The evil concubine of the fourth master of Qingchuan

Chapter 403 is just one of them, not the only one

Chapter 403 is just one of them, not the only one
"Your Majesty..." Jinyu looked at the imperial concubine empress hesitantly.

"What's wrong?" Nian Yaoyue looked at Jinyu's flustered eyes and thought something was wrong.

"Long live Lord went to the Old Summer Palace, announced...announced that Concubine Xi will accompany you..." Jin Yu lowered her head and said in a muffled voice, not daring to raise her head to see the expression on the concubine's expression.

The entire Forbidden City knew that Nian Guifei and Xi Concubine Niu Hulu had always fought openly and secretly and disliked each other.

Ever since entering the Forbidden City as a concubine, the noble concubine relied on the favor of the Long Live God, and suppressed Concubine Xi miserably, so far she has not been favored by the Long Live God.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Xi suddenly turned against the wind at this time.The imperial concubine should go crazy...

"Go to Yuanmingyuan!" Nian Yaoyue walked out of the palace gate.

Regardless of calling for a carriage, she asked someone to prepare a fast horse, and rode the horse and whipped all the way to the Old Summer Palace.

At this time, in Jiuzhou Qingyan in Yuanmingyuan, Concubine Xi Niuhulu embroidered Xin without an inch, was wrapped in a blanket and sent to Jiuzhou Qingyan's dragon couch.

Niu Hulu Xiuxin's face was full of shyness and redness. When she thought that she would become the fourth master's woman and perform the ceremony of husband and wife with the fourth master, her breathing was cramped.

Before coming here, she had taken the medicine to help her conceive in advance, so she would be able to successfully conceive her and fourth master's flesh and blood.

When she thought that Fourth Master was going to stuff the doll into her stomach, she suddenly remembered the blushing dowry paintings she had seen before, and her brows and eyes were immediately stained with a thin layer of mist.

Yinzhen entered in pajamas, expressionless and even faintly loathing.

He went straight to the dragon couch, folded his clothes and lay down, covered his body with the brocade quilt, then took a long breath and closed his eyes.

The candles in the hall were flickering, and Niu Hulu Xiuxin blushed, quietly got out of the blanket, and then carefully followed the dragon's feet, slowly crawled to lie down next to Fourth Master.

"Long live, my concubine is waiting for you to go to bed..." Niu Hulu embroidered into the fourth master's arms sideways, and her whole body was soft and boneless stuck in the fourth master's arms.

Yinzhen frowned, letting the woman's hand deftly unbutton his shirt, his face became paler.

A faint fragrance of flowers hit his delicate lips, and printed on his cheeks, Yinzhen felt nausea in his belly.

Niu Hulu Xiuxin almost cried with joy, this was the first time that Fourth Master didn't push her away and refused her courtship.

She blushed and turned over to lie on fourth master's body, and was about to bend down to kiss the thin lips that she had been greedy for half her life, when she suddenly heard a loud bang from the palace door.

When she saw that face turned from embarrassment into anger, Niu Hulu Xiuxin feigned fear and leaned over to hug Fourth Master tightly.

When Nian Yaoyue came in, she saw the glamorous scene in front of her, Niu Hulu Xiuxin lying on Si Ye's body naked.

And fourth master's face was covered with marks of red lips of a woman, his clothes were opened wide, his strong chest and the graceful curves embroidered by Niu Hulu fit together perfectly.

Unable to imagine the scene of the two being entangled under the brocade quilt, Nian Yaoyue gritted her teeth and looked at the astonished eyes of Fourth Master with a face ashen.

"I'm sorry. The concubine is disturbing Long Live Lord's elegance, you go ahead, the concubine will leave!"

He is the emperor, he is pampering his concubine just like pampering her, Nian Yaoyue just finds it ironic, she doesn't even have the qualification to catch them in bed.

What is the difference between her and Niu Hulu Xiuxin?What about the imperial concubine?
She was just one of fourth master's concubines.

Nian Yaoyue held back her tears and stepped on the bottom of the flowerpot to rush out of Jiuzhou Qingyan.

