Chapter 310

"Don't mess around, go home!!"

For some reason, Yinzhen panicked inexplicably, always feeling that if he didn't take her back today, he would have to bear the pain of losing her again in this life.

"Don't force me, my lord, you.. are not wrong. It's the concubine who is wrong. You leave me alone. I will figure it out soon. I will go back. From now on, you can choose which woman you want to find." Go, no need to avoid me, I'm fine, really."

Her heart was sore, the corners of her eyes began to sore, Nian Yaoyue bit her lip, speechless for a moment.

"What are you making trouble for no reason?!"

The curtain of the carriage was thrown open abruptly, and the bitter cold wind poured in. Nian Yaoyue lowered her head, not wanting to see Fourth Master.

"If you force me again, the only one who will go back with the prince now is the Nian clan of Xifujin!" Nian Yaoyue gritted her teeth.

Yinzhen's outstretched fingertips paused in the air, and his fingertips had already touched her sleeve.

After a long time, Nian Yaoyue heard a cold snort, and the curtain of the carriage fell heavily.

She curled up and folded her arms, listening to the movement outside the carriage, and felt that fourth master's carriage was going away, and Nian Yaoyue lifted the curtain.

Fourth master's carriage had gone far away and could not be seen.

Seeing her daughter's preoccupation, Nian Xialing didn't dare to ask more questions, so she could only change ways to make her happy.

"Nian Gao, come and help my sister-in-law make fried hibiscus flowers~"

Sister-in-law Lu saw that sister-in-law was not in a good mood, and remembered that she likes to eat these fried and crispy snacks, so she picked a big basket of hibiscus flowers.

When Nian Yaoyue saw those hibiscus flowers, she froze there.

She listened to the news collected by Jin Yu all afternoon, Niu Hulu could not touch Mu Jinhua, but loved Mu Jinhua the most.

Therefore, the fourth master rewarded her with many hibiscus silk flowers, hibiscus velvet flowers, and many hibiscus flower-patterned jewelry materials.

The flower language of this hibiscus flower is gentle perseverance, tenacity, simplicity, and eternal beauty.

Just like Niu Hulu's temperament, neither fighting nor grabbing, people are as indifferent as chrysanthemums.

But her favorite Jianglicao is the flower of parting and love, which represents a special liking, so arrogant, domineering and domineering, no wonder many people don't like it.

A few years ago, the fourth master suffered from a strange disease. Niu Hulu resolutely stepped forward to take care of the fourth master until he recovered.

She is fourth master's savior, so they have experienced life and death.

No wonder the Niu Hulu family was able to take back Hongli from Tong Jinxian. Without the acquiescence and help from the fourth master, it would have been impossible to achieve.

Jinyu said that today is Niu Hulu's 20th birthday. At this time, Fourth Master should celebrate with her. I don't know if he plans to send thousands of flowers to her.

Desperately grabbing the fresh hibiscus flowers in the basket, she stuffed the flower buds into her mouth and chewed.

The taste of this flower is sweet with fragrance, which is very different from the bitterness of Jiangli grass.

"Ah! Rice cake, why did you eat this flower raw? This hibiscus flower needs to be deep-fried for a while, and it will be delicious only when it is crispy."

Lu looked anxiously at his sister-in-law holding those flower bones in her hands like crazy.

She ate and ate, and actually cried, and then she held the flower basket and cried like this, while eating the flowers, her miserable appearance looked extremely desperate.

"Sister-in-law, your playing the piano is the best in our family, can you teach me to play the piano?" Nian Yaoyue put down the flower basket, chewed the flowers, and said with a sob.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to get the piano right now!" Lu Shi thought that sister-in-law had a weird temper because she was pregnant with a child, so she hurriedly comforted her.

Not long after, Mrs. Lu asked the servant girl to bring two Suqin.

Remembering that he forgot to take the rocker worn on his fingertips to pluck the strings, Lu hurriedly went to the room to get it.

I took the time to go to the kitchen again, and asked the cook to cook a cup of blood swallow to nourish my sister-in-law.

When Mrs. Lu returned to the small courtyard, he suddenly heard a mess of piano sounds.

She saw that sister-in-law was plucking the strings directly with her hands. At this time, her nails were broken, and her hands were covered with blood but she was still plucking the strings. She was shocked and rushed over to hug her hand.

"Nian Gao, we can't play the piano with bare hands, we must bring finger shakers. Look at your fingernails, why are you still playing the piano!"

Lu Shi felt distressed and asked the maid to ask for the doctor, fingers connected to each other, how painful it must be for Xiao Nian Gao'er's hands.

"Sister-in-law, why can't I learn it? Why can't I learn it?" Nian Yaoyue patted the strings helplessly. If she could play the piano, fourth master wouldn't look at Niu Hulu differently.

"Oh, my darling!" Seeing her daughter's hands covered in blood, Nala threw herself in front of her daughter.

Nian Yaoyue looked at her mother with tears in her eyes, and stopped crying immediately. She can't be so selfish, it's obviously the entanglement between her and the fourth master, and she can't cause her relatives to worry.

Prince Yong's Mansion, Yilan Courtyard, today is Niu Hulu's 20th birthday. She is wearing a plain colored pennant dress with elegant hibiscus flowers embroidered on the hem of the shirt.

"Master, this concubine is so bold that I don't want these jewelry, how about I beg you to give me a pair of calligraphy?"

Niu Hulu looked at Fourth Master expectantly.

"Well, what do you want to paint? Flowers, birds, insects and fish, or freehand landscape painting?" Yinzhen walked to the desk with indifferent eyes.

Su Peisheng had already spread out the rice paper, while Niu Hulu's family began to grind the ink, adding fragrance to the red sleeves.

"My lord, why don't you just draw a small portrait of my concubine?" Niu Hulu begged anxiously.

"Change another one." Yinzhen put down the brush.

"I just want a small portrait, as long as it is painted by the master, I like it." Niu Hulu said after him.

"Except for portraits, anything else is fine!" Yinzhen frowned slightly, his tone was uncompromising, and there was a hint of impatience.

In his life, he only splashed ink and painted pictures for one woman, and the other women were not worthy.

"Then how about drawing a picture of Aoxue Hanmei?" Niu Hulu felt the anger in Fourth Master's tone, so he had to settle for the next best thing.

"Why doesn't my master draw portraits? Do you think the paintings are not good?" Niu Hulu asked nervously. She had seen the Avalokitesvara portraits painted by the fourth master for Concubine De, which were so lifelike.

"My concubine painted it for Empress Defei and Xiao Gege"

Niu Hulu was about to continue asking, but he heard Su Peisheng coughing a few times, so he didn't dare to continue speaking.

"Okay~" Yinzhen put down his pen, and a picture of red plums and white snow appeared vividly on the paper.

"My lord still has official business~" Yinzhen said, he got up and left, except for the unnamed courtyard and Fujin Nala's courtyard, he never stayed in the backyard overnight.

Su Peisheng knew that Niu Hulu's family had stumbled this time, and he probably wouldn't come here for a long time.

It's not that I don't know how to do portraits, but besides portraits of relatives, I have only painted two small portraits of women in my life, one is the dead Da Nian, and the other is the current Xiao Nian.

"Go to Rouge Lane!" Yinzhen sat in the dark, nameless courtyard, a little unaccustomed to the fact that the light waiting for him to go home was turned off.

 Greedy for a long review...

(End of this chapter)

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