The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 387 I'm afraid I can't hold your hand

Chapter 387 I'm afraid I can't hold your hand

"Eunuch Su, what kind of fussy expression is this on your face? Do you think that this imperial decree is not the meaning of Long Live God, but that this palace is passing the imperial decree falsely? Falsely preaching the imperial decree is a capital crime of beheading~"

Nian Yaoyue held her stomach and said to Su Peisheng strangely.

Turning her head to see the fourth master standing aside silently with a livid face, she suddenly exploded with rage.

Today she will be proud of being favored!

Even if she drew a picture of the spring palace on the imperial decree, fourth master would nod and admit that it was his will.

"Hey, imperial concubine, please spare the slave's life. Even if the slave has the guts to read this decree, he will not dare to read it!" Su Peisheng knelt on the ground begging for mercy, holding the imperial decree.

Lord Long Live has dealt with all those who treated Nian Shi harshly in the past few days, except for the Queen Mother of Ningshou Palace, no one has been spared.

Even the craftsmen who set off the fireworks would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go. If he read out the imperial decree to depose the imperial concubine Nian, would he survive?
Su Peisheng knew in his heart that with the love of the Long Live God for Concubine Nian, no matter what rebellious things Nian Shi wrote in the imperial decree, the Long Live God would only smile dotingly and ask people to follow suit.

Fortunately, the Nian family did not rely on favors and pride, and let the Long Live Lord do things that will harm the country and the people, otherwise the Great Mosque will perish~
"Everyone back down!" Yinzhen sighed helplessly while holding his forehead.

After snatching the imperial decree from Su Peisheng's hand, he did not get angry in front of everyone, but only acquiesced in the authenticity of the imperial decree, and then trampled the imperial decree under his feet, crushing it into powder.

When Nian Yaoyue saw that Fourth Master was not angry but smiled, she reached out and squeezed her palm tightly.

The warm and callused rough fingertips gently rubbed the back of her hand.

"I, I..." Yinzhen's words choked with sobs.

"Niangao, I... I'm afraid it's too late, I will grow old one day, I'm afraid I'll be old and weak, I won't be able to hold your hand like I am now, I'm afraid I will become a rotten waste, I won't be able to hold your hand, I'm afraid... I can't fulfill the promise of growing old together with you. I can't wait for the day when I will share gray hair with you."

"I'm afraid that the time is too fast to look at you carefully. I'm afraid that the time is too slow. I worry about losing you day and night. I wish I could grow old overnight and never be separated."

Fourth Master has always cherished words like gold, at this time Nian Yaoyue saw Fourth Master's eyes full of fear, choked up and uttered several fears.

She had never seen him so scared, Nian Yaoyue hugged fourth master tightly with tears in her heart, it turned out that fourth master was already worried about her gains and losses to such an extent.

"Don't be afraid, I won't..." Nian Yaoyue felt a pain in her throat, she wanted to say that I will never leave you.

But for her, it is always too expensive an oath. She is the short-lived concubine in history, and it is she who lives up to her promise.

"I know what you are afraid of! With me here, you will be forever happy!"

Yinzhen hugged Nianshi tightly, and suddenly his whole body trembled. He remembered the stupid things Nianshi did in the past to leave him.

"November 23th in the third year of Yongzheng, Jin became an imperial concubine, November [-]rd. Are you afraid of this?" Yinzhen said quietly.

Nian Yaoyue was slightly taken aback, and looked up at Fourth Master in disbelief. How did he know about this special day?
That was the death date of the imperial concubine Niannian in history, more than two years of life.

"You know everything?" Nian Yaoyue asked in a panic when she saw Fourth Master's serious gaze.

"If you are worried about this, don't worry, that day will never come!" Yinzhen comforted Nianshi in a warm voice.

"That person told you? What kind of deal did you make with him!" Nian Yaoyue asked anxiously, grabbing Fourth Master's shoulder.

She was terrified, and always felt that fourth master must have reached an ulterior agreement with the owner of the dog group.

But no matter how she insinuated over the years, fourth master would never talk about it.

"I promise you, I won't touch those pills again!" Yinzhen stretched out his hand to support Nian's shoulder, and promised with firm eyes.

Seeing that Fourth Master started to avoid this topic again, Nian Yaoyue felt uneasy in her heart.

Fourth Master expelled the Taoist priests from the Old Summer Palace, and then returned to the Forbidden City with her.

It happened to be the fifteenth day, and according to the rules of the ancestors, the emperor had to stay overnight in the queen's bedroom on the first day and the fifteenth day of every month.

In Zhongcui Palace, Empress Yixian was a little surprised. Since entering the Forbidden City, every fifteenth full moon night, even if Lord Long Live came to her, he only played a few games of chess.

Then he changed his costume and face and left. Before going to court the next day, Long Live Lord will return to Zhongcui Palace on time.

Yixian thought that Lord Long Live must have been in Yikun Palace last year, so she could only help cover it up.

At this moment, Yixian watched the Long Live Lord go around behind the screen, and after a while, a eunuch who looked cold slowly walked out of the screen.

That was Wu Sinian, the chief eunuch of Yixian Palace. This eunuch usually appeared elusive, but it turned out that Lord Long Live had found him as a substitute.

At this time, Yixian watched the fourth master leave, and murmured: "Wu Sinian, Wu Sinian, heh, why aren't you called Wu Xiangnian, Wu Ainian? Tsk~"

But said that the "eunuch" came to the back of the rockery in the imperial garden, went around the rockery, and didn't appear for a long time.

Not long after, a man in black appeared at Beixinqiao at the intersection of Dongzhimen of the Forbidden City and Qiandi Prince Yong's Mansion.

Although Beixinqiao is called Beixinqiao, there is no bridge. Beixinqiao is the place name here.

The man stepped straight into the Yue Fei Temple at the end of the road.

Today is the world of the Aixinjueluo clan. Everyone knows that the ancestors of the Aixinjueluo clan were Jin people, and Yue Fei resisted the gold. Therefore, in the Qing Dynasty, the temple of Yue Fei seemed to have withered incense.

After the man entered the Yuefei Temple, the originally deserted Yuefei Temple suddenly closed its doors.

It was midsummer night, and the people near Beixinqiao gathered in twos and threes under the century-old ginkgo trees to enjoy the cool air.

At this time, the bell on the Chongwen Gate rang, and as the long bell rang, the other eight city gates also heard the sound of ceremonies one after another.

The bells fell, the sound of the codes stopped, and the nine gates of the capital were locked almost at the same time.This is the case every year, every day.

"Grandpa, grandpa, why does our Chongwen Gate ring the bell, and the other eight gates ring the clock?"

A fat doll wearing a water-red bellyband shook the old man's hand and asked in a childish voice.

"Silly Bao'er, that's not Dageng, it's called Dadian, Dian, it's a flat iron or copper sounder with cloud-shaped ends, called cloud card, or cloud board, when the door is closed, The soldiers defending the city from all towers hit the cloud tablet together, which is called Dadian."

"Among the nine gates of the capital, there are eight gates with "codes" hanging on the gates, but the bells are hung on our Chongwen Gate. According to legend, the southeast of the capital is not peaceful, and the Huguo Temple is enshrined in the order of Emperor Yongle , cast a Yongle bell covered with Buddhist scriptures, took off the point of Chongwenmen on the southeast side of the capital, and replaced it with this city bell, it was to keep the evil dragon in Suolongjing from causing trouble~”

"Ah? There is really a dragon chained under the Suolongjing in Yuefei Temple?" the little guy bit his finger and said a little frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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