Chapter 412
The moment her claws touched the goat's neck, fire suddenly lit up all around.

Shoutout, backstabbing attacks from all directions.A large number of officers and soldiers rushed over clamoring with weapons raised.

No, it's a trap!How could she be so stupid.

A sheep appeared here in the middle of the night, and it was clear that it was a trap to invite you into the urn.

Nian Yaoyue turned around hastily and was about to run away, when she was caught off guard, a huge net fell from her head, covering her whole body in the net.

She cut the giant net with her sharp claws, struggled to escape from the giant net, and then got up when she suddenly felt the lingering sword energy hitting her face.

She backed away hurriedly in fright, gritted her teeth and roared, her voice was like the howling of a wild animal.

When he looked up, he saw a cheek haunted by dreams.

How could it be him?Why did she want to meet the lover she missed the most when she was most embarrassed.

She looked at fourth master in a daze, forgetting that she was in a difficult situation at this moment, until the sharp knife passed through her heart, she realized that fourth master was killing her.

"It's me, it's me." She said aggrievedly to the indifferent fourth master, but she roared like a wild beast with anger.

Nian Yaoyue reached out and grabbed the blade, staring helplessly at the man in front of her.

Yinzhen looked at the hideous monster in front of him, and was a little scared at first.

But when the sword blade pierced her chest, the monster actually shed two lines of blood and tears, and when he stared deeply at him with indescribable eyes, Yinzhen froze in place.

At this time, the guards who were dormant by the side rushed towards the injured monster.Get ready to kill the monster with random arrows.

Another cluster of arrows pierced through the shoulder blade, Nian Yaoyue whimpered in pain.

Not caring so much, she ran away first, but the swarm of people made it difficult for her to move forward.

She was driven into a hurry, and finally had no choice but to kill.

Seeing the scream of the monster, everyone waved its claws, and the brain of the guard who rushed to the front was smashed.

Bloody white brains splattered all over the floor.Everyone looked at each other in shock.

"Catch it! Upgrade two levels in a row, and you'll be named a Marquis!"

Yinzhen drew out his sword, took the lead, and rushed towards the monster with claws and claws.

Seeing the monster slap to death the most brave and elite guards of the Qing Dynasty with his bare hands, Yinzhen was furious immediately.

Dare to kill his people in front of him, there will be no mercy.

He rushed to the front with all his strength, swung his sword to kill the monster, and his moves were fatal.

But the strange thing is that the monster that can slap a strong man to death with bare hands is the only one showing mercy to him. Every time he is stabbed, he turns his head and sees him, and even forcibly retracts the sharp claws that are about to fall on him.

After several rounds, Yinzhen was unscathed, while the monster was already scarred.

Fierce battles are raging in the alleys, and murderous threats are everywhere in the dark alleys.

Prince Lian Yinhu looked at Yinzhen who was fighting fiercely with the monster, with a bitter sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He has been waiting for this day for too long, and Yinzhen must die here today.

"Go to hell!" He squeezed the Western firecracker in his hand and shot it between Yinzhen's eyebrows.

Yinzhen also heard the roar of firecrackers, and he secretly thought that something was wrong, but he didn't expect that someone would take the opportunity to assassinate him after the mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole.

There were several consecutive roars of firecrackers, Yinzhen couldn't dodge in time, and was about to resist, suddenly a black shadow appeared in front of him, blocking him.

He heard the monster neighing in pain, was the monster saving him?
Yinzhen looked at the monster's thin back with puzzled eyes, and ran towards Diagon Alley ahead in a stumbling manner.

What is she trying to do?
Nian Yaoyue stared furiously at the Diagonal Alley not far away, roaring and rushed into the Diagonal Alley.

It's unreasonable, someone wants to take the opportunity to murder fourth master, it's damned.

Sure enough, seeing a few men in black who were too late to retreat, she grabbed a man in black with one hand, wishing to slap them to death.

Suddenly remembering that she wanted to keep alive for Fourth Master to interrogate the mastermind behind the scenes, Nian Yaoyue endured the severe pain in her body, raised her hand and threw the two men in black towards the pursuers behind her.

The soldiers who came up were not idle, and took the opportunity to stab her several times.

At this time, her back had been tied like a hedgehog, but she showed no signs of dying. The dog group leader took away her fairy bone, and her body was completely polluted by the turbid air, and she didn't have the slightest bit of immortal energy to protect her body.

But even death is an extravagant wish for her.

She will linger on with an ugly face and humiliation until she completely loses consciousness and becomes a scourge that harms the common people, and then she will be strangled by the scourge of the gods to continue the next round of scourges.Immortal.

There were chasing soldiers everywhere, she had no way out, Nian Yaoyue ran away with her head in her arms, and finally plunged into the former Prince Yong's mansion.

The pursuers followed the monster and rushed into Prince Yong's mansion, but soon lost track of the monster.

There is a hidden secret passage in Prince Yong's mansion, Nian Yaoyue is in a panic and has no choice but to grit her teeth and hide in the secret passage.

"Long live, the monster is missing, but the slave feels that it must still be hidden in a corner of the palace. The blood droplet and the guards have searched inch by inch, and will find the monster soon."

Su Peisheng wondered, he was most familiar with Qiandi, but the monster disappeared under his nose.

It's so weird.

At this moment, Yinzhen still thinks about the way the monster looked at him just now, and always feels that those eyes are incompatible with the fierce and terrifying appearance of the monster.

This look seems familiar, where is it?Where on earth had he seen that monster?

Yinzhen thought hard, but still couldn't remember where he saw that look.

He even felt absurdly that he saw deep affection in the monster's eyes, affection that would last until death.

Just like when Nian Shi looked at him, he was so affectionate and tender. When he thought of Nian Shi, his stern cheeks softened a lot, and a slight smile appeared.

All of a sudden, Nian's smiling face and the monster's eyes gradually merged together.

Yin Zhen felt as if struck by lightning, he ran madly towards the front yard where Qian Mansion used to live.

"Long Live Lord!" Su Peisheng and others were about to catch up, but were pushed back by Long Live Lord.

Yinzhen came to the room alone, opened the door of the secret room, and rushed into the secret passage.

"Nian Gao, I'm Yinzhen, it's you, right?" Yinzhen called anxiously.

Thinking of just now when he stabbed Nianshi with a sword, and stabbed several times in succession, Yinzhen wished to kill himself.

Nian Yaoyue, who was hiding in the secret passageway, heard fourth master calling her, and immediately covered the corner of her mouth with mixed feelings.

He recognized her at last, and recognized her as the terrible monster.

She gritted her teeth to prevent herself from making any sound. What face did she have to see fourth master?
Do you want Fourth Master to welcome a monster back to the Forbidden City and continue to be a noble concubine?

Concubine Hanba!Zombie chaise?Vampire Princess?
Either way, fourth master would fall into the abyss of eternal doom.

She curled up in a corner in despair and silently watched fourth master walk by, and finally disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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