Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 166 Bang bang bang bang bang...

Chapter 166 Bang bang bang bang bang...

Sun Ping, who had transformed into a bear man, rushed in first.

The two top guards of the Li family also followed in.

The three guards left as soon as they entered the compartment.

The powerful momentum spread, and the air in the room froze immediately.

Li Kai followed suit.

But hiding at the back, when he saw Lin Xuan, he still shivered subconsciously, and looked at his bandage-covered hands.There is no way, yesterday, Lin Xuan beat him up too badly, he has never been beaten so viciously since he grew up...

Although Li Kai saw Lin Xuan flustered.

But when he saw Lin Yanran, Bai Chuxue, and Gao Yajie.

Immediately, he became angry again.

When the door was smashed open, Lin Yanran and the three daughters had already changed their clothes and rested for a while.

Rao is so.

The faces of the three women were still flushed, they were satisfied, and they were sweating profusely. They snuggled up to Lin Xuan's side, and looked at Lin Xuan like spring water.

Seeing this scene, Li Kai jumped out of three corpses and was about to explode.

He is rich in the second generation and repairs in the second generation.

Anyway, he has experienced many battles, so how can he not understand that this is a strange situation.

It's so obvious that something has just been done!

Still [-]v[-].

They are all goddesses that he can't get...

What the hell! ! !

"Lin Xuan, you, actually... I think you are looking for death!" Li Kai was dizzy with anger, and immediately forgot about the beating he received yesterday, he rushed forward, pointing at Lin Xuan and yelling at him furiously.

The three daughters of Lin Yanran were enjoying the roller coaster round after round.

I knew that Li Kai's people were coming again.

At this time, Li Kai was so angry that he couldn't speak well.

I despise it even more.

This Li Kai chased the three of them one by one for a long time, licking all kinds of things without a bottom line.

It ended up being licked to nothing.

Originally, the three girls thought that this was enough, but Li Kai was not like this. He couldn't catch him, and he didn't want others to catch him, so he swore sovereignty everywhere.

Lin Yanran and the three daughters were extremely annoying.

Even the next step is to find someone to beat up Li Kai.

"Li Kai, get the fuck out of here, our sisters did it voluntarily, don't mind your business!" Bai Chuxue scolded first.

"Don't be shameless, get out!"

"Let's go, Li Kai. Although the Li family in your magical capital is powerful, it's no match for the three of us!"

Behind Gao Yajie and Lin Yanran also scolded Li Kai.

Li Kai sneered when he heard this.

shook his head.

With a ferocious face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, okay! You asked for this!"


Sun Ping, who had been turned into a half-beast, and the other two top guards of the family said, "I'll destroy them all, including those three women!"

The woman Li Kai couldn't get.

It's so ruined!
"Li Kai, how dare you!"

Lin Yanran and the three daughters were shocked and angry when they heard Li Kai's order to his subordinates.

The three of them are students of Zhongzhou Lingfu, and they are also practitioners.

But the level is about the same as Li Kai.

They are all half-step D-level.

And was beaten by Lin Xuan's waist drum for more than an hour.

The thrills of the roller coaster round after round made them feel a little exhausted at this moment, and they couldn't help but feel a little weak...

More importantly, the three guards brought by Li Kai.

All of them are powerful and powerful.

In particular, facing the half-bear man at the front, with giant claws and sharp teeth, and a ferocious face, standing in front of him like an iron tower, one glance makes people shudder.

Therefore, when Lin Yanran and the three daughters saw Li Kai's three guards approaching, they all turned pale with fright.

At the same time, I was very worried about the elementary school brother who gave them an unparalleled experience.

Primary school students only enter school.

Presumably the cultivation level is not too high.

At this time, it must be too late to call for rescue!
Just when Lin Yanran's three daughters panicked, Lin Xuan's expression remained unchanged, and he wiped his hands with a paper towel calmly.

After a moment.

Then he said casually: "It seems that I was still not convinced yesterday!"

Li Kai heard a shiver.

He quickly hid behind and urged the three guards to do it: "What are you doing in a daze, do it quickly!"

"Yesterday, that kid was very savage... You all beat him up, just beat him to death!"

"Don't hit the three girls so hard, wait until I'm done playing..."


Under Li Kai's urging.

Three guards came in front of Lin Xuan. Sun Ping, a half-bear man, roared and took the lead to pat him with his giant claws.

This claw is extremely imposing, and if it is hit, an ordinary cultivator will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

Lin Yanran and the three daughters exclaimed in unison.

They were all worried, because they knew that they couldn't stop this claw!

Just when the orc's giant claw fell.

Lin Xuan dodges.

However, he escaped this blow and came to Li Kai in an instant.

"I didn't beat you yesterday, what do you want to do today? Why don't you beat him to death?" Lin Xuan asked with a half-smile.

Li Kai saw this.

I almost freaked out, why does this kid look like a ghost? !

In a panic, he hid behind the three guards again.

He boldly continued to shout:
"Boy, don't be so arrogant! Today I brought three top guards from the Li family of our magical capital!"

"Everyone can kill you!"

"And my second uncle is coming soon. He is a famous figure in the entire Dragon Kingdom cultivation world! A C-level powerhouse can kill you with one finger! Did you threaten to kill me just now? Come on!"

Li Kai finished shouting.

The three guards had rushed up again.

The one who was most present was the animalized half-bear man, who lost face because of the missed shot just now.

At this time, he put all his strength into attacking Lin Xuan fiercely.

Two giant claws pierced straight into Lin Xuan's chest, and the bloody mouth aimed at Lin Xuan's head.

He wanted to kill with one blow!


Lin Yanran and the three daughters exclaimed.

It is impossible to try to help.

Lin Yanran even closed her eyes.


I saw Lin Xuan turned sideways to avoid the extremely ferocious blow of the half-bear man.

Copy your hand and grab it.

But he immediately grabbed one of the half-bearman's hind legs!
The half-bear man's expression changed.

Suddenly struggling hard, even turned around to attack, but that leg seemed to be clamped by iron tongs with a strength of tens of millions of catties... It didn't move at all!
The half-bear man immediately looked horrified.

Have you met a god this time? !

However, no further reaction has been made.

Suddenly, he found that his whole body was flying in the air, and Lin Xuan turned him around with one hand.

Like a human stick.

bang bang bang bang bang...

Accompanied by a terrifying crash.

Lin Xuan swung the half-bear man, and instantly smashed five or six big holes on the granite floor!
The scene was suddenly dead silent!


(End of this chapter)

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