Chapter 89
Shanzi frowned, and found Wu Tongtou, "Brother, to tell you the truth, in the nearby villages there are a dozen or so little brothers who are idle and get together. He robbed the rich people who passed by at night. Of the five or six just now, not to mention all of them, at least three or two followed that group of people to do evil. I think these people are after you. Although it is raining and the road is not easy to walk, If you don’t want to suffer, you’d better leave quickly.”

Wu Tongtou naturally listened to it. Although they were well-managed, they were unfamiliar with the place after all, and they had no one to help them when they encountered some problems, so they were easy to suffer.He thanked Qingshu, went to explain the situation to Qingshu, and proposed to leave immediately.

Qing Shu didn't expect to encounter such a thing, but she didn't think it was wise for them to leave now.Here, not only the village roads are dirt roads, but even the official roads are dirt roads.It rained all night and the road was very muddy. If they set off now, they would not be able to avoid the reality that the wheels would get stuck in the mud.

Now that a group of people were following them and their car got stuck in the mud puddle and couldn't get out, it gave others an opportunity to take advantage of it.What's more, if this group of people deliberately digs pits on the road to trap them, and then attacks them, they are busy protecting women and children, and it is easy to lose the wind, which is not appropriate.

What Qing Shu said, Wu Tongtou thought it made sense, he thought about it, and suggested to send someone to the town ten miles ahead to ask Mr. Yan for help.He believed that Mr. Yan, who entered the town first, would not rush in the rain and stay in the town when it rained.

Qingshu feels that it is always bad to rely on others for everything, but Wu Tongtou's idea is also correct, everyone is for the safety of the group.She thought for a while, "Is there a way, we don't do it ourselves, let others deal with this group of people. For example, the government, for example, the people in several villages who were harmed by this group of people." She was just an idea, Whether it can be done or not depends on Wu Tongtou.

Hearing this, Wu Tongtou seemed to have an idea, "Miss, I'll go to Shanzi to find out some things, and find out what he has to say." Since Shanzi dared to tell them the truth, he was naturally decent and looked down on those people.

Qingshu nodded, and made a special confession, "That daughter-in-law Hammer must not be easily let go." Obviously, the person was attracted by the daughter-in-law Hammer, maybe this daughter-in-law Hammer is in the same group as those people, and she is in charge of snooping news of.

Wu Tong nodded, went out and told the strong men to keep up their spirits, protect their master and not leave their posts without authorization, then he asked Shanzi to talk alone, and soon followed Shanzi out again.

An hour later, Xiaojuan, who was standing in the courtyard looking out from time to time, finally saw the figure of Wu Tongtou coming back with Shanzi, and also saw clearly the faces of the two men walking with them and leading the mule.

Xiaojuan ran into the room with a happy face, "Miss, miss, butler Gu has arrived." Before Qingshu could react, she turned around and ran out again, "Mother Su, the butler is here." "Sister, come out quickly, Your brother has caught up."

Knowing that Gu Qiang had caught up, Qing Shu was very happy, and she did not forget to say a few words, "Xiaojuan, this girl, is too restless, she screams in surprise every now and then, far inferior to Xiao Yu."

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "If she hears it, I will definitely be jealous of my slaves for a long time."

Qingyang, who was sitting on the bed and playing with Qingshu, couldn't sit still, "Sister, hurry up, Xiaoyang misses the housekeeper uncle."

Qingshu nodded his nose, "Got it, got it."

Xiaoyu leaned forward, took the shoes of the two masters and put them on the low stool under the bed.

After the siblings put on their shoes and got off the bed, Qingshu grabbed Qingyang who was about to run out, adjusted his clothes before letting him go.

"Uncle Housekeeper, Uncle Housekeeper..." Qingyang shouted all the way, running towards Gu Qiang who had just stepped into the fence gate.

Gu Qiang, who had a frosty face, heard Qingyang's "uncle housekeeper", and saw Qingyang grinning and running towards him with short legs, his eyes became hot, and he threw the mule's reins to the people behind, He opened his arms and embraced Qingyang who was rushing forward, "Master, you can't call him uncle slave, it will make people laugh."

Qingyang hugged Gu Qiang's neck tightly, "No, no, just call me Uncle Housekeeper."

Wu Tongtou used to be the steward of Xiaozhuangzi. After Xiaozhuangzi was sold, Qingshu still asked him to be the steward to help Gu Qiang who was the housekeeper.Now that Gu Qiang has arrived, the burden on him is lightened, and he is busy reporting to Gu Qiang what happened after he left Beijing.

Qingshu was not in a hurry to ask Gu Qiang for questioning, and ordered Xiaojuan to ask someone to remove half a bag of soybeans from the ox cart and send them to the kitchen, then went to the kitchen with Xu Sanniang first, and said, "Let's make salted beans and eat them." !"

Xu Sanniang was puzzled, "Salt beans?"

Qing Shu smiled, "Yeah, salted beans, it's very simple. Just fry the soybeans over low heat, dissolve the salt with warm water, then soak the fried soybeans in salt water for half a day, and it's done. I heard that these salt beans can be eaten as a snack or as pickles for a meal.” For salt beans, if you want them to taste softer, you need to add more salt water, so it’s not suitable for grabbing and eating; If it is too soft, put less salt water, and you can grab it as a snack.

Xu Sanniang didn't feel bad about trying soybeans, because soybeans were worthless, but salt was expensive. She didn't want to disappoint the lady, so she suggested, "Miss, why don't we fry it and try it."

Qingshu understood that she was afraid of causing too much harm, so she said yes with a smile.

The girl Xiaojuan gave full play to her strength and didn't need help from others, so she carried half a bag of soybeans to the stove by herself.

Xu Sanniang refused to let Qingshu do it. Qingshu was bored and refused to leave. Finally, Xu Sanniang moved a wooden stool to the door of the kitchen for Qingshu to sit on. She and Xiaojuan fried soybeans and mixed salt water.

After sitting for a while, Qingshu suddenly remembered that she forgot to tell her about the noon grocery shopping, so she asked Xu Sanniang to quickly ask the owner if the green vegetables in the vegetable garden were sold, and if not, she would go to another place to buy them, and then gave Xu Sanniang a penny.

Shanzi's family is very particular. When they were using the kitchen, Shanzi's wife never approached them, and Shanzi's grandparents didn't come in and out very often, let alone make friends.If they have something to do, they have to go to the West Wing to find someone.

At this time, Gu Qiang came to look for Qing Shu.Qingshu knew that he was going to report something about Beijing, so she called him into the main room and asked Qingyang to listen together.

There are four main things that Gu Qiang reported.First, the ancient mansion was rented out, and Princess Jingyang Mansion signed a two-year contract for the distant relatives of the son-in-law. As agreed, the renter only used the Erdaoyuan and the outer courtyard, not the inner courtyard, and gave 600 taels for two years. silver.

Second, Li Haitang was escorted away by the officials. On the second day, someone from the yamen came to the door and said that he wanted the ancient mansion to let Li Haitang go.Gu Qiang first strongly stated that it was impossible, and kicked him out, and then he let go when the person who said Xiang came to the door for the second time, compensated 1000 taels of silver and then let the yamen beat him up, it's over.The person who talked about Xiang came to the door for the third time, saying that Li Haitang was willing to add another 1000 taels of silver, and the board was exempted.Gu Qiang finally said that the one-buy price, 3000 taels of silver, would not be pursued by the Gufu.The other party finally agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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