Chapter 327

"Eat first~" Yinti smiled lightly, and handed the chopsticks to Nian.

Nian Yaoyue snorted, took the chopsticks and began to eat absent-mindedly.

Jinyu suddenly approached with a silver needle, but was stopped by her master.

"No need!" If the fourteenth master really wanted to kill her or drug her, he didn't have to spend a lot of time to invite her to dinner.

Besides, she is still pregnant, the fourteenth master will not be inappropriate.

She ate very quickly, and it didn't take long before she put down the dishes with a full belch.

Yinti didn't eat much, seeing that Nianshi was full, he put down the bowl and chopsticks too.

"Accompany me to Xiangshan to watch the sunrise!" Yinti got up, nodded slightly and looked at Nianshi.

Nian Yaoyue tightly clenched the hands hidden in her sleeves, it's just past noon, she hasn't returned all night, and it's not appropriate to go to Xiangshan to watch the sunrise with Fourteenth Master.

"Whether you want to go or not!" Yinti left with his hands behind his back.

Nian didn't even know how abominable the situation set by the fourth brother was. If he hadn't discovered it early and turned the fourth master into an army, he would be the person imprisoned in the clan's mansion at this time.

Nian Gengyao is hateful, but the fourth brother is even more hateful. He knew that it was Nian Gengyao's fault, but he pretended to cover it up.

In fact, he didn't want Nian to see the fourth brother do something to Nian Gengyao, because he and the fourth brother knew that whoever did anything to the Nian family would create a estrangement with the Nian family.

The cunning fourth brother is waiting for him to be the villain and make Nian bear his grudge.

If Fourth Master knew that Nian Shi was going to take the blame for Nian Gengyao, would he still be so calm?

Sensing the sound of hurried footsteps behind him, Yinti deliberately slowed down.

When the two arrived at the top of Fragrant Hills, it was already evening.

When Nian Yaoyue stepped out of the carriage, she saw peony lanterns on the top of Xiangshan Mountain.

The Fourteenth Master likes the wanton and flashy peony, especially the deep and glamorous black peony.

"Thousands of flying flowers, I give it to you, only the peony is the real national color, and the capital city is moved when the flowers bloom. The peony lantern of the master is more suitable for you than the broken lantern of the fourth brother!"

Liu Xi, who was directing the servants to light lanterns, turned to look at the Fourteenth Master.

Every New Year's Eve, he and the Fourteenth Master would sit in the Biyun Temple at the foot of Fragrant Mountain, watching tens of thousands of flowers flying from the top of Fragrant Mountain.

When the flying flowers disappeared into the night sky, the master would come to the top of Fragrant Hill alone and set off a pair of flying peony lanterns.

This is the case every year, even if Feihua was not there on New Year's Eve last year, my grandfather would go to the top of Xiangshan to set off lanterns.

What is good about Prince Yong, not to mention his eccentric temper, he is very rigid and boring.

"Master Fourteen, there is no distinction between high and low gifts, they are all the affection of the giver."

Nian Yaoyue felt that the Fourteenth Master was too much protected and pampered by Concubine De, and that she had to distinguish between high and low in everything she did, as if as long as he liked it, others would like it too.

After a busy day, Nian Yaoyue felt drowsy with the gentle mountain breeze.

She sat side by side with the fourteenth master on the bench in the gazebo, listening to the fourteenth master playing the mournful jade flute, she couldn't lift her eyelids.

When Jinyu saw that the master had fallen asleep and leaned on the shoulder of the Fourteenth Master, she immediately glared angrily.

The sound of the flute was weird, and it seemed to have the effect of reassuring and hypnotic. Even she couldn't help dozing off just now.

Caught off guard, someone lightly hammered her behind her, and Jin Yu was immediately unable to move.

Liu Xi helped the girl who had been acupunctured down, and only Yinti and Nianshi were left in the pavilion.

Yinti put the flute in his hand beside the bench, and stretched out his hand to caress Nianshi's cheek.

