Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 118: Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tiger!

Chapter 118 Ten Armored Explosive Flame Tigers!
Lin Xuan and Feng Zhenhua heard the wind of the fireball behind them.

The speed was immediately pushed to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, he ran 20 meters away.

In the end, because of the long distance, Lin Xuan and the two were extremely fast, and the four fireballs did not hit any targets.

One or two minutes later, Lin Xuan and the two had rushed into the camp.


Several instructors in the camp immediately closed the heavy iron gate.

After a while, those Iron Armored Flame Tigers, together with the two attacked ones, rushed over quickly.



The furious Iron Armored Flame Tigers began to knock on the iron gate in turn.

Fortunately, the iron gate of this camp is made of alloy steel.

Incredibly sturdy.

If the Flame Tigers wanted to knock it away, they had to work hard.

And this time.

Everyone in the camp saw the six Iron Armored Flame Tigers rushing towards them all at once, all of them looked horrified and turned pale.

It turns out that there are two.

Now there are six in total? !

"Lin Xuan, are you okay?"

Seeing Lin Xuan's return, Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting rushed over immediately with concerned expressions on their faces.

"It's okay." Lin Xuan replied casually.

"It's all right, you're sweating from exhaustion!" Fang Lingbo snorted coquettishly, and took out a handkerchief to wipe Lin Xuan's sweat.

Then he hugged Lin Xuan's arm.

Liu Tingting did not show weakness.

Hugging Lin Xuan's arms, the two towers in front pressed tightly against it.

He said with a little worry in his mouth: "Brother Lin Xuan, what shall we do next? There are six monsters in total..."

Lin Xuan felt a soft feeling.

One side is big and the other is small, something is wrong.

Sweating for a while, it's time to co-author, are you two still thinking about taking advantage of me?

Just about to pull my arm out.

Unexpectedly, the two women seemed to be competing with each other, and they hugged each other even tighter.

The boys on one side were terrified by the existence of the six armored flame tigers, but at this moment they saw the two girls hugging Lin Xuan's arms tightly and leaning towards them.

The expression is still not without sour taste.

"Hey, the three of them had a big fight just now, and it's obvious that they can't walk well, and they're still so tired..."

"I can't accept it, this kid is really energetic!"

"Wang has hair, now there are so many armored explosive flame tigers outside, how to get back alive is a problem!"

"Yeah, everyone won't be dead this time..."

"Get lost, crow's mouth!"


Feng Zhenhua also saw the situation of Lin Xuan's Roujiamo.

The expression was awkward for a while.

Really anytime, anywhere, don't miss a free time.By the way, the three of you, didn't you just have that kind of thing?Not satisfied yet.

He didn't want to bother.

But the situation is more urgent.

"Ahem, Lin Xuan, don't be so busy picking up girls, hurry up, there is something serious..."

Among all the people, only Lin Xuan and his two D-levels.

It's okay for the other instructors to protect the disciples from behind. At the critical moment, if you really want to face the attack of the Iron-armored Flame Tiger, I'm afraid that the other party will die if it comes over with a claw.

Lin Xuan was speechless: "..."

Obviously I was soaked, okay?
Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting blushed and let go of their arms.

"All E-level and above, follow me to the wall!"

Feng Zhenhua said with a serious face.

With a big wave of his hand, he took the lead in walking towards the wall of the camp fortress.

This move of his immediately made everyone on the scene even more nervous.

Is it a new dangerous situation? !
Lin Xuan and a group of disciples above grade E followed Feng Zhenhua one after another and climbed up the wall of the camp fortress.

compared to the other two camps.

The fortress of this camp, because it was the most dangerous nearby, was built extremely tall and strong. The wall was like a city wall, extremely thick, five or six meters high.

People walked up to the fence.

Seeing the situation in front of him, there was a sudden change.

Because at this time, before they knew it, four Iron Armored Flame Tigers sprang out from outside the camp!
In other words, there are a total of ten armored flame tigers outside!

Lin Xuan saw a big head.

This is so...

How many tiger nests did you provoke!

Among the ten iron-armored explosive flame tigers outside, except for three or two that hit the iron gate from time to time.

The rest are divided in twos and threes.

Everyone stared at each other.

The blood-red eyes are frightening.

