Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 280 Always One Point Better Than You

Chapter 280 Always Better Than You

Mr. Shui seemed to be annoyed, and he tapped the back of his waist a few times, as if to seal off the spiritual perception there!

Because when Lin Xuan used God's blessing on Mr. Shui, it actually lost its effect.

No, it's not that it lost its effect, Mr. Water is still bleeding.

It's just that Mr. Shui didn't seem to be affected anymore, and he still attacked the two crazily!
After a while, Xiao Qingyao felt a little dizzy.

But she resisted not to say anything, but Lin Xuan discovered her problem.

"Honey, take a break first."

Lin Xuan fended off Mr. Shui's attack, grabbed Xiao Qingyao's waist, and found a fairly flat place to put her down.

How could the always strong Xiao Qingyao agree?What's more, he was also worried about Lin Xuan's safety and kept struggling.

"Honey, don't make trouble. Let's see how your husband beats him up!"

Lin Xuan patted his chest, and tried his best to pretend to be b in front of Xiao Qingyao.

"My wife, you should rest first, and wait until you recover your strength."

Lin Xuan rubbed Xiao Qingyao's head and said softly.

"Heh, if death is imminent and you are still showing affection, then let you be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks!"

Mr. Shui let out a smirk, and tried his best to call the two of them.

"When it detects that the host is in danger, it will automatically activate a skill that is a little stronger than yours."

The sound of the system sounded just right, and Lin Xuan instantly felt himself standing up!
Lin Xuan waved his palm casually, and Mr. Shui's punch was blocked lightly!
Not only Mr. Shui was shocked, even Xiao Qingyao's eyes widened in disbelief.

This is Lin Xuan?

"You, how could you?"

Mr. Shui stepped back and asked inexplicably.

The current Mr. Shui is really confused, as if he is dreaming.

When he was only a half-step B-level before, Lin Xuan showed a little bit stronger than him.

As a result, when facing hundreds of monsters, Lin Xuan's performance was greatly reduced.

That's clearly the level of strength a C-level late stage player should have.

At that time, Mr. Shui released so many monsters because he planned to fight Lin Xuan to the death.

To put it bluntly, he really didn't know whether he could beat Lin Xuan at that time.

But looking at those monsters that caused Lin Xuan to suffer, Mr. Shui thought that Lin Xuan's previous strength was temporarily improved by some method.

Apart from this, he couldn't find any reason why Lin Xuan's strength fluctuated!

But now, Lin Xuan, who was originally only C-level, has become stronger than him, a master with B-level initial strength!
Lin Xuan's current strength can even be compared with Xiao Qingyao who is in peak condition, or even surpassed!

"Aren't you proud just now? Give Lao Tzu another try?"

Lin Xuan looked at the surprised Mr. Shui, not to mention how happy he was.

Moreover, there are not many opportunities for this kind of hero to save the beauty and show off his majesty in front of his wife!
It must be cherished and played well!

"You monster, dare to beat my wife and drug her, I will beat you to death!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lin Xuan felt a little weird.

Sure enough, from the corner of his eye, Xiao Qingyao's face turned red like an apple.

Lin Xuan coughed and turned his attention to Mr. Shui.

Mr. Shui is also a decisive person. Since he can't figure out why Lin Xuan's strength fluctuates, let's not think about it.

Anyway, now that Lin Xuan is standing in front of him, no matter whether Lin Xuan is strong or weak, he has to face it.

"You have also cut off the perception of the nerves, now I will try again to see if you can do it."

Lin Xuan's bad taste came again, and it was a blessing from God that was added to Mr. Shui when he was always a little better than you.

Mr. Shui, who stood there engrossed, staggered immediately, with blood pouring from his body.

Mr. Shui was horrified to find that his closed nerve perception had failed!

"What kind of method is this? Are you disgusting!"

Mr. Shui couldn't help this move, resisting the weird feeling, and asked Lin Xuan.

"Oh, disgusting? Are you worthy of asking this question?"

Lin Xuan curled his lips in disdain, and didn't bother to answer Mr. Shui.

"It made you proud for so long before, let me give you a taste of this."

As Lin Xuan said, the Qiankun Brick appeared in his hand.

Lin Xuan jumped up suddenly, and Mr. Shui dodged in a hurry.

But when Lin Xuan is stronger than Mr. Shui at present, and Mr. Shui is always disturbed by himself, how can he avoid it?

The Qiankun Brick hit Mr. Shui's head accurately, knocking Mr. Shui to the ground directly.

Mr. Shui shook his head and got up in a daze.

Lin Xuan had to sigh, this disgusting bastard is really tough.

The Qiankun Brick hit him on the head, but his hands were shocked.

On the other hand, Mr. Shui didn't seem to have any serious problems.

It's just that although Mr. Shui didn't suffer too much injury, this blow also gave him a complete mess.

"You have a leg!"

How could Lin Xuan let go of such an opportunity, and immediately beat the dog in the water and kicked it.

Mr. Shui was kicked away and hit the ground hard.

Mr. Shui stood up unsteadily, holding the sword in his hand so as not to fall down.

Mr. Shui really didn't react to this series of blows.

If he hadn't been startled by the sudden change in Lin Xuan's strength and neglected to defend for a while.

Even if Lin Xuan's skills are a little bit better than yours, he wouldn't be beaten like this.

Mr. Shui, who finally reacted, picked up the sword and still wanted to fight Lin Xuan.

At this time, Lin Xuan's mentality has changed a little. Anyway, my strength is stronger than yours, so it's not just a casual fight.

However, he overlooked a very important issue.

That is, he is not fighting alone now.

Mr. Shui stabbed at Lin Xuan with a sword, but Lin Xuan dodged easily.

This sword is a bit too easy to hide, right?

The next moment, Lin Xuan's heart twitched, because Mr. Shui's target was not him at all!

It was Xiao Qingyao who sat there to expel the poison and wanted to recover her strength as soon as possible!

What a smack!
What a sinister and cunning Mr. Water!
"Bastard, die to me!"

Mr. Shui successfully angered Lin Xuan, and he was extremely angry.

If Mr. Shui really hurt Xiao Qingyao in front of Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan would be ashamed.

A blessing from God was sent, and Mr. Shui's action was slightly delayed.

Lin Xuan's body approached quickly.

Strong strength is still the decisive criterion, and Lin Xuan arrived in time when Mr. Shui's sword was about to stab Xiao Qingyao!

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan kicked Mr. Shui fiercely, and in a state of rage, Lin Xuan kicked Mr. Shui tens of meters away.

Lin Xuan rushed over like flying, and caught up with Mr. Shui.

The Qiankun Brick kept falling on Mr. Shui's head, making a ping-pong sound.

(End of this chapter)

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