"I know you didn't sleep well in the past, so I specially learned the requiem song from the luthier from the Western Regions, called Prajna Snow. It's a pity." It's a pity that he hasn't had time to tell Nian.

Nianshi was snatched away by the fourth brother.

Yinti finally played this piece to Nian himself today.It's just that the woman in her arms tied her hair in a bun for the man next to her, and she was pregnant with someone else's child.

That other person is his own brother.

Yinti took off his cloak and wrapped it around him and Nianshi.

Leaning over to Nian's lips, Yinti forgot to kiss and kissed, but when the affection became strong, it was only a gesture of passion and a ritual.

But... still couldn't help but kiss Nian's lips so red and swollen.

He stretched out his soft fingertips and gently stroked the imprint of his brand.

This is the second blot, the first blot, on her shoulder.

Carefully unbuttoning Nianshi's button, the lingering smile on Yinti's face immediately froze on his lips.

She hated it so much that she destroyed the imprint.
"Nian Yaoyue! Grandpa... Grandpa misses you very much. Do you miss Grandpa a little... If you don't speak, Grandpa will... treat you and Grandpa as two hearts..."

Yinti hugged Nianshi tenderly.

All night long, he kept telling Nian every bit of their separation over the years.

Until the dawn was about to break, a ray of morning light fell on the mountains.

Against the twilight, Yinti bowed his head and kissed Nianshi's eyebrows, with a slightly hoarse voice: "Master is going to the battlefield next month, take care!"

He didn't want to confront fourth brother tit for tat in court, he knew that myna and the others were using him to deal with fourth brother.

Instead of this, it is better to go to the battlefield and use blood to forge immortal achievements.

"Master, there is news from the Forbidden City that Prince Yong has handed over the report on Nian Gengyao to the Hall of Mental Cultivation!"

Liu Xi anxiously told the news to Grandpa.

Yinti's hand holding Nian's stiffened, and suddenly sneered, Fourth Master really loved Chongnian's, although he was unwilling, he took another step too late.

"Push out the scapegoat who is ready to take the blame for the Lord."

"Master..." Jinyu's voice was in her ears, and Nian Yaoyue opened her eyes in a daze.

Feeling the tingling pain at the corner of her mouth, she reached out and stroked the corner of her mouth, hissing
That bastard Yinti actually bit the corner of her mouth.

At this time, she still had the strong fragrance of the sake Yinti drank last night.

"Water!" Nian Yaoyue covered her mouth and stamped her feet angrily.

Not long after I rinsed my mouth, I suddenly heard the sound of galloping horses' hooves.

Then she saw fourth master galloping towards him.

Nian Yaoyue covered the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief guiltily, and lowered her head, not daring to look at Fourth Master.

Yinzhen flew down in front of Nian Shi, and saw Nian Shi's expression was a bit strange from a distance.

Yesterday when he heard the news that Nian and his fourteenth brother went to Deshengju for dinner, Yinzhen began to fidget.

He had already prepared to take the place of the dead ghost, and when the case came to a critical point, he would lead an army and uproot the Eighth Brother's latent power in the south of the Yangtze River.

The eighth brother in the province is always in cahoots with the fourteenth brother.

When he heard that Nian and his fourteenth brother had gone to Xiangshan, Yinzhen couldn't sit still anymore, and he began to struggle to write a report on Nian Gengyao.

But thinking that Nian's delivery was imminent, he put down his pen again.

At last!Until midnight, the two hadn't left Xiangshan, and Yinzhen reported Nian Gengyao without hesitation.

Forget it, he doesn't want Jiangnan's power anymore!

And Nian Gengyao, he will definitely find a way to save his life, put him on the battlefield to accumulate military merits, and he will rise again in the army soon.

One year when Gengyao was in the army, Yinzhen could also extend his power to the army, and the province's fourteenth younger brother dominated alone.

(End of this chapter)

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