Chapter 398 Secret
After repeatedly admonishing the second elder brother to keep a low profile, Nian Yaoyue rushed back to the palace before the palace gate was locked.

Today is the fifteenth day, according to the rules of the ancestors, fourth master should rest in the queen's palace.

Nian Yaoyue disguised herself as a court lady and hurried back to the Forbidden City before the palace gate was locked.

Outside the Shenwu Gate, Nian Yaoyue was undergoing interrogation when she suddenly saw a very familiar figure escaping into the dark night.

At this moment, she stared blankly at the figure that had long since disappeared, thinking.

After returning to Yikun Palace, Nian Yaoyue was lying on the bed, the lingering figure flashed in her mind again.Where on earth had she seen that shadow?
Tossing and turning, she casually grabbed Fourth Master's pillow and hugged her in her arms. The clear fragrance of sinking water lingered in her nostrils, and another figure appeared in front of her mind.

In the blink of an eye, the two figures gradually overlapped, and Nian Yaoyue sat up in shock, without any sleepiness.

"Chai Yu!" She exclaimed and called Chai Yu to her face for questioning.

"Will Lord Long Live rest at the empress's place?"

Nian Yaoyue looked at Chai Yu anxiously.

"Go back to the imperial concubine. After dinner, the Lord Long Live went to the empress's place. I guess he has rested now."

"Oh... is there anything special today?"

Chai Yu scratched his head, reporting everything in detail.

Early this morning, the fourth master elevated Emperor Kangxi and several empresses to the Taimiao, and set up a changing tent in front of Duanmen.

But because they were all newly made, the smell of paint was strong, and the fourth master was furious about this, and ordered Prince Lian Yinhu, who was in charge of the affairs of the Ministry of Industry, and the servants of the Ministry of Industry, Lang Zhong, etc. to kneel in front of the Taimiao all day and night.

Ba Ye is still kneeling in front of the Ancestral Temple, watching the lightning, thunder, and wind and rain outside, Nian Yaoyue sits on the bedside with her arms folded, sleepless all night.

At dawn, Nian Yaoyue hurriedly asked Jinyu to get ready to dress up, and she was going to pay her respects to the empress.

When everything was ready, she only stepped out of the threshold with one foot, but retracted her foot timidly.

She didn't even know what she was afraid of.

For several days in a row, Fourth Master turned over the green cards of other concubines.Nian Yaoyue took advantage of the spare time and asked the respect room to bring the history book of concubines' favored records.

She didn't know if she didn't check, but she found out that there was an unshakeable rule. On the fifteenth of every month, the fourth master would rest at the empress's place, and for the next three or four days, the fourth master would definitely let other women sleep with him.

From the fourth master's accession to the throne until now, nothing has changed.

Inexplicably panicked in her heart, Nian Yaoyue had already confirmed that Fourth Master had something to hide from her.What is it?

It was rumored in the Forbidden City that fourth master had no choice but to favor her because of the power of the Nian family, so she didn't believe these nonsense.

But... why did Fourth Master leave the palace late at night without telling her?Want to pretend to be a eunuch?
On the fifteenth day of the next month, after dinner, Nian Yaoyue sat quietly at the desk, guessing that it was almost time, so she got up and set off for the queen's bedroom.

In Zhongcui Palace, Empress Yixian was soaking her hands with milk rose dew, when she suddenly heard Nanny Gui say that Concubine Nian is here.

Yixian turned her head to look at "Fourth Master" standing aside.

"Go and lie down on the soft couch, and be quiet for a while!"

Yixian knew the intimate relationship between Nian Gao and Fourth Master, if the fake product in front of him said a few more words with Nian Gao, it would definitely reveal his secrets, so he decided not to let the two have any more contact.

When Nian Yaoyue came in, she saw Yixian standing in front of the table in casual clothes.

"Why are you here so late?" Yi Xian subconsciously stood in front of Rice Cake, blocking her view.

"Your Majesty, my concubine heard from the servants in the Hall of Mental Cultivation that Lord Long Live has been coughing badly these days, so I personally made a bowl of Chuanbei Tangerine Peel and Sydney Pear Soup~"

Through the green gauze curtain, Nian Yaoyue vaguely saw a bright yellow figure lying on the soft couch with his back facing her.

Her voice was deliberately loud, but fourth master was indifferent.

"You have to drink it while it's hot to be effective. Why don't you let the Long Live Lord get up and drink it now? Or the concubine serves the Long Live Lord to drink it before leaving~"

Nian Yaoyue shouted at the top of her voice again.But the man behind the curtain remained motionless.

"Long Live Lord!" Nian Yaoyue took advantage of Yi Xian's inattention, opened the curtain and broke in directly.

Caught off guard, Fourth Master suddenly stood up and looked at her with a cold face. His expression towards people was always indifferent, but Nian Yaoyue was still shocked by Fourth Master's alienated eyes.


"Fourth Master" took the soup in her hand and drank it all in one gulp. When he put the empty bowl back into her hand, Nian Yaoyue came to her senses.

She turned her head and saw Yixian's flustered expression, which was too late to restrain herself, and she became more and more sure that the fourth master in front of her was weird.

She blessed her body slightly, turned around and walked out the door, she was so preoccupied that she didn't pay attention to her feet, even forgot to lift her feet to cross the threshold.


Jinyu quickly rushed over to help the imperial concubine, saving her from falling to the ground.

"No problem..." Nian Yaoyue looked at the fourth master who was still calm behind the curtain from the corner of her eye.

The man in front of her is not her man at all, if he is, he must come to her side sooner than Jinyu, instead of standing by indifferently.

She didn't go back to Yikun Palace, but came to the Imperial Garden and stood in the Yueshi Tower overlooking the night in the Imperial Garden.

From time to time, her eyes drifted towards the rockery in the imperial garden. The fourth master had told her that there was a secret road leading to the outside of the palace gate in that rockery.

That is the passage used by the emperors of all dynasties for emergencies, and only the emperor and the prince are qualified to know.

She sat on the upper floor without asking anyone to light a lamp, hiding herself in the dark night.

dawn.When Nian Yaoyue was drowsy, she suddenly saw a figure coming out of the rockery.

She suddenly lost all sleepiness, stood up, tightly grasped the window lattice with both hands, pursed her lips and stared at the figure that disappeared from her eyes.

"Jinyu!" Nian Yaoyue called Jinyu, who was waiting by the side, with an endlessly lonely tone.

"I want to know a person's movements, but I can't let the other person notice. That person is agile, probably... the same as Long Live God..."

Jinyu opened her mouth in amazement, her mother didn't rest in the middle of the night, she stayed here mysteriously not knowing what she was doing.

It wasn't until the strange figure appeared just now that Jinyu realized that the other person's aura resembled that of Long Live Lord.

The person in the empress's mouth is not like the Long Live Lord at all, but the Long Live Lord himself.

"A slave is incompetent, but a slave can find capable people and strangers who can do it!" Long live Lord's skills are one in a thousand, and Jinyu claims to be a master, but if he can compete with Long Live Lord, he will lose within ten moves.

"Okay! Go find someone first, and then wait for the notification from Ben Gong!"

After a sleepless night, Nian Yaoyue looked a little haggard at this time, she got up and went back to Yikun Palace to let the small kitchen start preparing lunch.

After receiving the news of Fourth Master's downfall, Nian Yaoyue brought her lunch to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but Su Peisheng stopped her outside without any accident.

(End of this chapter)

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