Chapter 394
"Ah, sir, let me down!"

Nian Yaoyue did not expect that Fourth Master would use his internal force to lift her up and put her on his shoulders.

Childish as a child riding on the shoulders of an adult.

"Little dwarf, can you see clearly now?" Yinzhen lifted Nian Shi, let her sit on his shoulder, and walked a few steps up the stone steps.

"See clearly, see clearly, Lord let me down~"

Nian Yaoyue raised her forehead, her face was flushed, how could she be in the mood to see Lu Dongbin Tieguai Li!
Being so loved by the fourth master, how could she have the guts to look at other men.This man did it on purpose!
At this time, several older girls and young daughters-in-law standing aside saw that the startled woman was actually carried on the shoulders by a handsome young man Pian Pianjia, who was hugging the young man's neck and screaming, one by one. Immediately blushed.

This little lady is not too shy, she dares to let her man carry her on his shoulders to watch the fun in public.

But they were very envious in their hearts, that young man looked like a good husband who cared for women, and he gave up his face just to smile for Miss Bo.

Isn't that the most beautiful appearance of love?

When a young daughter-in-law saw her man looking up at the graceful Chang'e fairy on the float, she almost shed tears.

Immediately angrily rushed up and grabbed the stinky man by the ear and walked home.

People are more popular than others, and one's own husband is better than other people's husbands, so it is not enough!
Nian Yaoyue was on the shoulders of Fourth Master, almost crying without tears, no matter how soft and stubborn she was, Fourth Master just carried her on his shoulders and would not let go.

It wasn't until the parade float reached the end of the street and the crowd dispersed that fourth master didn't put her down.

At this moment, Nian Yaoyue covered her cheek with her sleeve shyly, holding on to Fourth Master's sleeve, and ran towards the carriage.

Fourth master's low laughter came from behind, Nian Yaoyue wished she could find a crack in the ground and slip in.

Fourth master, a scheming man, actually used this method to take revenge on her.

The masters were tender and affectionate at the front, while the servants like Su Peisheng followed behind with the big and small bags bought by Nianshi.

When it was time for dinner, fourth master brought Nian Yaoyue to the century-old mutton pepper noodle stall at the entrance of Pichai alley.

The stall owner has been replaced by a young couple. Judging by the faces of the simple and honest young stall owner, they are somewhat similar to the old couple from before. They should have inherited their father's business.

Su Pei hurriedly walked to the stove, and told the proprietress, "Madam proprietress, here are two bowls of peppery mutton noodles, one bowl has more mutton, one bowl only needs soup, no noodles and meat~"

The delicate and young proprietress reached out and brushed the broken hair that fell to her cheeks behind her ears, and looked at the soft-spoken uncle in front of her with some doubts.

She has been setting up a stall here with her husband for several years, and this is the first time she heard that someone only eats soup!Are you here to find fault?
"I'll come~" The young man who was cooking the noodles hurried to the lady's side, took the spoon and started filling the noodles.

He remembered that when his father and mother handed over the stall to him, they specifically explained that those guests who like to only drink soup are all very expensive people, the nobles of their family.

This sentence was regarded as a family motto by parents and passed down from generation to generation.

Nian Yaoyue waited for food with her head propped up, turned her head to look to the left, and suddenly saw that a small pepper tree with the thickness of an arm had been replanted in the place where a hundred-year-old pepper tree had been planted.

She was looking forward to, when this little pepper tree grows into a towering tree, if she and fourth master can lean on crutches, become old man and old woman, and come here to eat noodles hand in hand.

"Shall we come here to eat noodles every year?" Nian Yaoyue said while picking up the mutton slices in the bowl and pressing them into Si Ye's clear soup with little water in the pepper soup.

"Okay!" Yinzhen paused for a moment with the hand holding the spoon, and said calmly.


The twelfth lunar month of the first year of Yongzheng.

Several adult princes have already moved to the built palace.

Everyone is staring at which prince will be given the hidden residence of Lord Long Live.

But in the end, the fourth master ordered the renovation of the former hidden residence of Prince Yong's Mansion, and planned to change it into a palace. He even chose the name, Lama Temple.

There are too many secrets hidden in the hidden mansion, and more importantly, Nian Yaoyue knows that Fourth Master is reluctant.

Because there are many exclusive memories of her and fourth master in the hidden mansion.He didn't want anyone to destroy the flowers and trees of the hidden mansion.

The first day of the twelfth lunar month.Nian Yaoyue accompanied Fourth Master to write blessings in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Emperor Kangxi's blessing was a start for the Qing emperor, and the fourth master made this a rule.

First of all, Emperor Kangxi's "blessing the common people pen" was specially reserved, and it was called an auspicious treasure. Later emperors used this pen to send blessings to ministers.

Secondly, the object of blessing is not limited to the harem.

The first word "Fu" written by the emperor should be hung in the main hall of Qianqing Palace, which means that blessings will not be leaked out.

The rest were either hung around the palace, or rewarded to ministers of civil and military affairs to contact the monarch and his ministers.

The ministers won these blessings, of course they dare not post them, and they have to frame them for future generations as capital to show off.

However, since the fourth master ascended the throne, the blessing is not only a word of blessing, but also longevity, and couplets.

For example, what the fourth master gave to the brothers was the couplet written by the imperial pen.

Of course, those who gave couplets were his favorite brothers, not those who took the throne with him.

How can fourth master wish to bless those thorny heads like Eighth Master and Ninth Master?
After writing the blessings and couplets for the princes and ministers, the fourth master began to write the blessings for the concubines in the harem.

Nian Yaoyue looked at Si Ye wrote two couplets and a lot of blessing characters, her lips pursed, and Si Ye moved all the couplets with tiger characters in Qiandi to Yikun Palace.

These two couplets are definitely not for her.

"Three spring brocades for riches and honor, the word for peace is spring, every year is a safe festival, and every year is a happy spring. I like these two couplets..."

Nian Yaoyue stretched out her hand shyly to poke Fourth Master's heart: "There are many doors and windows in Yikun Palace, Lord Long Live remember to write a few more blessings~"

Su Peisheng, who was standing aside, shrank his neck in fright. If others got the precious calligraphy of the Long Live Lord, they would definitely offer it up.

But Nian was so lucky that he even asked Long Live Lord to write couplets and blessings for more than a dozen big and small gates in Yikun Palace.

"Study ink!" Yinzhen was in a good mood and asked Su Peisheng to start to study ink.

After writing the big and small characters of blessing and longevity, Yinzhen was urged by Nian to draw a few new year pictures of a fat doll holding a carp.

Nian Yaoyue was about to go back to Yikun Palace with the couplets, blessing characters and New Year picture dolls that she looted from Fourth Master.

But fourth master threw the memorial just delivered on the table heavily.

Nian Yaoyue saw the memorandum written on the memorial, and she didn't know what Eighth Master said to Fourth Master, which made Fourth Master so furious.

At this time, he didn't even bother to reply in person, and only sent someone to write it for him.

The general content of the ghostwriting is that blessings are not given to you by me, I cannot give you blessings, blessings depend on your own practice.

Didn’t the Book of Changes say that a family that accumulates good deeds must have more than celebration, and the Book of Songs also says that you seek more blessings for yourself, and blessings come from your own good deeds and accumulated virtues.

(End of this chapter)

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