Chapter 332
"How can I wear so many jewelry?"

Nala held her face in her hands and said melancholy.

Hong Sheng was stunned by Fujin's silly complaint, and suddenly smiled, and said: "Then Fujin will give birth to a few more cute princesses for my master, and give them to wear~"

The hibiscus tent was warm, and Hong Sheng looked affectionately at the shy Fujin, and couldn't help but leaned over and kissed
After the marriage of the legitimate son, it was the turn of the marriages of the concubines to be put on the agenda.

The marriage dates of the concubines were set for next year, so the fourth master naturally didn't have that much thought, he was as troublesome as arranging Hui'er and Sheng'er's marriage, and only left it to Jin Yixian, the concubine.

It's a crisp autumn day.

Nian Yaoyue greeted Yixian in Yifu Jin's room, Nanny Gui came in and said something to Yixian, but Yixian laughed softly.

"What kind of happy event is so happy?" Nian Yaoyue put down the melon seeds in her hand and looked at Yixian curiously.

Yixian shook her head helplessly, what kind of happy event is this, it's simply embarrassing.

It's embarrassing to say it!Hi!
"What's the joy! It's very bad luck! A little concubine from the Fucha family sent by the Hongli courtyard is just a trial marriage, and she is pregnant. This Fujin has not yet entered the house, and there is an extra eldest son, He The joy of the newlyweds, what a pity~"

Nian Yaoyue was startled, she didn't expect the Fucha clan to have another trial marriage Gege who was Hongli, a concubine.

Father Tiandao really favors the future Emperor Qianlong.

The Fucha clan, the first virtuous empress of the Qing Dynasty, seemed to belong to the future Emperor Qianlong no matter how they changed.

Yixian raised her forehead, she, the titular mistress of the house, had to wipe her ass for this dirty matter.

"Go, give Fucha a bowl of safflower soup. It's getting more and more unruly, and I don't know how to drink Bizi soup. Isn't this embarrassing future Fujin?"

Although this slap in the face made her feel secretly refreshed, she couldn't involve Prince Yong's family's face being slapped together.

"The mud that can't support the wall~"

Yixian sneered contemptuously.

"Fu Jin, after all, is an innocent child who has not yet been born. Let her be spared. I heard that there is a lot of trouble in Hongli's backyard. If Mrs. Fucha has the ability to give birth to a child, it will be considered a blessing for her and that child. Don't join in the fun."

Nian Yaoyue didn't want Yixian to become the captain of the harem abortion squad in The Legend of Huanhuan, so she gently advised her.

The fourth elder brother Hongli has the most women in the backyard, not only Han women, but also tribute women sent by North Korea.

Nian Yaoyue really didn't want to know how much of this was caused by Yixian.

Moreover, the fourth elder brother Hongli was the first among several elder brothers to get married to women, how hurtful this is!
Anyway, Yixian's determination to turn the fourth elder brother Hongli into a dandy waste is second only to her desire to become a widow as soon as possible.

"Forget it, anyway, there are naturally people who are more anxious than us, so why should we be this villain?"

Yixian suddenly felt extremely happy in her heart, that bitch Niu Hulu must be as disgusting as eating a fly at this moment.

The son raised by her bastard is just as hypocritical as she is, isn't he a dude who doesn't know how to behave?
In the blink of an eye, Yixian suddenly excitedly called Nanny Gui again.

"No no no, Nanny Gui, immediately go and take care of the baby of the trial marriage yourself, and make sure the mother and child are safe!" Yixian said with a gleeful smile.

She suddenly thought of taking revenge on Niu Hulu, and she wanted to let Niu Hulu watch that trial marriage give birth to an embarrassing eldest son.

She is going to make the future Sifujin's heart tremble, and make Hongli's back house never peaceful, and it's best to make a fuss!Hahaha!

She had to make Niu Hulu Shi so disgusted that she couldn't eat.

Seeing Yixian's increasingly sinister smile, Nian Yaoyue raised her forehead, cooperating with her to transform Yixian into a Guanyin of Songzi?
"Fujin, Side Fujin, Da Fujin and Er Fujin are here to pay their respects~"

Grandma Liu came in to report,
"Wait, wait, I'll take care of my makeup and clothes first." Nian Yaoyue was sitting swaying and relaxed.

At this time, he hurriedly sat up, pretending to be dignified and elegant.

The two daughters-in-law would come to greet her and Yixian every morning and evening.

It could be seen that they were sincere and did not mean to be perfunctory, Nian Yaoyue was very moved.

She is already a mother-in-law, and even though she is only two years older than her two daughter-in-laws, she still has to behave like a mother-in-law.

When Fucha and Nala came in, they saw Di'eriang and Nian'eriang playing chess there.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was going to pour tea for her, Yixian hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Oh, you are both pregnant with children, why are you still here to say hello? It's unavoidable!" Yixian personally helped the eldest daughter-in-law to sit down.

"From tomorrow onwards, your sister-in-law and your sister-in-law will raise babies in your own courtyard. If you can give birth to more white and fat boys or girls, you will be truly filial!"

"That's right! Don't do such polite things in your own family." Nian Yaoyue helped her second daughter-in-law to sit down.

The two sisters-in-law were supported by two mothers-in-law to sit down and serve snacks, and they were suddenly panicked.

If my father sees this, he will definitely say that they are not filial to their mother-in-law.

While panicking, the two suddenly felt moved. The little sisters who handed over their handkerchiefs often complained about how their mother-in-law made things difficult, but their mother-in-law spoiled them like their own daughters.

Although the father-in-law, Prince Yong, had a straight face, he was not angry and frightening.

But marrying into Prince Yong's Mansion and being the daughter-in-law of the mother-in-law is a blessing they have cultivated in several lifetimes.

The sisters-in-law are also easy to talk to, and the elder brother and the second elder brother do not fight against each other like other children from high-ranking families.

Then I thought that although there were trial marriages in the backyard, my father didn't have a concubine's eldest son so that they couldn't get down.

Moreover, they were indifferent to those concubines, Ge Ge, and they didn't care too much. Everything in the backyard was up to them, and the two of them felt as sweet as honey.

At this moment, the sound of Hujia music from the Northern Dynasty suddenly came.

"Who is playing the music so early in the morning? Are there any rules? The prince strictly ordered that there should be no music in the mansion except for banquets!"

Sifu Jinyi patted the table gracefully.

"Er Niang, it seems to be the Jin Jia family in the fourth elder brother's courtyard. I guess she is homesick."

The eldest daughter-in-law Fucha explained in a gentle voice.

"Yes. Send someone to tell me, it's almost enough, if the prince comes back, he will be punished."

Yixian always felt that the eldest daughter-in-law was as gentle and considerate as water, and she was almost melted by the eldest daughter-in-law.

"These Northern Dynasty tribute girls know how to seduce men to indulge in sex, Er Niang, you shouldn't pamper her."

The second daughter-in-law, Nala, spoke quickly and said with hatred.

Nian Yaoyue was stunned, the second daughter-in-law and the Jin Jia family were old enemies in history, no wonder she took a bad look at the Jin Jia family.

"You all need to live your own life well, just take care of your own master, and the fourth elder brother's courtyard has its own future Sifujin to take care of it."

Nian Yaoyue reminded her daughter-in-law.

Watching the two daughters-in-law talking about the fourth elder brother Hongli, as if they were talking about strangers, the worries in Nian Yaoyue's heart disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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