Chapter 247
When the moon is dark and the wind is high, when killing and setting fire!

When the seven people heard Lin Xuan's answer, they all trembled, and for a moment, they felt as if a god of death had come.

But I saw that Lin Xuan was just a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old.

His cultivation could not be seen from the energy fluctuations.

It can be imagined that even if it is a young genius, it is only a late D-level.

So there was a burst of laughter.

"I wonder who is blocking the way, with such a big tone! It turns out that there is a brat with no hair!"

"It's really funny! If you don't learn well at a young age, you can boast first-rate!"

"Come on, little brat, tell us a few, what is the night of the dark moon and high wind, when people kill and set fires! I almost laughed to death, hahaha..."

Among the laughter, the five D-levels were the loudest.

The D-class known as "Brother Lu" is the most arrogant among the five D-classes. If he didn't know Lin Xuan's details, he might have rushed up and caught Lin Xuan with a hammer.

"It's time to delay the fun of the two old brothers, we brothers, we will go up and abolish this kid!" Brother Lu nodded and bowed to the two C-levels.

"What's the delay!" The thin and tall C-level had a cruel smile on his lips, "Brother Lu, it's a pleasure to kill people with a cripple!"

"Indeed! Isn't this kid bragging about murder and arson? We happened to fulfill him!" Another C-level also followed.

"The two old brothers mean..." Brother Lu made a movement of swinging a knife: "Kill this kid?"

"What do you think?" The thin and tall C-level said: "The good families prepared by your brother Lu, and the girls from the wolf country prepared by Mr. Shui, are all experienced in many battles. They must not see blood."

"Before going out for fun, it's not bad to kill this kid to see blood!"

"Yes!" Brother Lu quickly agreed, "Brother is right!"

After that, he greeted several other D-levels.

Step forward.

"Boy, today is your courting death, no wonder someone else!" Brother Lu changed his fawning and flattering expression just now, and revealed a fierce look in his eyes.

"Wait, I have a question to ask." Lin Xuan said suddenly.

"Okay, let's ask, I'll let you understand!" Brother Lu smiled darkly.

"How did you know Xiao Qingyao, head of the Tianyi Sect? Besides, you also know that she has come to the Demon City recently?" Lin Xuan asked calmly.

Although he does not intend to let this group of people go.

But I still want to find out by the way whether these people and the forces behind them pose any threat to the head.

"What a strange question! How did we know each other..."

Brother Lu sneered, "She, Xiao Qingyao, was so arrogant and domineering back then that she killed many of us, how could we not know her! As for knowing that she came to Shanghai... Hehe, we just happened to see her!"

"I'm satisfied now, let's go on the road! Hahaha..."

Several other D-levels followed Brother Lu.

There was a burst of arrogant laughter.

Lin Xuan frowned slightly, but didn't have any particularly valuable information.

He glanced at the few D-classes approaching arrogantly.

No more nonsense now.

With a lift of the right hand, the blessing from God, the enhanced type came directly!
The five D-levels, and the following two C-levels, were not spared.

One wave is not enough.

Immediately come another wave.




With a slight crackling sound in the air.

The seven practitioners on the opposite side all looked horrified, as if struck by lightning. They never expected that in an instant, their buttocks, no, everyone's, were all blown apart!

It seemed to be stuffed with a firecracker containing spiritual power.

Regardless of physical fitness and cultivation level.

It exploded immediately.

Blood splashes, bloody flesh!
And after it was blown up once, it was blown up again...

"Fuck, what's the matter? Is labor and capital bewitched?"

"It's not just you, it's all of us! Including the two old brothers behind..."

"Who did it? It can't be the kid in front!"

"Whether it's him or someone else, the moment you raise your hand, it explodes... It's just a monster!"

A few D-classes covered their backs, muttering softly.

While his body was in excruciating pain, he looked at Lin Xuan with fear in his eyes.

The next two C grades.

One looked horrified, and the other looked extremely ugly.

Thinking that the two of them have practiced for many years, they are proud and arrogant, they have cultivated to C-level, and their relationship is highly respected. They have never been humiliated like this.

"Boy, how holy are you?"

The thin and tall C-level couldn't help shouting at Lin Xuan.


What he answered was yet another burst of enhanced blessings.




With a slight cracking sound, everyone was blown up again.

The next group of seven people couldn't bear it.

Apart from anything else, a few D-classes are about to escape.

But it's too late.

A huge black brick more than 30 meters suddenly appeared in the air, and it fell down without thinking.

Five D grades, two C grades.

There is still a lot, in the case of 100% hit in the air throwing of Qiankun Bricks, all of them were shot on the ground, and there was no way to escape!
Then it was bang bang bang again...

With the scalp-cracking impact sound, seven people were slapped on the ground.

Its method is similar to that of Lin Xuan when killing monsters.

It's the same.

Originally, Lin Xuan didn't want to kill them, but after tracking them all the way, he found that these people were really bad, and they seemed to be in collusion with the people of the wolf country.

Later, he wanted to kill him in turn.

That being the case, Lin Xuan was completely rude to them.

And under some fierce blows, the D-Class who had been bombed three times were basically half-dead.

Two C grades.

He was also seriously injured and was thrown into a deep pit, unable to move.

"...Little brother, please spare me!" Seeing that the giant black brick was about to fall again, the half-dead brother Lu hurriedly begged for mercy.

The next few D-levels begged for mercy:

"Please let go!"

"Please forgive me, we are the ones who are blind..."

"Forgive me? But just now, didn't you want to kill me to see blood?" Lin Xuan said coldly.


Command Qiankun Brick smashed again.

This time, those D-ranks were hit so hard that they could barely catch their breath.

"...Little brother, listen to your question just now... Do you know Xiao Qingyao? If I tell you a message, can you let me go?" Brother Lu panted and said with difficulty.

"Tell me first, I'll see the situation." Lin Xuan said lightly.

"Okay then..." Brother Lu coughed up a mouthful of blood, and continued, "We know that Xiao Qingyao came to the Devil's Capital, but he was actually... spying on her, so as to inform others..."

Lin Xuan's heart shook.



This group of people are daring, do they really want to harm the head? !


(End of this chapter)

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