Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 168 The Acquaintance of the Great Sword

Chapter 168 The Acquaintance of the Great Sword
With this slap, the old man showed no mercy.

After Li Kai was sent flying, he hit the wall first, and then landed on the ground with a plop.

"Second uncle?!"

Li Kai's mouth was full of blood and teeth, and he shouted in horror.

Nima, the savior who was finally looking forward to hit me first? !

what's going on? ? ?
Not only Li Kai, but also the three daughters of Lin Yanran behind, and the three guards who were smashed into the floor.

They were all dumbfounded.

In other words, this is the flood that washed the Dragon King Temple?The old man looks like a fairy with a high level of cultivation. How could he beat his nephew when he came up?

What the hell is going on!

The others wondered.

Lin Xuan didn't really have any special emotional reactions except for a little surprise.

Instead, I want to cover my face a little...

Because he knew this old man.

An acquaintance of the big health care.

It was the old and unscrupulous Li Yunchang who dragged him to the health club as soon as he arrived in Shanghai, and then ran away when he was caught for a ticket!

The first big sword, encountered the police to catch the ticket.

He was fooled into it by this old boy.

Speaking of which, this old boy ran quite fast at the time, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Obviously, he has quite a lot of relevant experience.

But Lin Xuan himself, when he was running away, was bumped into the mother leopard's muzzle.

Was chased all the way.

But it was a blessing in disguise, and fought with the mother leopard in the ruins.

The relationship between the two...

Instead, it's a little more intimate.


"Second Uncle, did you make a mistake?!" Li Kai got up and asked in amazement.

"It's you who hit me!"

Li Yunchang yelled and cursed.

Then came another slap, and this time Li Kai was slapped on the ground: "Let me ask you, have you been promiscuous again? Are you riding a horse without a head and only think with your lower body?"

"You change the girl in your villa every three days, it's not enough for you!"

Li Yun was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

Then he kicked Li Kai again.

Li Kai screamed in pain on the ground, but he still shouted: "Second Uncle! You misunderstood me...I didn't this time!"

"No?" Li Yunchang was surprised.

"You didn't, how could you be beaten? How could there be three little girls in the private room? You're pretty good at playing, [-]v[-], even if you play tricks..."

As he said that, he wanted to kick Li Kai again.

Li Kai howled in fright.

Back and forth.

"Second Uncle, you made a mistake! I really didn't flirt with women. It wasn't me who fought against the third girl! It was the boy who beat me..." Li Kai argued.

"Wrong???" Li Yunchang was surprised: "So it's not you, Li Kai, who are [-]v[-]?"

"Yeah..." Li Kai was about to cry.


It turned out that I had been beaten for a long time, it was my second uncle who made a mistake...

It's so sad.

One-vs-three, it's not me who plays tricks, but I'm the one who gets beaten!

Seeing Li Yunchang looked this way with a surprised expression, Lin Xuan blushed even though he didn't explain.

Uh, this [-]v[-]...

Really hard to describe!
Lin Yanran and the three daughters in the back, seeing this, even though they were very surprised, they blushed slightly.

Unconsciously, I thought of it again, the roller coaster round after round...

Didn't really do anything at the time.

But the experience, the feeling...

Simply awesome, incomparable, beyond imagination!

chance later.

Be sure to find an elementary school brother to try again.Of course, it would be even better if it came true!

Taking advantage of Li Yunchang's reticence, Li Kai roughly explained the cause and effect here.

while talking.

While wiping tears, I can't feel wronged.

"So, you didn't do anything, and this... did what you did with the three girls?" Li Yunchang looked surprised.

"Yeah! I'm very obedient this time, I really didn't do anything bad...Second uncle, you don't know how crazy this kid is, one-on-three, going on for more than an hour..." Li Kai explained truthfully road.

"Another hour?" Li Yunchang's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced at Lin Xuan again, thinking that this kid really doesn't show his face. He thought he was a young boy before, but he didn't expect to be so capable, so he can play more than himself...

"Yeah!" Li Kai said, "So, it's not me who can play, but that kid!"

"Well, I see." Li Yunchang nodded, his face full of thoughts.

And Li Kai saw that Li Yunchang's attitude improved.

I finally got the bottom line in my heart, thinking that I didn't do anything bad this time, and my second uncle should help me vent my anger this time.

"Second Uncle, I was beaten badly by him, and there were a few guards from our Li family... So Second Uncle, for the sake of the reputation of the Li family in our magical city, you can't let him go lightly, you'd better kill him! "

Li Kai used the "family" to kidnap again.


His voice did not fall.

Li Yunchang's slap came again, knocking Li Kai to the ground again.

"Second...second uncle?!"

"Why hit me again?!"

Li Kai covered his face, looking at Li Yunchang in disbelief.


Li Yunchang scolded: "Because you are jealous of this...little brother, disturbing his temperament, prying into his privacy, you deserve a beating!"



And snooping?

Li Kai was about to be beaten and collapsed immediately.

"Second Uncle, I didn't..."

"No? No, why did you bring people here, to watch the excitement?"

"Second uncle, I..."

"What are you? You were the one who beat him! Also, you kid actually wanted to kill him, so you're really brave!"

Li Yunchang reprimanded him.

One side is not polite at all.

Immediately grabbed Li Kai, followed the gourd painting, and smashed five or six big holes on the ground.

bang bang bang bang bang...

After smashing, the scene was silent again.

Lin Yanran and others all suspected that the second uncle Li Kai called was a fake...

And Li Kai himself.

It was bloody all over.

The clothes were torn and the bones were broken. At this time, they were embedded in the big pit, and they were smashed so badly that even my own mother couldn't recognize it.

My heart is even more desperate, numb, and collapsed...

Crying without tears!


This is the second uncle invited by labor and management?
I'm afraid it's Lin Xuan's second uncle, so why are you catching and beating Laozi all the time?


It should be Lin Xuan's grandson!

Because no matter what labor and management do, the result is that they will be beaten to death...


(End of this chapter)

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