The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 346 Crush the crown 1 anger is red face

chapter 346
"My lord, Galdan told you to choose the captives for exchange..." Su Peisheng said in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, naturally choose the Great General!" the confidant of the Fourteenth Lord said anxiously.

"My lord...the Junggar people are fierce and savage. Since ancient times, women have fallen into the enemy's camp and taken them as captives. Almost all of them have lost their chastity."

Yinzhen pursed his lips and remained silent. Based on his understanding of that lunatic Galdan, the more he cared, the less likely Galdan would let him fulfill his wish.

"There's no need to choose, I want to get my fourteenth brother back!" Yinzhen said firmly.

The envoy went to the Galdan camp and informed Prince Yong of his choice.

"Fart! This king's life is up to this king. Fighting is a man's business. This king doesn't need a woman to sacrifice! Let her go! This king stays!"

Yinti was shocked to hear that the fourth brother actually chose him instead of Nian Gao, damn it, does he know what it means to leave Nian Gao, a woman, in the enemy camp!
Fourth Brother is trying to force Nian Gao to die!Even if she escaped by chance, she would be worse off than die under the criticism of the world.

"Hmph! Ben Khan sees that Prince Yong of yours is extremely cold-blooded. If you ask him to send the person Ben Khan wants, Ben Khan can let you both go!"

Galdan had already confirmed that the sinister and cunning Prince Yong on the opposite side already knew the identity of the eldest son. At this time, he completely tore off the hypocritical disguise, and raised his hand to hit the fourteenth prince with a whip.

"Dog thing, pass on the king's order to let the fourth brother send the person Galdan wants!" Yinti said through gritted teeth.

Who is it is more important than the rice cake, the fourth brother would rather sacrifice the rice cake than hand over that person.

"The fourteenth master calm down, the prince must be thinking about the overall situation, you must not be arrogant!" Nian Yaoyue firmly believes that the fourth master must have his own difficulties, so he can't disturb the fourth master's mind at this time.

"Come here, send the fourteenth prince away!" Galdan said coldly.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, because he already had the chance to win.

His winning ticket is the woman in front of him who can make the calm and calm general lose control over and over again.

And that Prince Yong, for the sake of this woman, made a lot of noise and deliberately wanted to redeem his political enemy.

The woman in front of me is not simple.

"Prince Fourteen, Ben Khan heard that you had a traitor named Wu Sangui who, for a prostitute, became a confidante in anger and opened the city gate to let you in. That's how the Qing Dynasty came into existence! I didn't believe it. Today, I believe it a little bit."

The smile on the corner of Galdan's mouth became more and more wanton, as if he could knock on the gate of the Forbidden City of the Qing Dynasty tomorrow and sit on Kangxi's dragon chair.

Yinti was startled, at this moment he realized what a fatal mistake he had made, he was actually seen through by Galdan.

"That's the end of the Ming Dynasty! The sky is about to perish, and it's not a crime of war!" Yinti suppressed his remorse, and ran towards the Qing army with big strides.

Seeing the fourteenth younger brother running towards him, Yinzhen tightened his reins, feeling a sharp pain in his heart and feeling extremely depressed.

He stared angrily at Galdan in the distance, he underestimated the old fox.

"Who the hell does he want? Hurry up and give Nian Shi back!" Panting, Yinti yelled angrily at the fourth brother who was sitting on horseback.

Yinzhen was furious, seeing that his fourteenth brother was still messing around, he was furious immediately, he jumped off his horse, grabbed Yinti's lapel and sneaked into the shield army.

The two brothers joined the shield army, and countless shields stood in front of them, blocking all prying eyes.

Inside the shield, Yinzhen swung his fist and knocked Yinti to the ground.

"Stupid!" He raised his foot and kicked the idiot away. If he hadn't stupidly pushed the rice cake to the cusp, the person who came back now would be the rice cake, not him, the idiot!

"This king, as the coach, orders you, Aixinjueluo Yinzhen, to hand over what Galdan wants!!" Yinti unceremoniously kicked the fourth brother to the ground with his sweeping legs, roaring angrily.

"Shut up! What he wants is the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Northwest Army of the Qing Dynasty! What he wants is the fall of the mountains and rivers, the destruction of the country and the destruction of the family!!" Yinzhen roared in a broken voice.

"How come?" Yinti stared at the fourth brother in astonishment.

"Galdan's eldest son is now captured by our army. He is carrying the defense map of the Northwest Army of the Qing Dynasty. This king guesses that he has already memorized the defense map. If he is allowed to leave alive, the Northwest Army of the Qing Dynasty will be wiped out."

Yinzhen held his forehead in pain and said sadly.

"Three days, give me another three days. I am already deploying the latest defense plan. If the guards don't follow, they will be killed without mercy! From yesterday to now, more than a dozen people have been beheaded. It's your world! Do you know how difficult this king is?"

He wanted to punish those soldiers who disobeyed orders in the northwest army where the power of the fourteenth brother was intertwined. If he disobeyed their wishes even a little, he would attract support from all directions.

"Two days! Here is a military order. If the military defense in the Northwest is not refreshed before tomorrow's dark, Yinzhen is willing to die to apologize! Fourth brother, please, don't give up on her even for the sake of the world!"

Yinti knelt down in front of the fourth brother, and kowtowed to the fourth brother willingly for the first time.

After knocking his head three times, Yinti jumped on his horse and left straight away.

When Galdan saw the fourteenth prince leaving, he felt uneasy.

They have already discovered the secret of the captives, so they must have already started to rearm their defenses. If it was someone else, they might not be able to complete it in three months, but the northwest is the world of the great general king. If he makes a move, it will take three days. enough.

At this moment, Ge Erdan's eyes were fierce, staring at the opposite Prince Yong who looked calm and calm.

"Hmph, Ben Khan wants to see how long you can pretend!"

It took half a day to count the [-] prisoners. Gerdan watched calmly, and became more and more convinced that the Qing side was deliberately delaying time.

At this time, the moonlight is like a hook.Galdan sat by the campfire, drinking throat-cut liquor.

"Fantasy and snowy, it would be a pity if there is no beauty under the moon~ Tell Prince Yong, Ben Khan invites him to enjoy the sheep-raising ceremony~"

Galdan raised his wine bag and raised his glass to Prince Yong who was also sitting by the bonfire in the distance.

"Brother Wang, I'm going to meet Prince Yong!" Wen Chun rubbed his palms excitedly and recommended himself.

"By the way, brother Wang, after I showed the portrait of that woman to our master for identification, that woman turned out to be Prince Yong's side Fujin! It's equivalent to our side concubine! Hahaha!"

"Sure enough! Ben Khan really has sharp eyes!" Galdan patted his thigh excitedly and laughed loudly.

"Let them prepare for the sheep-raising ceremony. If you can force Prince Yong to hand you over tonight, Ben Khan will take you to sit in Kangxi's dragon chair in the capital next year! Hahahaha~" Galdan stroked his beard and smiled. Arrogant.

By the side of the bonfire, Yinzhen sat on the side, with an indifferent expression, no sadness or joy.

(End of this chapter)

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