The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 384 The voice of broken dreams

Chapter 384 The voice of broken dreams

On the Empress Dowager's birthday, magnificent fireworks illuminate the night sky of the Forbidden City, making the night as long as day.

After receiving Er Niang's edict, Yinti rushed back to the Forbidden City wearing stars and moon, in order to be able to celebrate Er Niang's birthday.

Hurry up slowly, and finally arrived in the capital early in the morning on Erniang's birthday, and then came to the Forbidden City non-stop to celebrate Erniang's birthday.

At this time, the concubines and concubines of the harem were all gathered in the Ningshou Palace, Yinti looked at the fourth brother's harem women, and suddenly felt inexplicably irritated.

When Liu Xi saw his master's eyes wandering among the concubines, but he couldn't find anything, he knew that the person he wanted to see was not among them.

So he silently called a confidant eunuch and asked him to inquire about why Concubine Nian didn't come today.

I don't know if I don't inquire about it. Only after I inquire about it will I know that something serious has happened.

"My lord, all the women in the harem, except the queen who is serving the sick Lord Long Live in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, are all here in the Ningshou Palace to celebrate the birthday of the Empress Dowager. "Lenggong of the West Side Hall"

Before Liu Xi finished speaking, he saw Fourteenth Master stand up suddenly.

There was a slight cracking sound, and Liu Xi was shocked to see that his grandfather lost control and crushed the wine cup in his hand.

At this moment, Liu Xi suddenly saw a raging fire burning in a palace, waiting to determine the location of the fire.He suddenly turned pale with shock.

Frightened, he stretched out his finger and pointed at the flames soaring into the sky and exclaimed, "It's not good, it's flooded, and the direction seems to be near the Palace of Yanxi Palace!"

Everyone in the hall also saw the soaring flames burning in the Palace of Yanxi Palace, and they were all horrified.

"What are you panicking about! It's just that the sparks from the flames are falling and igniting somewhere, and it's not Aijia's Ningshou Palace that is flooding~"

Sitting at the top, Wu Yashi calmly put down the wine cup in his hand, and fiddled with the beads on his fingertips calmly.

About the time of a cup of tea, Wu Yashi raised his hand to signal to stop the sound of silk and bamboo orchestra in the hall.

She was about to order someone to have a look, but found that Xiao Shisi who was sitting at the bottom had long since disappeared.

The thread of the beads in his hand suddenly broke for no reason, Wu Yashi looked at the beads scattered on the ground, and his heart jumped in panic.

"Come on, go to Yanxi Palace to fight the fire, why are you still standing there! Follow Ai's family to Yanxi Palace to have a look!"

Wu Ya stepped on the bottom of the flower pot anxiously and rushed out of Ningshou Palace, and ran towards Yanxi Palace.

At this time, Wu Yashi was very anxious, Xiao Shisi, a silly child, if she didn't stare at him, Xiao Shisi would foolishly rush into the sea of ​​fire to save others regardless of his life.

Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Su Peisheng was carrying a tray and was about to enter to serve the Lord Long Live to take the medicine. When he inadvertently raised his eyes, he saw a raging flame burst out from the southeast corner.

Su Peisheng saw at a glance that the direction was the direction of Yanxi Palace, and was so startled that he dropped the tray in his hand to the ground.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty the Empress, it's bad! Your Majesty is in trouble! Go and save your Majesty!"

Sobbing, Su Peisheng rushed to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and knelt down in front of the queen, crying and begging.

"What!!" Empress Yixian was taking a nap on the soft couch, but at this moment she sat up in shock, she didn't even have time to put on the bottom of the flowerpot, and just rushed out of the courtyard of the Hall of Mental Cultivation with bare feet.

"Chai Yu, guard the Lord Long Live here, no one is allowed to enter, Su Peisheng, you go call for water to put out the fire, and the rest of the people will follow me to Yanxi Palace to fight the fire!"

