The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 396 The Power of the Nian Family

Chapter 396 The Power of the Nian Family

"You don't need to be polite!" Yinzhen gave Su Peisheng a look.

Su Peisheng bowed his waist and helped Nian Xialing up.

Seeing that the old man was relying on the old and selling the old, Su Peisheng was suddenly angry in his heart.

Thinking of what Prince Yi and Lord Long Live said in the Hall of Prayer for Harvests in the Temple of Heaven, Su Peisheng's heart trembled.

Faced with Prince Yi's tearful cry, Long Live Lord actually said: Then let my country perish.

Lord Long Live would rather the Qing Dynasty perish in his hands, let him face the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty shamelessly, be ashamed of the entrustment and trust of Lord Kangxi, and indulge the Nian family.

And how did the Nian family repay the Lord Long Live?

While eating, Nian Yaoyue was always paying attention to Fourth Master's expression.But until he sent his natal family out of Yikun Palace, Fourth Master didn't show any sullen expression on his face.

The more fourth master was like this, the more uneasy Nian Yaoyue felt.

Before I knew it, it was the day when the second brother's class teacher returned to the court.

The fourth master personally led a hundred officials to greet him and hold a banquet.

As the younger sister of General Nian, Nian Yaoyue is naturally qualified to follow Fourth Master to welcome Second Brother's class teacher back to court.

In order to show the imperial court's benevolence and love for the soldiers, the fourth master issued an order to the three armies to take off their armor and rest, and reward them with wine and meat.

But the imperial decree was announced three times in a row, and all the soldiers still stood there motionless.Nian Yaoyue was impatient.

What happened to the second brother!Don't you understand the way of monarchs and ministers?

Yinzhen looked at those iron cavalry men who ignored the emperor's order, suppressed the indignation in his heart, and said indifferently: "Now that they have returned in triumph, the general can order all the soldiers to take off their armor and rest."

"Yes! Second brother... General Nian!" Nian Yaoyue was almost pissed off by the second brother's arrogant attitude.

At this time, she couldn't help but wink at her second brother.

"Slave obeys the order!" Nian Gengyao looked at his younger sister trembling behind the emperor like walking on thin ice with distress.

So he took out a small flag from his arms and handed it to his guards. The guards held up the small flag and waved it outside the camp, and all the soldiers immediately took off their armor and retreated silently.

Seeing this scene, Nian Yaoyue felt very uncomfortable. The imperial decree of the monarch of the world could not match a small flag in her second brother's hand.

Her own sister is uncomfortable, let alone the civil and military officials and the fourth master who is the emperor?
At the triumphal banquet, Nian Yaoyue specially asked Jinyu to serve tea and water for her second brother in person, because she was afraid that the second brother would be served by Su Peisheng or other servants in the palace.

Recalling that when he entered the Forbidden City, the second elder brother dared to enjoy Su Peisheng unceremoniously while serving him to remove his armor, and he looked very at ease, Nian Yaoyue felt terrified.

But there were many people at the banquet, and she couldn't say anything to her second brother directly, so she watched her every move with fear all night long.

That night, Fourth Master did not stay in the harem, but slept alone in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Su Peisheng watched Long Live Lord dance the sword in the snow all night, and finally summoned the imperial horse, and galloped out of the Forbidden City all the way.

Su Peisheng and the Blood Droplets followed Long Live Lord and rushed all the way to the dense forest road on Jingshan Mountain.

Su Peisheng lowered his head when he heard Lord Long Live roaring at the quiet mountain stream.

Yegui is the Ninth Five-Year Sovereign, yet a defiant slavish horse came to the mountains in the middle of the night to shout and vent, but he refused to punish Nian Gengyao.

"Go back!" Yinzhen took a deep breath and looked at Su Peisheng calmly.

"Your servant obeys!" Su Peisheng said respectfully.

If Long Live Lord wants to kill Nian Gengyao, it is as easy as killing an ant. Isn't it because he is the younger sister of Concubine Nian that he can live arrogantly and domineeringly in front of Long Live Lord?

At the same time, in Yikun Palace.

Nian Yaoyue also tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, so she simply sat up and waited for the dawn.

When the sky was bright and the palace gate opened, Nian Yaoyue asked Jinyu to prepare a badge for leaving the palace. She disguised herself as a maid of Yikun Palace and followed Jinyu to leave the Forbidden City.

All the way back to Nian's house anxiously, but the second brother has already gone to court.

She came to the gate again and waited for her second brother to come home. Nian Yaoyue had to come to remind the two of them in person that they should not do too much.

Not long after, there was the sound of horseshoes rattling.

A bunch of cavalry came over soon, and these should clear the way for the second brother.

It was snowing heavily.

Four guards followed with the sedan chair.Snowflakes fell all over the guard's hands, forming a thick layer.

At this moment, the sedan chair suddenly bumped and tilted a little, and Nian Gengyao's cold voice came from inside the sedan chair: "Go."

These guards had no expression on their faces, they just obediently pulled out the waist knives they were wearing, and directly chopped off one of their own hands.

Blood immediately dripped onto the snow, and Bai Xue's blood was extremely dazzling.

The bloody scene made Nian Yaoyue take several steps back.

From this incident, we can see how serious her second brother's military order is, and how cruel his temperament is on weekdays.The scene in front of him was horrifying.

"Sister... imperial concubine! Why are you here? It's freezing cold, why are you here, don't freeze!"

With distressed eyes, Nian Gengyao put the cloak wrapped around his body on his sister's shoulders, and helped her to the Qingshan Garden.

At this time, the second elder brother called eight servants to serve Nian Yaoyue, and Nian Yaoyue was surrounded by eight young men with handsome features, and immediately became cautious.

When Nian Yaoyue was in the Forbidden City, washing hands and changing clothes were basically self-sufficient.She is not used to eight people surrounding her and serving her carefully.

"You all go down, I can come by myself!"

Nian Yaoyue just said this, when she suddenly saw eight servants looking at her with fear in their eyes.Said: The general has orders!If you don't allow us to serve, disaster will come to us. "

"I will make it clear to my second brother, you all stand down!"

The minions had no choice but to put the toiletries on the washstand.Unexpectedly, when Nian Yaoyue was washing her face, the second brother came in suddenly.

"Bastard dog slaves, this general asked you to wait for my sister to wash and change clothes with the washbasin on your head, and you are so lazy! Damn it!"

Nian Gengyao was furious immediately, and winked at the guards around him, and the guards took the servants out.

After a while, eight guards came in carrying eight heads, and Nian Gengyao said, "Mother, those people don't respect you enough, and I feel sorry for you, so I beheaded these people."

Nian Yaoyue looked at her second brother in silence, and followed her to the dining room with some disappointment.

Nian Yaoyue is going to call her second brother to the study to have a good talk after lunch, hoping that her second brother can live a good life without arrogance or impetuosity.

When he was distracted, he suddenly felt that his teeth had bitten on something like a small stone.

She spat a grain of sand out of her mouth.

Seeing his sister's displeased expression, Nian Gengyao's face immediately sank. He summoned the guards and gave some instructions in a low voice.

In the blink of an eye, the guard came in with his head in his hand, saying that he had already beheaded the cook who was not cleaning the rice.

(End of this chapter)

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