The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 342 The soul will never rest

Chapter 342 The soul will never rest
Facing the heartbroken petition of the envoys of the Qing Dynasty, Yinzhen helped his forehead.

"Su Peisheng, detain those people alone and not communicate with anyone. Prepare a luxurious and exquisite lunch for them, the more exquisite the better."

It is not difficult to identify who is the secret work of the Junggar rebels.

At this time, Yinzhen was sitting in the commander's tent looking at the defense map of the northwest.

Su Peisheng took people to prepare lunch for the captives. Those secret workers in Junggar thought they would be released immediately, but they didn't want a sissy dead eunuch to come.

Not only did they not let them go, but they also gave them delicious food.

One by one, he distributed food to the captives who were isolated in the small tents, using the same words.

"Hurry up and eat, it's good to go on the road~" Su Peisheng said eccentrically.

"What did that dog say?" Su Peisheng saw that the prisoner was chattering, and he knew it was not a good thing by looking at his expression.

"Eunuch Su, he said that the princes of the Qing Dynasty were all captured by their steppe Baturus. Why are we so crazy? We will definitely break into our Forbidden City someday and sleep with our emperor's wife and concubines in our arms."

After beautifying the obscene language in the prisoner's mouth, the translation officer at the side said tremblingly.

"Haha, let it go? You tell them that this is Prince Yong's reward for catching the Qing prince."

Su Peisheng folded his arms and said with a smile on his face.

That meticulous stared wide-eyed in surprise, he had heard that the future crown prince of the Qing Dynasty would be born between Prince Yong and the great general.

Now they, Junggar, actually helped Prince Yong solve the biggest contender for the throne.

No wonder Prince Yong would send someone to deliver a sumptuous meal to thank him, it turned out that it was a decapitated meal! !
Su Peisheng delivered the beheaded meal one by one, expressing Prince Yong's sincere thanks without any pain.

After Su Peisheng left, the guarding soldiers began to sharpen their knives, staring at them with sinister eyes, as if they were lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

When the timid captives saw the decapitated food, they were scared to pee on the spot.

They thought they would hang the Qing people and let the Qing people think that they had valuable information hidden in them, so those people would be reluctant to kill them and take care of them with good food and drink.

But now, in order to compete for the throne, Prince Yong deliberately executed them to anger the Junggar side and killed the fourteenth prince to vent their anger.

What's more, they also received blood letters from relatives at home.

For a moment, people were panicked, and within three hours, more than half of the people confessed.

It's just that the confessions were all bits and pieces. After filtering the useless information, Su Peisheng handed over the valuable clues to Fourth Master.

Yin Zhen pondered for a while looking at the trivial information.

Although those people talked about all kinds of things, most of them mentioned the Northwest Defense Map of the Qing Dynasty.

Also mentioned Prince, Prince?Galdan has two sons and two daughters.

The eldest son Sebuten Baljur is fifteen years old.The second son, Che Lingsan Lupu, is only five years old this year.

"Su Peisheng, go and bring all the teenagers who are about 15 years old in the secret work to one place! This king wants to interrogate himself!"

Among the captives must be Galdan's eldest son!At this time, Yin Zhen couldn't wait to ask Su Peisheng to bring the young man in the detailed work to him.

Su Peisheng quickly brought twelve teenagers.

The children of the prairie are all weather-beaten, with dark and rough skin, and Yinzhen's eyes wandered back and forth on those young people.

"Su Peisheng! Give me a seat~" Yinzhen quietly said to Su Peisheng as he stood quietly in front of the table with his hands behind his back.

Su Peisheng asked for twelve chairs to be brought.Several teenagers standing side by side suddenly looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although there were chairs behind him, no one sat down.

"Sit down, or you will be killed without mercy!" Yinzhen shouted angrily in Junggar language.

At this moment, the silent young man standing on the far left suddenly sat down.

Immediately afterwards, several other teenagers sat down.

Yinzhen smiled slightly, waved his hand, and ordered the rest of the teenagers to leave.

Su Peisheng immediately understood that although those teenagers seemed to be unconnected, the first few teenagers who were seated behind them showed their flaws.

This is a common problem of slaves, everything is only followed by the master.

The boy who sat down behind dared to sit down with his master because he saw the first boy, that is, their secret master sitting down.

"My lord, this young man is a Mongolian Eight Banners soldier recruited by the Horqin Department. He is usually responsible for some Mongolian writing and posting in the camp of generals."

Su Peisheng said as he flipped through the boy's files.

"A month ago, he actually wanted to be a deserter. He said that a letter from his family said that Er Ji was critically ill. We have no actual evidence to prove that he is collaborating with the enemy and treason, but his behavior is suspicious, so he is temporarily detained according to the rules."

"The prince of the Qing Dynasty can casually wrong me. Is it a fine work? I will sacrifice my life for the country at all times when I make a vow. If you betray the country, you will be punished by the Changshengtian, and you will not die!"

The boy complained angrily.

Yinzhen did not interrupt the boy's tearful complaint.

"My king heard that Galdan's wife, Anukedun, died of illness yesterday~" Yinzhen threw a secret report in Mongolian language at the boy's feet.

"The second prince Chelingsanlupu, who was born in Buling Kedun, was supported by his mother family at a young age. Hey, I heard that the bones of Anu Kedun have not been buried. You Junggar people worship sky burials. I don't know that she is innocent. With a child and no daughter by his side, if Galdan's favorite concubine Buling Kedun is allowed to preside over the funeral, will there be reincarnation? The king received a secret report, and the favorite concubine viciously turned around and replaced it with a golden wheel."

Yinzhen frowned, pretending to be calm and breezy.

It seemed that such insignificant things were not worth remembering at all.

"My lord, it's replaced with gold-plated obsidian. That's the stone of hell. It's too vicious. That beloved concubine dares to curse Anukodun with this thing that curses the souls of criminals who will never rest." Su Peisheng and the prince said in harmony.

The boy was still sitting on the chair expressionlessly, but the veins on the back of his hands betrayed his emotions.

"She has a son!! She has a son!!" The boy suddenly roared hysterically.

The originally rebellious boy hung his head helplessly, and finally bent down to pick up the secret report thrown at his feet.

Tears pattered down on the secret report, smearing the cruel and indifferent content on the secret report.

"Where is the defense plan, I only ask this once! I allow you to offer a reasonable exchange." Yinzhen picked up the teacup in front of him and blew away the mist.

These prisoners were all wearing uniform prison uniforms, and there was no place to hide anything on their bodies.

Even the totem on his body has been carefully checked, and he has used a lot of laxatives, but he just can't find where it is.

Military doctors even re-opened the scars on the wounded prisoners, old and new.

In this way, did not find any useful clues.

(End of this chapter)

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