Niu Hulu Xiuxin secretly rejoiced that Lord Long Live did not abandon her.

"Long Live Lord, this concubine is going to explain clearly to Concubine Nian!"

Niu Hulu Xiuxin pretended to get up anxiously, but saw that Fourth Master had already got up and left earlier.

She was wrapped in a brocade quilt and was about to chase her out when Su Peisheng stopped her.

"Your Majesty, you just finished serving the bed, and you go out with this appearance? You will lose the face of the royal family~"

Su Peisheng waved to the old nanny behind him.The old nanny came straight to Concubine Xi with a tray.

"The servant waits on Concubine Xi to take the medicine~" The old nanny handed a bowl of black soup to Niu Hulu Xiuxin.

Niu Hulu Xiuxin was well versed in medical principles, and after smelling it, she knew it was a bowl of Bizi soup.

"Presumptuous!" At this time, Niu Hulu Xiuxin's eyes were full of embarrassment, and her vanity was rampant, and she couldn't say that Long Live Lord hadn't touched her at all just now.

At this moment, she bit her lip, raised her hand and knocked the bowl of Bizi soup to the ground.

"Your Majesty, are you trying to resist the decree?" Su Peisheng looked at Concubine Xi with a half-hearted smile.

"When did Long Live let you be so presumptuous?" Niu Huluxiuxin shouted angrily, patting the table.

Su Peisheng chuckled a few times: "Your Majesty, the concubines in the harem have to take medicine after going to bed. Otherwise, do you think that after Long Live Lord ascended the throne, why would no concubine get pregnant except Concubine Nian?"

"You! What did you say?!" Niu Hulu Xiuxin opened her mouth wide in shock.

Unexpectedly, all these years the harem has had nothing to do. It's not because Nian is jealous and can't tolerate other women getting pregnant, but because Long Live Lord himself doesn't want children?

He is the emperor. Throughout the ages, which emperor would not want to have a full house of children and grandchildren, more children and more blessings?

Why didn't the fourth master let the concubine get pregnant?A domineering and arrogant face suddenly flashed in my mind.

It's because of her! !Because of Nian Yaoyue!The fourth master actually sacrificed his heirs for Nian Yaoyue!
"Your Majesty, I will serve you to take your medicine!" Su Peisheng held the bowl in person, and looked at the beauty with half-exposed shoulders with a sinister smile.

Long live Lord said, if you don't stay, you don't stay. If he was not worried about hurting Niu Hulu, he had already asked the old lady in the respect room to take a three-inch long silver needle to protect Concubine Xi from the child.

"Ah!!" Niu Hulu Xiuxin roared hysterically, grabbed the bowl of medicine and poured it down her throat.


Heartbroken, Nian Yaoyue ran aimlessly in the Old Summer Palace, and finally threw herself into a warm embrace in a panic.

The clear agarwood fragrance is mixed with a faint floral fragrance, and the familiar yet unfamiliar atmosphere strikes Nian Yaoyue, making Nian Yaoyue feel suffocated.

As soon as she pushed fourth master away, she turned around and was about to flee, her foot sprained, and a burst of heart-rending pain made her fall to the ground uncontrollably.

"Nian Gao!" Yinzhen leaned over anxiously, but was pushed away by Nian.

"Don't worry about it!" Nian Yaoyue endured the severe pain, got up and limped.

Sensing the man's hurried footsteps getting closer, Nian Yaoyue didn't look back, but said coldly: "Get out!"

Su Peisheng who just rushed over heard that Concubine Nian was so presumptuous, and was so frightened that he almost lost his footing.

"Oh, the concubine forgot that there is no king in the world, then the concubine is gone! Don't follow me! I'm going to go!"

Yinzhen looked at Nian's leaving back, he stood there blankly without speaking, only clenched his teeth in a daze, his eyes were filled with water, as helpless as a child who did something wrong.

Nian Yaoyue walked for a while, but she didn't feel the fourth master's breath, so she gritted her teeth and walked around to an octagonal pavilion.

At this time, the breeze was blowing on the face, bringing up the hanging moon cage gauze, and gently brushed her sleeves.

(End of this chapter)

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