With bare feet, Yixian led the servants and rushed to the outside of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but was stopped by the guards who drew their swords.

"Presumptuous! Do you want to force the palace to rebel? I am the queen of the Qing Dynasty! Get out!"

Yi Xian casually snatched the guards' sabers, ready to face those guards who didn't know how to praise with their swords.

"Empress Empress, don't embarrass me. I am also following orders. Otherwise, I will immediately go to Ningshou Palace to ask Empress Dowager for instructions. Don't worry, I won't waste much time if I run away."

The leading bodyguard, Tong Jiayulou, was Longkodo's concubine son, and stopped in front of the queen at this moment, showing no cowardice or subservience at all.

"How unreasonable! This is the Emperor's Hall of Mental Cultivation, not the Empress Dowager's Ningshou Palace. If you want to curry favor with the Empress Dowager, go to Ningshou Palace!"

Yixian finally couldn't bear it anymore and raised the knife. If something happened to Nian Gao's mother and child, everyone including her would end badly.

Since you don't understand, let's fight!
Yixian was about to fight with a knife, but she didn't expect someone to be faster than her.

But seeing swords and swords flashing in front of him, the commander of the guards, who was still arrogant just now, suddenly lost his head and blood spattered five steps away.

Wu Yashi desperately rushed to the Palace of Yanxi Palace. From a distance, he saw Xiao Shisi pouring a bucket of water down his head. At this time, his whole body was wet, and he was about to rush into the flames.

"Aixinjue Luo Yinti! If you dare to take one step closer to Yanxi Palace, Aijia will die in front of you!"

Wu Yashi was crying heartbreakingly, seeing Xiao Shisi turned to look at her with stubbornness and determination in her eyes, she immediately pulled out the phoenix hairpin from her bun in despair and pressed it to her neck.

"You go! You two brothers are all crazy because of that bastard Nianshi. If you have three good things and two bad things, it's meaningless for Er Niang to live. Why don't you go find your Huang Ama!"

Wu Yashi poked the sharp hairpin towards her neck, blood flowed profusely immediately, Yinzhen's eyes were about to burst, she gritted her teeth and rushed towards Eniang.

"Er Niang, what are you doing, quickly put down the hairpin, your neck is bleeding!" Yinyu looked at E Niang's neck in horror as the white dragon flower was dyed a glaring blood.

"Kneel down! Yanxi Palace has its own servants to save people, you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Wu Yashi stretched out his bloody hand, trying to grab Xiao Shishi's hand, but only touched the cold armor.

Yinti looked sadly at the Yanxi Palace that was engulfed by flames, and then turned his head to look at the phoenix hairpin on Euniang's neck.

In the end, the desperate Yangtian let out a roar, knelt down in front of Eniang and wept uncontrollably.

The moment he knelt down on his knees, he saw a bright yellow wind blowing past his ears.

He saw his fourth brother with disheveled hair, wearing only the bright yellow pajamas of the emperor, with red eyes, holding a sword barefoot, rushing into the flames without hesitation.

He heard Er Niang cursing and roaring, urging him to die, making the fourth brother kneel down in front of Er Niang just like him.

He saw the fourth brother beheading the slaves who stood in front of him without looking back.

In the end, the bright yellow figure completely disappeared into the sea of ​​flames.

Yinti suddenly realized, at this moment, he finally knew where he lost.

Clutching his heart, he heard the sound of broken dreams, which was the paranoid daydream of his life.

Rumbling, spring thunder rolling, a timely rain is coming.

In the pouring rain, Yinti finally couldn't restrain the restlessness and hesitation in his heart.

He gritted his teeth, kowtowed three times to his mother, stood up resolutely, and rushed into the flames.

"Come back! Nizi! Come back to Aijia! Ah!!"

Wu Yashi shouted angrily while clutching the phoenix hairpin, but the only answer was the sound of thunder and rain.

(End of this chapter)

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