nian Yaoyue casually grabbed the silver chopsticks on the table, and sharply poked them into Enpu's eye sockets.

With the screams and exclamations of the surrounding servants, Enpu's head was pierced by the silver chopsticks, and the brains and blood were mixed together, and red, white and white flowed all over the ground.

After killing the traitor Enpu with her own hands, Nian Yaoyue wiped the blood off her body indiscriminately, and smiled at the calm fourth master.

"I've been with you for so many years, and I've given birth to you for you. I don't deserve any credit or hard work. I don't want anything but Enpu's life! Take care, the mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away, so don't get together if you are destined~"

She stared at fourth master for a long time, imprinting his indifferent expression in her mind, she had to see clearly, this might be the last time in her life.

"Let's go~" Nian Yaoyue turned around gracefully, and waved goodbye to Fourth Master behind her.

Watching Nian's figure gradually walk away, Yinzhen always felt more and more restless.

Opening his mouth feebly, a ridiculous idea of ​​wanting to keep him came out suddenly.

Can't stay, no, absolutely can't stay, this woman is here to kill him.

Su Peisheng and Jinyu supported Nianshi from left to right, and only Sifujin was the only one in the huge Baylor Mansion to see him off.

"Nian Gao~" There was a carriage parked outside the gate of Baylor Mansion, and Nalanheng waved at the rice cake with a bright smile on his face.

"Let's go~"

Nian Yaoyue and Nalanheng have already discussed that the two short-lived ghosts will get married first, and then they will go together to visit the famous Sichuan and Daze, and they will be buried wherever they die.

Both wanted to leave quietly, without informing their relatives and friends of their death, so that relatives and friends would think that they lived and played outside forever.

Yinzhen, who was standing on the top of the Buddhist building, had a panoramic view of the movement at the gate of Baylor's Mansion.

"Chai Yu, assign Nian's clan to Ninggu Tower as armored men!" Yinzhen looked at the dog and man sitting in front of the carriage with resentment and laughing at Yanyan.

Chai Yu, the newly promoted Chief Eunuch of the Baylor Mansion, responded, lowered his head and went to do his errands.

Nian Yaoyue and Nalan Heng were having lunch in Zhimei Building, when suddenly the attendant beside Nalan Heng came in with a panicked expression.

He whispered in Nalanheng's ear for a long time, and Nalanheng looked at the rice cake hesitantly.

"Tell me, what happened, it has something to do with me, right?" Nian Yaoyue looked at Nalan Heng solemnly.

"Well, there is bad news. The leader of the Nian clan was rewarded by Long Live God to Sibeile as a domestic slave a few years ago. Just now...Sibeile ordered the whole Nian clan to have no official position, no matter old or young. All assigned Ningguta as armored men~"


Nian Yaoyue stood up in shock, and suddenly felt a surge of energy and blood, her throat was sweet, and she spit out a mouthful of blood.

The world was spinning in front of her eyes, she only felt a splitting headache, her eyes went dark, and she suddenly fell unconscious.

"Nian Gao!" Nalanheng exclaimed, picked up the rice cake and rushed downstairs.

In Nalan Mansion.

Seeing the doctors coming in and out of the grandchildren's yard, and even a few imperial doctors in casual clothes carrying medicine boxes, Nalan Mingzhu raised his eyes, and the housekeeper hurriedly went to Master Heng's yard to inquire about the news .

"Master, Young Master Heng brought back a woman. I heard from the imperial doctor that the woman might not live long, and that woman slave seems to be the Nian family in Sibeile's mansion~"


Nalan Mingzhu was so shocked that she threw all the walnuts in her hand to the ground, why Heng'er was always entangled with Nian's bereaved star, and now she even brought him home.

"Come on, throw that woman out! Hurry up! Cough cough cough!" Nalan Mingzhu was furious, coughing uncontrollably.

"Master, Master Heng is fascinated by that woman now. The servant thinks that we should inform Baylor's mansion otherwise, so that it will be unlucky for people to die in the mansion."

"If the Baylor Mansion doesn't care about that woman, that would be easier. We can deal with it as we want. When we look back at the Baylor Mansion, we're not wrong. After all, we've been notified~"

"En!" Nalan Mingzhu was already confused, almost forgot how difficult that cold-faced Hades Si Baylor was.

"You go in person and bring the old man's invitation to Baylor Mansion, and you must make it clear to the four Baylors face to face!" Nalan Mingzhu told the housekeeper.

"The slave obeys!"

After receiving the order, the old housekeeper hurriedly took the master's greeting card and galloped to Sibeile's mansion to report the letter.

In Baylor's mansion, Yinzhen was sitting alone under the swing in the nameless courtyard.There is a faint aroma of pepper in the nose.

In the past, in this season, he would always pick the pepper seeds himself, and cook pepper mutton noodles for Nianshi and the children.

(End of this chapter)

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