Chapter 29
Halfway along the road, suddenly two burly men joined Gu Qiang and his team on the side of the road.After walking a few feet away, several peasant-looking men joined in.In this way, when they arrived at the spacious open space in front of the open main gate of Weiran Academy, the number of men following Qingyang's horse had changed from the initial six to 27.

Qing Shu let out a groan to stop the bay red horse, then waved his hand, and the 27 people behind him stopped.

Gu Qiang came forward, "Miss."

Qing Shu sneered, "Choose a few people to go in and invite Young Master Ding out to Miss Ben. Be polite and don't hurt the masters inside, especially Confucius."

Gu Qiang took the order and brought three people to enter the academy, but was stopped by two disciples of the academy who discovered the change.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Which mansion are you from? Is this a place where you can break free?" Among them, the bearded doorman looked Gu Qiang up and down politely while speaking.Although they are disciples, they are also very snobbish.In their view, the group of people who came must have no status, so there is no need to show good looks at all.

Gu Qiang returned a smiling face, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "The steward of the ancient mansion in Xiajixian Lane, the young master of the mansion on the horseback over there is a classmate of the young master Ding's mansion in your academy. The young master was recuperating at home, and today he suddenly remembered that he was with Master Ding After saying a few words of kindness, I came over. Please make it easier for me to go in and pass on a message for the young master, and invite young master Ding to come out."

Before waiting for the bearded man to answer, the thin doorman next to him rolled his eyes and asked from the side, "Which ancient mansion in Jixian Lane?"

However, Qing Shu couldn't see the ink stains. They were here to find fault, not to be polite, so she sneered and said in a clear and clear voice: "Housekeeper, what are you talking about, I don't need my lady to teach you the principle of etiquette before soldiers!"

Gu Qiang also felt that going on like this would take too much time, so he said "offended", and with a big wave of his hand, twenty or so men rushed forward and rushed into the academy, knocking the two disciples dizzy.

At this time, Xiaojuan came from nowhere, and whispered in Qingshu's ear.Qingshu nodded, and handed over the reins to Li Dalang, leaving six people to protect Qingyang, and brought Xiaojuan into the academy.

Among the group of people, Yuan Bao was the one who knew the plants and trees of Weiran Academy best, so he acted as a guide and led Qingshu and his party inside.

It was the recess time in the academy at the moment, and outside there were either threes or twos gathering together to talk in low voices, or thirteen or fourteen-year-old boys pacing and thinking about something.They were very surprised when they noticed Qingshu and his group who broke in, especially when they saw that the leader was a girl.

It was enough time for another cup of tea. When the boys in luxurious clothes ranging from five to six to eight or nine years old were running and jumping in the yard, Gu Yuanbao pointed to a row of houses with blue bricks and red tiles. The second door from the left in the middle, "Miss, that's where the young master studies."

Because it is summer, the windows are wide open.When Yuan Bao pointed out the location, a small head poked out from the window.

Yuan Bao saw it and hurriedly reported, "Miss, that's the young master of the Zuo family."

At this time, there were two masters who came over after hearing the news. Seeing Yuan Bao, he pointed at the thin one of them and said, "This is Confucius."

Qing Shu waved his hand, "Go in and find out." Then he looked at Confucius who hurried over with a half-smile, and smiled with satisfaction when he turned his face back.Because her people are very efficient in handling affairs, Ding Tianci and the little bastard surnamed Zuo have already been found out.

Confucius saw his two students screaming and being held up like chickens, and the boy next to the two students was also being grabbed, and his expression changed immediately, "Presumptuous, where are you from?" How dare you come to Weiran Academy to make trouble? You still don’t let him go.”

Yuan Bao was the last one to come out, and without looking at Confucius, he reported directly to Qing Shu, "Miss, I asked, Master Zhou is on leave today and didn't come."

Qing Shu ignored the clamoring Confucius, "Fortunate for him, let's go."

Seeing Yuan Bao, Confucius knew which house was causing trouble, so he blocked everyone's way with a livid face, and cursed at Qing Shu, "You are a boudoir girl who broke into the place where the saints teach and solve doubts with no sense of propriety or shame. Pollution of my saint's pure land, hateful and hateful, but... ah"

After the scream, there was a loud thud.Then there was silence, even the struggling and noisy fat man Ding Tianci and the skinny monkey Zuo Xiaozuo lost their voices.

Xiaojuan retracted the kicker's foot, put her hips on her hips, and snorted with her nostrils turned toward the sky.

"There is a master like you who only knows how to cling to the powerful, doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, doesn't know what justice is, sees students' disciples' actions, and insults students at will. It is a real insult to a saint." Qing Shu said coldly, A group of people returned the same way.

Three feet away from the gate of the academy, Qing Shu and others stopped.

A middle-aged man with long beard, black hair, rich appearance and gentle face stood in the middle of the gate of the academy. Behind him was a row of more than a dozen young and middle-aged men in uniform uniforms. Judging by the standing posture and momentum, it was very similar to training. Well guarded.

Qing Shu was not afraid of such a scene, but said with a deadpan expression: "Everyone, what's your business here?"

But the middle-aged man asked: "I don't know who is Miss's house?"

Gu Qiang stepped forward, "The ancient mansion of the late General Gu Yunhu."

"I'm sorry, Lan Shuncheng is in charge of Weiran Academy. I don't know what you can do for Miss Gu's visit today?"

It was still Gu Qiang who answered, "Miss is here for the young master's studies."

"Oh!" Lan Shuncheng put on an expression of wanting to hear more about it.

"At the beginning of the month, the young master was seriously injured in your academy, and he will take half a month to recover. From top to bottom, your academy has never given an explanation, and the beating person has never been punished, nor has he come to apologize. Returning to school after recovering from injury, he was severely injured again in your college. The master saw that not only did he not punish the assailant, but instead let the seriously injured young master drop out of school. The young master has no father or brother to succeed, and can only rely on his elder sister. The young lady is not convinced, kiss Visited the master three times, wanting to ask for an explanation, but he didn't want to, so the master avoided seeing him. Since your academy is acting like this, it protects those who beat people and suppresses those who are bullied. Revenge or revenge, the ancient government can only do it in its own way Manager Lan, please give me a hand." Gu Qiang's final tone was very strong, in short, things will not be good today.

From the beginning to the end, Lan Shuncheng was in doubt. He didn't think that Gu Qiang was telling a lie, but if the matter was true, it would damage the reputation of the academy to some extent.

He didn't know that the reputation of Weiran Academy was already bad in the public.Why does it stink?Because there are whispers in the market that Weiran Academy is instilling in its students the idea that wealth and power are everything. Those descendants of the rich and powerful are already arrogant and domineering and do not look down on ordinary people. Randomly ravage them these little people.Even the descendants of meritorious ministers are bullied to the point of being angry and afraid to speak out. When it's their turn, ordinary people, do they still have a way out!
(End of this chapter)

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