The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 301 If there is no love, what is the use of 3 worries

Chapter 301 If there is no love, what is the use of three thousand troubles

"Pfft!" Nian Yaoyue spat out a mouthful of tea.

Fourth master actually thinks that the famous successor who cut off his hair has a pure nature?
She was stunned suddenly, inexplicably feeling that what fourth master said seemed quite reasonable.

Cutting hair followed by love and sex, for the sake of scumbag Qianlong not only cut hair and cut off love, but even dismissed the queen's throne as the mother of the world.

She only wants her husband's love, if there is no love, what's the use of asking for three thousand troubles?What's the use of that cold back seat?
Such a woman who dares to love and hate is indeed worthy of her son.

"It's pretty good!" Nian Yaoyue murmured, seeing that the fourth master had circled a few more Manchurian girls, she knocked on the table in bewilderment.

"Master is choosing a trial marriage Gege for Hui'er and Sheng'er!" Yinzhen knew why Nian was so excited to knock on the table, so he said calmly.

"Ke Hui'er and Sheng'er just turned their heads this year..." Nian Yaoyue hadn't finished speaking, but Fourth Master shook her head firmly.

"Needless to say, the Lord does not allow them to fall in love with only one woman!" Yinzhen knew that falling in love with one person in the royal family was an unforgivable original sin.

He has gone so hard that he will never allow his sons to repeat the same mistakes.

Nian Yaoyue knew that Fourth Master was worried that Hui'er and Sheng'er would become infatuated, and remembering the lonely end of Yinhu, the Eighth Sage King, Nian Yaoyue didn't say any more.

If the children are really determined to identify with one person in the future, she will definitely make it happen, but if they are willing to sit back and enjoy the blessings of being equal, why should she slap her in the face?

"Gululu..." At this moment, Nian Yaoyue's stomach suddenly growled, worrying that if she ate too much, the child would grow too big to give birth.

Before giving birth in ancient times, it was like going through the gate of hell, so she tried her best to control her diet in the early stage.It's just that I'm hungry too fast...

"What do you want to eat?" Yinzhen handed over the roster with the circled names to Su Peisheng, got up and asked.

"Noodles with shredded chicken and scallion oil!" The fourth master is a chef who has been delayed by the throne, and Nian Yaoyue's mouth has been spoiled by the fourth master.

"Okay!" Yinzhen rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the small kitchen.

Nian Yaoyue sat there eating amber walnuts, and heard the sound of chopping vegetables coming from the kitchen, it was really pleasant, so she couldn't help getting up and went to the small kitchen.

Su Peisheng was looking at the fire when he suddenly saw Nian approaching the master on tiptoe.

Grandpa seemed to have discovered it a long time ago, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter at this moment, just waiting for Nian Shi to throw himself into his arms.

As expected, Yin Zhen, who was chopping shallots and boiled shallot oil, paused for a while with the kitchen knife in his hand.

A pair of slender hands wrapped around his waist and hugged his back tightly.

"I'm so hungry~" Nian Yaoyue said coquettishly, lying on the back of Fourth Master.

"It's ready soon~" Yinzhen put the chopped scallions into the heated oil pan and fried them until golden.

And the other hand is not idle, both ways.

Boil the scallion oil with a shovel in one hand, and take out the noodles in the chicken soup with chopsticks in the other hand to drain and set aside.

"Wait at the dinner table, I'll be ready soon." Yinzhen sped up the movement of shredding the chicken in his hand.

Nian Yaoyue poked her head out from behind Fourth Master, and saw that Fourth Master had cut the shredded chicken into exactly the same size and thickness.

There is also the sweetest and tenderest cabbage heart, which is cut into the same long strips with the head and tail removed, and arranged in a fan shape with the neatly cut cucumber shreds and carrot shreds.

Finally, a round soft-boiled poached egg is placed on top of the noodles with sesame sauce and scallion oil.

Watching the fourth master cook is not only a feast for the mouth, but also a visual feast. Cooking requires obsessive-compulsive disorder in order to make delicious dishes.

"My lord, news came from Rehe that Ba Ye sent a dead eagle to Long Live Lord. Long Live Lord was furious and said that he and Ba Ye had no father-son relationship."

