Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 164 Beast Transformation Ability

Chapter 164 Beast Transformation Ability
Listening to the screams, no, to be precise, it should be Qiao Pan,
Li Kai's heart was bleeding.

Three goddesses!
It's still an existence that he can't get no matter how much he licks...

Although he didn't get it.

But subconsciously, with a strong desire to possess, Lin Yanran and the three daughters have been regarded as their own taboos, and no one else can touch them at all, and they can't even say a word.

The students of Zhongzhou Lingfu are afraid of the power of the Li family in the magical capital.

They all consciously stayed far away from the three women.

But now.

This kid named Lin Xuan beat him up yesterday.

Not only did I touch it today, but I also got on it.

What a [-]v[-]! ! !

"Chen Dong, stop this kid immediately! I'll bring someone there right away, Ma De, I must kill him alive!"

Li Kai explained viciously.

After hanging up the phone, he rushed out with someone, and on the way to Dynasty KTV, he gritted his teeth and called his second uncle again.

His second uncle is an important figure in the family like a pillar.

Although he is a member of the sect.

He is far away from family affairs, but his cultivation is extremely high, and he is one of the top practitioners in the Dragon Kingdom. Generally, he is more enthusiastic about family affairs.

It just so happens that he himself is also in Shanghai.

After hearing what Li Kai said, he scolded Li Kai.

Still, he agreed to help.


When Li Kai was in a state of desperation and led people to rush here.

Chen Dong was stunned.

Li Kai asked him to "stop" Lin Xuan immediately.

But the key is, how does he stop it?

Yesterday, Lin Xuan beat Li Kai and his bodyguards violently, and he witnessed it with his own eyes.Several people from Li Kai, including a D-level eclosion ability, were instantly fucked.

Not sloppy at all.

If you disturb the temperament of such an awesome boss, the boss will be furious at that time, he is a little E-rank, isn't that courting death?

Also, the families of Lin Yanran and Bai Chuxue are not simple.

Also offended.

In desperation, Chen Dong just called the KTV manager over.

The manager heard the situation in the private room.

The expression is very surprised.

Nima, the voice inside is too ecstasy!
He had seen quite a few guests doing business in the KTV, but it took him so long to play one-on-one like this.

Really not...

"Sir, since the privacy of the guest is involved, and the guest is the top crown member, there is nothing we can do. We are only responsible for providing good service, please understand!" Regarding Chen Dong's blocking request, the manager pretended Politely declined in embarrassment.

Just kidding, who is in the private room.

He is very clear.

Such a wealthy family, this Chen Dong can't afford to offend, and he can't afford to offend either.

But before leaving.

I still listened and listened, and asked curiously: "I said buddy, is there really a man in there? Isn't that too loud!"

Chen Dong: "..."

What the hell did labor and management ask you to help, or did they ask you to gossip?
Fortunately, not long.

Li Kai had already led someone, and came to the KTV angrily.

This time he selected the top guards in three families, a cultivator, a petrification ability, and a beast transformation ability.

With the support of these three top guards.

Li Kai has a lot of confidence.

When Chen Dong saw that Li Kai had brought someone over, he hurriedly knocked on the door pretendingly.

The inside of the door was locked, so naturally it couldn't be smashed.

"Boss, it can't be broken..." Chen Dong muttered.


When Li Kai heard the vague and shy voices inside, he was furious and pushed Chen Dong aside.

I kicked it when I went up.

The door was not kicked open.

Then he kicked again, but the door was still motionless, but Li Kai pushed too hard and almost fell back to the ground.

This, I can't blame Li Kai for being too good...

Anyway, he is also a half-step D-rank.

But the problem is that this KTV is the top existence in Magic City, and the guests are either rich or expensive, and many of them are masters in the cultivation world.

In addition, the KTV is full of smog, and people often make trouble.

In order to prevent being destroyed by practitioners.

The decoration materials used a lot of special alloys for practitioners, and the doors and door frames were also made of special alloys.

Therefore, it is not easy to kick it away.

"Master, let me come!"

An extremely tall and strong guy among the three guards spoke up at this moment.

Li Kai made a fool of himself, even though his expression was angry.

But still nodded.

The extremely tall guy was called Sun Ping, nearly two meters tall, standing in front of the door, like a wall.

The whole body gives people a strong sense of oppression.

With a slight bang, he drank violently.

Sun Ping's entire body mutated, especially his upper body, where the musculoskeletal muscles grew and swelled rapidly.

It's like taking a genetic medicine.

But in a few breaths.

It has transformed into a black bear with a height of more than three meters and an extremely large and majestic figure!

It is the rare animalization ability!
Although it is only a half-beast, the lower body has hardly changed, but after the transformation, the upper body is covered with black hair, giant claws and sharp teeth, and the fangs are exposed, roaring again and again.

The ground trembled a little.

At first glance, it looks like a monster drilled out of nowhere.

Li Kai couldn't help but feel a little terrified when he saw it.

Not far away, the manager heard the movement and was leading people to come, thinking that he could persuade KTV to save some losses, but when he saw the scene of animalization, he immediately shrank back in fright.

shit shit shit...

Forget it, life-saving is more important!

(End of this chapter)

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