The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 401 Willing to be humble for one person

Chapter 401 Willing to be humble for one person

"Long Live Lord, the entire Forty-Nine City has been turned upside down, but there is no trace of the imperial concubine."

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Su Peisheng was crying with a mournful face, and his tone was full of tears.

"No! You missed a place!" Yinzhen stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the map of the capital city, looking at the ancient temples standing in the mountains, feeling more and more uneasy.

"Changing clothes, I'm going to find them myself!" Thinking of the possibility that Nian Shi might be kidnapped and hidden in the temple, Yinzhen felt anxious all of a sudden.

In the meditation room of Tanzhe Temple, the eight blessings Jin Zhiqing sat in front of the table, and there were several plates of Vegetarian Vegetables on the table.

At this time, the Eight Fortunes Jin Zhiqing put a plate of vegetarian meat stuffed with bitter gourd in front of her into an empty bowl beside her.

"Young concubine, this dish is full of sweetness. The outside is bitter gourd, but the inside is vegetarian meat made of gluten and sweet and refreshing horseshoe. The taste is slightly bitter, and after that, it is sweet. Like life, all hardships come and go~”

"Whether the concubine and the eighth master can get through all the hardships depends on what the empress says."

"You... leave Tanzhe Temple if you have something to say!" At this time, Nian Yaoyue's complexion was pale, and cold sweat was dripping from her forehead.

Fortunately, Zhiqing brought her to the meditation room instead of the Daxiong Hall, which is full of Buddha statues, otherwise she would not even have the strength to speak at this time.

"Nianshi, for the sake of stealing the rice cake man and happiness, can you help me?"

Seeing Nian's pretentious appearance, Zhiqing was filled with anger.

Nian Shi is indeed a powerful character, so what if she is now the emperor's favorite concubine?She still looks down on Nian Shi.

It's just being a stand-in, and the happiness stolen will have retribution sooner or later.

Seeing that Nianshi was still pretending to be sick and moaning, Zhiqing's hands hidden in her sleeves were tightly clenched into fists.

At this time, Nian Yaoyue was sitting in front of the table with her hands propped up, and Zhiqing began to have double images in front of her eyes.

She saw Zhiqing, who had been proud all her life, knelt down and kowtowed in front of her with tears in her eyes. Zhiqing was begging her to save the eighth master who was locked up in the clan mansion and his life and death were uncertain.

Watching her kowtow heavily, the sound of kowtow made Nian Yaoyue stunned in surprise, Zhi Qing who was begging for mercy in front of her eyes suddenly felt a little strange.

She was no longer the rebellious and arrogant Guo Luo Luo Zhiqing, but a poor wife who was willing to humble herself into the dust for her husband.

"Jiaojiaoer, don't worry, I will help you save Ba Ye's life." The headache was about to split, at this time Nian Yaoyue lost her mind and subconsciously blurted out.

Zhiqing, who was kowtowing to pray, was suddenly struck by lightning. Jiaojiaoer was the nickname that Rice Cake used to call her.

For many years, since the death of rice cake, no one has ever called her that.

At this time, Zhiqing looked at Xiao Nian Shi who was seven or eight points similar to rice cakes in front of her, and suddenly a ridiculous thought came to her heart, she was the reincarnation of rice cakes.
Zhiqing raised her head suddenly, and was about to look at Nianshi with probing eyes, when she suddenly saw Nianshi's face turned pale, and she collapsed to the ground.

"Nian" Zhiqing was about to step forward to help, when suddenly the door of the room was knocked open, and she saw the insignificant Lord Long Live rushing into the meditation room with a sword.

"Poison woman!" Yinzhen kicked Guo Luoluo to the ground, picked up the unconscious Nian and hurried away from Tanzhe Temple.

When Nian Yaoyue woke up, she was already in Yikun Palace.

"Nian Gao, you're awake, woo woo woo, I have something terrible to ask you, okay?"

Empress Yixian's eyes were red and swollen from crying, at this moment she held Nian Yaoyue's hand and sobbed softly.