Su Pei said with joy in his eyes.

"Eighth Master is like this, how could he send a dead eagle to Long Live Lord?" Nian Yaoyue felt uneasy, thinking that this matter must have something to do with Fourth Master.

"The eighth brother is cunning by nature. Now that he knows that he is no longer destined to be the crown prince, he turns to support the fourteenth brother and provoke the relationship between the master and the fourteenth brother. His heart is to be punished!"

Yinzhen said coldly.

Nian Yaoyue sighed suddenly, Zhiqing tried her best, and even asked the Queen Mother to reward the woman to come to the mansion.

Even after being ridiculed and stared at in the Forbidden City, he had to kneel in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation every day to repent and atone for his sins.

He also begged Prince An, who had been sick and paralyzed in bed for many years, to be carried to the Forbidden City to plead for mercy, so that Lord Long Live relieved Ba Ye's confinement.

Unexpectedly, the eighth master was so restless, and dared to secretly provoke the brothers of the fourth master and the fourteenth master to fight fiercely.

Emperor Kangxi passed through Miyun County, Huayugou and other places on his way to Rehe.

The eighth elder brother Yinhu was supposed to be with him, but because it was the third anniversary of the death of his mother Liangfei, he went to pay homage to his mother, but did not go to pay his respects.

Only the eunuch was sent to Kangxi to explain the reason, saying that he would wait for Kangxi to return to Beijing together at Tangquan.

This is nothing, but the bad thing is that the eagle Hai Dongqing he entrusted the eunuch to give to Lord Kangxi was dying, which made Kangxi very angry, thinking that it was a curse from the eighth elder brother to him.

Immediately blame the eighth elder brother Yinhu again, and said: "From now on, Yinhu and I will never be kind to each other."

That eunuch must have been arranged by the proud fourth master in front of him.

"My lord, there is a secret report from the eighth elder brother's house that the eighth son is pregnant." Su Peisheng reported the news he had just received.

"Impossible!!" Nian Yaoyue stood up in surprise.

Back then, she used the system to scan for Zhiqing. Zhiqing suffered from uterine septum, and it was difficult to conceive, and even if she managed to conceive, the child could not be kept for a few months.

Nian Yaoyue is suddenly very worried about Zhiqing, she has been looking forward to the child for so many years, if this child suddenly disappears, will she be overwhelmed?
"Be careful, little Gege!" Seeing Nian's sudden agitation, Yinzhen hurriedly stretched out his hand to support Nian's shoulder in fright.

"Master, it's the news from Ba Ye's house. Ba Fujin just got the news that Ba Ye sent a dead eagle to Long Live Lord, and was punished by Long Live Lord. It became popular..."

"I'm going to find Fujin!" Nian Yaoyue raised her legs anxiously and walked out the door, but was suddenly stopped by the fourth master.

"Su Peisheng, tell Fujin to go to the front yard immediately." It was windy and snowy outside, Yinzhen was worried about Nianshi going out.

"Master" Nian Yaoyue saw that Fourth Master had a straight face, so she knew that there was no room for discussion, so she sat down obediently and waited for Yixian to come.

Not long after, Sifu Jin Yixian came to the front yard against the wind and snow.

"Fujin, I know that Fujin is your good sister, I got the news that Fujin had a miscarriage, Master Ba is not in the capital, why don't you go and see her?"

"Ah!! I'm going right away!" Yi Xian was suddenly worried, and was about to turn around to go to the Eighth Master's mansion, but saw Fourth Master's sullen face.

She stopped immediately and looked at Xiao Nian Gao nervously.

"Let's go, my concubine will go with Fujin!" Nian Yaoyue took Yixian's hand and walked outside.

"Fujin! Remember your identity!" Yinzhen knew that he couldn't persuade Nian Gao, so he scolded Nalashi.

"Fujin just went to see her good sisters, not Sifujin to visit Bafujin! You are the most affectionate, you will definitely not obstruct it, right?"

Nian Yaoyue saw that Fourth Master was still staring at Yi Xian with displeasure, so she walked up to Fourth Master, stretched out her hand and tugged at Fourth Master's sleeve.

(End of this chapter)

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