Chapter 363 Do You Want It?

In the 60th year of Kangxi, New Year's Eve.

The New Year's Eve family banquet in the palace was no different from previous years.

It was still quiet and the clang of chopsticks on the plate could be heard.

The people in the backyard were used to this dead atmosphere, and the women with sons were all absent-minded.

After eating this cold family feast, return to your own small courtyard, with your children and grandchildren around your knees, this is the beginning of the real family feast.

This year's family banquet in the Forbidden City was canceled due to Emperor Kangxi's poor health.

After the palace banquet.

The whole family gathered together in the nameless courtyard, happily eating the steaming small hot pot in the copper stove, and Nian Yaoyue embraced several grandchildren and couldn't put it down.

The little glutinous rice dumplings were all chubby, and they all spoke with soft and waxy voices, and her heart almost melted when she heard them.

"We are still blessed! Look at the grandchildren and grandchildren~" Yixian said happily as she held Hui'er's eldest son in her arms.

"Look at you." Nian Yaoyue knew that Yixian was mocking Niu Hulu Xiuxin and Hongli.

Over the years, all the women in Hongli's backyard, including Hongli's wife Fujin, have given birth to many children one after another.

But except for Hongli's eldest son, Yonghuang, the rest are little Gege.

Moreover, the Hongli courtyard is in a mess, and there are always dirty things happening that the concubine Gege's children can't keep.

Of course, there is Yixian's handwriting.

"Long live Lord's body is getting worse and worse, we have to prepare in advance~" Yixian said earnestly.

"How else can we prepare, let's do our best to obey the destiny, what else can we do if the destiny is not right?"

Nian Yaoyue understands very well that it is the end of the 60th year of Kangxi.By this time next year, the family will have moved to the Forbidden City for New Year's Eve dinner.

Yixian turned around and went to play Jiulianhuan with her grandchildren, Nian Yaoyue picked up the chopsticks and prepared to try some boiled mutton.

But seeing Si Ye sitting on the side wrestling with radishes again, Nian Yaoyue picked up a chopstick and put roasted venison in Si Ye's bowl.

Seeing Fourth Master pulling the venison steak aside, Nian Yaoyue's temper flared up, she turned around and fetched wine warmed on the small red clay stove, and filled the small bowl in front of Fourth Master.

Seeing the deer blood wine, Yinzhen raised his eyelids and looked at Nian with a half-smile.

"Are you sure you want Grandpa to drink?"

Nian Yaoyue looked down and saw that what she had poured was stag blood wine for aphrodisiac, and suddenly coughed a few times in embarrassment.

"Cough, cough, cough, I've poured it all down, so let's take a few sips! Master, don't drink it all!" Nian Yaoyue secretly groaned in her heart, how could she pour the deer blood wine for fourth master so cheaply.

When the time came, the medicine took effect, and in the end it was she who was tossed out of the waist again.

After the dinner, Nian Yaoyue finished washing and limping into the room with her soft-soled shoes, only to see the fourth master lazily leaning against the head of the bed. He was wearing a loose robe with the placket open, and his well-defined abdominal muscles were faintly visible.

"Do you want it? Hmm~" Yinzhen said in a deep and hoarse voice.

Nian Yaoyue watched as the fourth master tore open his skirt, and smiled at her.

What kind of fairy face value is this!She swallowed hopelessly.

"Four small samples, you just follow me! I will let you help me out tomorrow!"

Nian Yaoyue rubbed her little hands with a smile and threw herself into Fourth Master's arms.

Of course, she will always be the one who walks out the next day!

Inside the Forbidden City.

Concubine Wu Yashi was sitting in front of Long Live Lord's bed, looking at the man with a haggard face, Wu Yashi felt a moment of panic in her heart.

"Long live, Qinger has gone." The gray-haired Liang Jiugong entered with his head down.

Wu Yashi's hand holding the medicine cup paused, the woman Long Live Lord loved all his life died, she finally died!

Feeling very happy in his heart, Wu Yashi forced himself to suppress the crazily clamoring joy in his heart, and looked up at Lord Long Live.

But he saw that Long Live Lord was also staring at her.

Wu Yashi thought that Long Live God had seen through her gloating thoughts, so she lowered her eyes anxiously.

"Long live, what do you see the concubine doing? The concubine doesn't know her!"

Seeing that there were no sad tears on Long Live's face, Wu Ya suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

She is already getting old, and she doesn't know why she has endured it all her life, but when she gets old, she starts to feel bitter and jealous.

"Ma Lu, do you know why I didn't canonize you as empress?" Emperor Kangxi held Wu Ya's hand and said in a gentle voice.

These hands are no longer as soft and slender as when they were young, but they carry a reassuring temperature.

"The concubine has self-knowledge. The concubine comes from a humble background. She is just the granddaughter of a cook. Concubine Yi, concubine Hui, and concubine Tong Jia can sit in the empress position, but the concubine is the only one who is not qualified to sit."

Since Empress Xiaoyi passed away, Lord Long Live has handed over the affairs of the harem to the abolished concubine and concubine Tong Jia, as well as the four concubines as assistants.

After the concubine was abolished, Long Live God no longer registered as a queen.

At this time, Wu Ya looked at Lord Long Live and shook his head vigorously. Could it be that what she said was wrong?

"Actually, it's because I beat my wife~"

With a clang, the medicine cup in Wu Yashi's hand fell to the ground.

"Long Live Lord, why do you still remember this matter? It's just my concubine's young and ignorant nonsense. You have kept grudges for a lifetime!"

Wu Yashi remembered the jokes she said when she was a court lady, but she didn't expect that Long Live God would never forget it for most of her life.

"Back when you said that to me, I was not convinced. I thought that you, a blunt little court lady, dared to say that I beat my wife, so I simply turned you into my woman, to see if you dare to curse me!"

At that time, he really just wanted to play with Wu Yashi, but he didn't expect that this really tough woman would walk into his heart silently.

"Hmph, Lord Long Live, you can't blame the concubine entirely. If you don't pretend to be a little eunuch, how can the concubine say that you restrain your wife in front of Xiao Xuanzi? And the concubine did not say that the concubine restrained his wife. so passed"

Wu Yashi immediately began to defend anxiously.

Thinking back now, she was so cute and silly back then. The slaves in the Forbidden City all avoided the name of their master, so how could a little eunuch dare to call him Xiaoxuanzi?

"Silly girl!"

Emperor Kangxi held Wu Yashi's hand tightly, he knew that those servants were always talking about him in private.

At the beginning, he didn't care, and even sneered at it, until the two empresses died one after another.

Emperor Kangxi began to face up to the problem of restraining his wife.

Aside from the fact that his cousin was congratulating her when she was dying, he once thought of naming the noble concubine Niu Hulu of Wen Xi as his successor.

But as soon as the canonized edict was drafted, Niu Hulu fell ill and died not long after.

A few years ago, he had thought of making Wu Yashi the queen, but Wu Yashi unexpectedly fell ill for no reason.

Kangxi was really scared!There seems to be a terrible curse in the dark, and all his queens are destined to be unlucky.

"Ma Guan, Xuan Ye loves you! But in this life, I will never canonize you as a queen. I... I seem to be destined to suppress my wife..."

(End of this chapter)

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