"Ma'am, what happened?"

Nian Yaoyue secretly thought that something was wrong, Queen Yixian was always calm, but at this time she was so panic-stricken, it must be a big deal.

"Go and beg Lord Long Live to let him spare Fujin? I plead guilty to you on behalf of Fujin. She is so confused. At that time, Bengong will personally escort her to take off her hairpin in front of you to plead guilty!"

Yi Xian hugged Nian's arm and wept.

"What's wrong with Eight Fortunes?"

Nian Yaoyue suddenly remembered that in history, Ba Fujin was ordered by the fourth master to commit suicide, so she must have died.

"Long Live Lord ordered Eighth Master to divorce his wife. Zhiqing loves Eighth Master more than herself. Eighth Master is Zhiqing's life. Isn't Long Live Lord forcing Zhiqing to die?"

"Not good! Where is Eight Fujin now? We must go find her immediately!"

Zhiqing would rather die than accept being forced to divorce her wife. At this time, Nian Yaoyue sat up in shock and hurriedly put on her clothes.

Nian Yaoyue grabbed Yixian's hand, called a carriage and rushed all the way to Prince Lian's mansion.

From a distance, one could see black smoke billowing into the sky, and the burning place seemed to be Prince Lian's Mansion.

"Jinyu, ask Xuedizi to save people immediately!" Nian Yaoyue shouted anxiously at Jinyu.

Hurrying to Prince Lian's mansion, at this time, black smoke was rising from Fujin's main courtyard.

"Your Majesty, the doors and windows have been locked from the inside, the fire is too big for us to get in!"

Jinyu's clothes were burned with several holes, and at this moment, she knelt down in front of the empress to answer in disgrace.

Nian Yaoyue looked at the yard engulfed by flames, and staggered back a few steps sadly, while Yixian beside her was already crying.

"Hey! What's going on~"

Su Peisheng, who was carrying the imperial decree, came late, and looked at the ruins of the courtyard, his eyes widened in shock.

"You dog slave, you're gone, and you're still making trouble here!" With tears in Yixian's eyes, she glared viciously at the imperial decree in Su Peisheng's hand.

No need to guess, she knew that the content of the imperial decree was not good, she stretched out her hand angrily and knocked the imperial decree to the ground.

"Queen empress, please calm down. This servant is also acting according to the order. This is the letter of divorce personally issued by the Long Live Lord on behalf of the eighth master. This servant is here under the order to escort the guilty woman Guo Luoluo to the clan's residence for custody."

"Long live God said, if Guo Luoluo resists the decree, she will be forcibly escorted, and she will see people in life and corpses in death."

Su Peisheng looked at the ashes on the ground in distress, and finally, under the fierce eyes of the empress, he ordered people to go to the ruins to collect Guo Luoluo's bones and scum, and returned to the palace to return to life.

After a while, a servant walked up to Su Peisheng holding a box.

"Su Peisheng, hand over Guo Luoluo's ashes to me!" Nian Yaoyue stretched out her hands towards Su Peisheng, she could not let Zhiqing's ashes fall into the hands of Fourth Master.

Zhiqing's temperament is so strong that she even used death to fight against the imperial decree of the fourth master. Even if she died, she would not give up her status as the first wife of the eighth master.

Fourth Master would definitely become angry from embarrassment, at this moment Nian Yaoyue covered her mouth with self-blame.

It turned out that the reason why Fourth Master was crushing Zhiqing and scattered her ashes at the gates of the Nine Great City in Sijiu City to be trampled by tens of thousands of people was because of her.

"Your Majesty, don't embarrass the slave, why don't you go and ask the Lord Long Live for Guo Luoluo's ashes?" Su Peisheng looked at Concubine Nian with a troubled expression.

"Oh, such a big fire, would Long live Lord not know? I guess that Long live Lord asked you to dispose of Guo Luoluo's body. Tell me, how does Long live Lord plan to dispose of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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