At this time, everyone, even if they wanted to escape from the other side of the fort, there was no way!

"Everyone pay attention!"

A mentor who was in charge of observing the vigilance suddenly pointed to the outside and reminded.

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the instructor.

In the distance, two armored flame tigers stood up, and then ran towards the wall, running faster and faster!

Is it going to hit the outer wall? !
Everyone looked stunned.

"Be careful!" the instructor said again.

The voice just fell.

I saw the Iron Armored Flame Tiger rushing towards the outer wall like Hot Wheels.

Then he jumped.

It turned out not to hit the wall, but to pounce on it!

What made everyone unbelievable was that it leaped up to the five or six meter high outer wall!
This, is the ferocity of the D-level mid-term Iron Armored Fire Tiger? !

The scene was shocked.

Most of the people standing on the wall are below E rank.

If it rushed up, it would definitely be a bloodbath.

Feng Zhenhua didn't have time to think about it, he rushed up immediately, stopped in front, roared out with a punch, and threw it at the Iron Armored Flame Tiger that had just rushed up.

The Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tiger was caught off guard and was directly sent flying.

However, after having the first one.

there will be a second...

The rest of the Iron Armored Flame Tigers stopped staring at the iron door.

One by one, they began to pounce on the wall.

In an instant, a dangerous life fell from the top of the wall.

Feng Zhenhua then greeted him one after another, screaming and punching again and again, but he was extremely reluctant to hit the Iron Armored Blazing Tiger twice in a row. One of the tiger's claws still left a wound on his body, bleeding profusely!

One is that Explosive Flame Tiger's realm is in the mid-D level, which is one level higher than his early D-level.

Second, he used his trump card once before.Although Lin Xuan made a move later, even if he withdrew it, it still cost a lot.

But he couldn't care less.

Take the lead and charge forward.

It is said that he is usually very cunning and narrow-minded, but in fact, it is really good to treat his disciples, especially at critical moments, in order to protect his disciples, he can even die in battle...

Under the crisis, others joined in one after another.

Including Fang Lingbo, all the students above E level took up their own weapons.

"Steady everyone!"

"Don't let one come up!"



Under Feng Zhenhua's shouting and inspiration, all the people on the wall were excited and ready to fight to the death.

They all understand that they are the first and last line of defense, if the Iron Armored Flame Tiger breaks through the outer wall and rushes into the fortress of the camp.

All the teachers and students in the Daoyuan class will be doomed forever!


Even if it is heroic.

But due to the huge gap in strength, even though the Iron Armored Flame Tiger's attacks did not break through the outer wall, the damage they caused to everyone was not small.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen people were injured.

There was blood all over the wall.

Lin Xuan also rushed forward and smashed it for a while, but the effect was limited.

Seeing that the situation is getting more and more serious.

Also ready to go all out.

He is not a hero, not a good guy.

But if you just watched, your classmates and mentors were injured and even died in front of you.

That would be too heartless!

"Get out of the way, let go of that tiger, let me do it!"

"You have a leg!"

"You have a leg!"

"You have a leg..."

The people under the wall were originally at the bottom, seeing the ferocity of the Iron Armored Flame Tiger, they were all terrified.

At this time, I heard Lin Xuan yelling and cursing.

Can't help but be speechless.

This is a battle of life and death, old man!If you scold others, the Iron Armored Flame Tiger can go down by itself?People can't understand it either.

Please be serious, okay? ! !

And everyone on the wall saw it.

While speechless, he was also shocked.

I saw Lin Xuan yelling and cursing, followed by a kick that kicked the Iron Armored Flame Tiger flying away.

If it doesn't work once, do it again.

Anyway, there is nothing that cannot be solved by saying "you have a leg".

so repeatedly.

Although there were occasional kicks in the air, within a short period of time, the fierce attack of the Iron Armored Flame Tiger actually kicked Lin Xuan's yelling and forced him down...

Everyone on the wall, including Feng Zhenhua and Fang Lingbo, were almost dumbfounded.

The eyes are wide open, the eyes are shocked, and the eyeballs are about to fly out.

Fuck, is there such a showy operation? !

Does swearing increase one's aura and combat effectiveness, or what, one swearing actually suppresses the Iron Armored Flame Tiger? !
Also, where the hell is this dialect!


(End of this chapter)

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