Chapter 320
"After Huang Ama pacified the San Francisco, the dark forces of the San Francisco and the wealth accumulated over the years disappeared."

"Especially Wu Sangui's power and wealth, after Wu Yingxiong's death, completely lost its clue. Here is also Qin Shihuang's founding jade seal."

Yinzhen sighed a lot with emotion.

The Tian family is ruthless, maybe those things are the last tenderness and life-saving talisman left by Wu Yingxiong to Jianning Huangaunt.

But it also became the original sin and shackles for Huang Ama to imprison her.

"Hmph! Why do you let women suffer in the power struggle between you men?" Nian Yaoyue said indignantly.

Suddenly, she felt empty under her feet, and she actually stepped on a rotten board on the ground.

Nian Yaoyue exclaimed and fell into the abyss.

"Nian Gao!" Yin Zhen was shocked, just now Su Peisheng's dog servant took the urgent note, and he was instructing Su Peisheng on business, when he suddenly heard the exclamation of the rice cake.

Nian Yaoyue hugged her stomach and screamed, but was suddenly pulled into her arms.

"Hold tight!" Yinzhen was about to use his lightness kung fu to take Nianshi away when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his ankle.

He gasped for a moment, and fell directly to the bottom of the dark well.

I don't know what the rotten stench is, Nian Yaoyue is about to be vomited.

At this time, she was carried on the shoulders of the fourth master, and her feet were not stained.

"Master!!" The rotten wood at the mouth of the well was uncovered, and Su Peisheng poked his head out anxiously.

He was so scared that he almost fell headlong into the bottom of the well.

He actually saw Nian sitting on the prince's shoulder. It's very unlucky to know that a man's shoulder cannot allow a woman to sit on it.

If those censors saw it, the memorials to the prince would be piled up into a hill.

"Ugh..." At this moment, Nian Yaoyue finally saw clearly what was going on down the well.

Fourth Master was sunk below his knees in the mud full of maggots, and there were several highly decomposed corpses at the bottom of the well.

The deceased was wearing a palace lady's costume, and it seemed that someone had thrown the servant who had been secretly killed into the abandoned well.

"Master!" Nian Yaoyue sat on the fourth master's shoulder and saw that his head was covered with unbearable sweat. Fourth master washed it, and it must be extremely uncomfortable to fall into such a dirty place.

"Don't move, dirty!" Yinzhen grabbed Nian Shi on his shoulder.He gritted his teeth and said.

Feeling warm in his heart, this silly man would rather protect her than to sink himself into filth.

At this moment, Su Peisheng fetched a soft ladder, and Yinzhen held Nianshi tight, enduring the severe pain of dislocated ankle, and climbed step by step towards the mouth of the well.

Nian Yaoyue was supported safely by Su Peisheng, when suddenly there was a sound of falling into the water behind her.

She saw that the clothes on Fourth Master's body were all shattered to the ground, and the silly man who loves cleanliness was soaking in the lotus pond at this moment, only showing a pale and handsome face.

Fourth master came to the nearby elder brother's office wrapped in a blanket.

While fourth master was taking a bath, Nian Yaoyue was sitting in her elder brother's study that she had not seen for a long time.

Fourth master is a long-term nostalgic person, and the furnishings in the house are always the same.

Even if something is broken, he will send someone to find an identical replacement.

For example, the names of the two hunting dogs, Baifu and Haohua, have been passed down for several generations.

Nian Yaoyue watched the fourth master limping towards her after taking a bath.

He sat down on the teacher's chair in front of her, then raised his foot and twisted his ankle a few times without changing his expression.

There were a few dislocated joints, and Nian Yaoyue hugged Fourth Master's shoulder distressedly.

Isn't this man afraid of pain?Even with such pain in the connecting bone, you can't change your face.

"Does it hurt?" Nian Yaoyue leaned over and kissed fourth master's forehead, and blamed her for not looking at her feet when she walked, which caused fourth master to be injured.

Suddenly, a pair of painting scrolls appeared in her hand, and Nian Yaoyue was about to reach out to take them, when Su Peisheng put the scrolls in the painting vat with quick eyes and hands.

"What! Something mysterious?" The old boy Su Peisheng looked strange.

Nian Yaoyue walked to the painting vat and unfolded the old painting scroll.

The paper is slightly yellowed.

Nian Yaoyue unfolded the scroll, and a familiar smile came into view.

A man smiled sweetly, sitting in front of the window watching Aoxue Hanmei.

He was wearing a light blood-coloured men's gown with a stand-up collar, a double-breasted cloak with a gray-green outer layer and a light blue inner layer, and a snow-colored jacket. He had bare shoulders, and his whole body was like a peach blossom in spring. , How can it look like it's cold in winter?
Looking carefully at the furnishings in the house, there are bright and moving colors everywhere.

In front of the square table on which the man leans, there is a Shuanglu Zun imitating an official kiln. Next to it is a red glass snuff bottle, against the green landscape on the wall. A feeling of looking at Zhu Chengbi.

Coupled with the gold-painted small box, it inadvertently complements the simple elegance in front, adding a touch of extravagance.

In this old painting, the man in the painting looks like a woman at first glance, but the woman disguised as a man is not her present.

But she used to be.

No wonder Su Peisheng put it away in such a hurry, he must be afraid that she would be jealous.

She is not so stingy, she eats her own old vinegar!
"Dan lips, bright teeth, thin waist, reclining on the cage when sleeping. After all, infatuation can't go away, and I want to show off and meditate."

(This poem comes from Yongzheng's imperial anthology "Yongdi Ji", which is a poem written by Yongzheng to the concubine Nian in history, I know)

Nian Yaoyue looked at the time when the painting was signed, and it turned out to be the 30th year of Kangxi.

It turned out that Fourth Master already missed her more than 20 years ago, but she thought it was her who liked Fourth Master first! !
"Ah! It turns out that when I was still a young man, I had a deep love for Nian!" Nian Yaoyue teased with her arms folded.

"Stand back!" Yinzhen stood in front of the table with his hands behind his back, ordering the servants in the room.

"Very proud? Master is more emotional than you!"

At this time, only Nian Yaoyue and fourth master were left in the study room. Fourth master embraced her from behind and gently folded his hands on her watermelon belly.

"No! Master, you peeked at me!!" Nian Yaoyue finally discovered the point!
This is the picture of her recuperating alone in the room after being beaten, she said how it is so familiar!
Ahhh!It turns out that she has long been missed by the black-bellied four!

Fortunately, she thought that she had made money by taking advantage of Si Ye's eating tofu all kinds of ways back then, but she didn't expect that it was herself who was being eaten tofu.

Four hooves! !No wonder she was so easy to take advantage of when practicing martial arts and learning to swim! !

"Ahem! Grandpa, go and see the brochure arranged by Huang Ama!" Yinzhen coughed twice in annoyance, turned around and wanted to escape.

"Confiscated!" Nian Yaoyue hugged the painting and couldn't put it down.

"Speaking of business, the dead body in the well should not be publicized, otherwise your eldest brother Nian Xiyao will not be able to deal with business."

Yinzhen said with a serious face.

The slaves in the Forbidden City all have names and surnames. Even if they make mistakes and are beaten to death by their masters, there is a fixed procedure to report them.

It is obvious that the original identities of these corpses have been impostors.

Moreover, the deceased had long since changed beyond recognition, and suddenly lost his mind.

"I can always leave clues. I will quietly tell my elder brother about this tomorrow and let him investigate it secretly."

(End of this chapter)

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