Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 300 The Romance of the Sea of ​​Love

Chapter 300 The Romance of the Sea of ​​Love

As soon as Lin Xuan thought of the problem with Xiao Qingyao...

Just a headache!
At this time Xiao Qingyao came over and saw those pictures at a glance.

"Lin Xuan, where is this?"

"It looks very beautiful, you take me there."

Xiao Qingyao said to Lin Xuan, and blinked.

Such a leader instantly broke Lin Xuan's psychological defense.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Lin Xuan said helplessly and dotingly.

At this time, Xiao Qingyao was not a murderous monster, but a little girl.


Let's go and have a look first.

Even if you can't make the last step, you can improve your relationship with the old method.

Lin Xuan could only comfort himself in this way for the time being.


After Lin Xuan asked about the location, he took Xiao Qingyao and set off.

It didn't take long for the two to arrive at the hotel.

This hotel named 'Sea of ​​Love' looks even more beautiful and luxurious than in the pictures.

Before walking in, Xiao Qingyao's eyes lit up.

"Lin Xuan, let's go!"

Xiao Qingyao pulled Lin Xuan and walked in, impatient.

No wonder.

Xiao Qingyao has lived for such a long time, where has she ever been to such a place?
Before, she was alone, cold and arrogant.

Although she looks beautiful, how can anyone dare to pursue her?

Xiao Qingyao herself is the head of the Tianyi Sect, so she usually has a lot of things to do.

That kind of indifference decided that it was impossible for Xiao Qingyao to come to this kind of place alone.

But it's different now, with Lin Xuan here.

The little daughter's side hidden in Xiao Qingyao's personality was successfully stimulated.

Which girl doesn't want to leave a good memory in love?

Xiao Qingyao naturally thought too.

Lin Xuan's position in her heart is getting more and more important.

So Xiao Qingyao naturally wanted to experience it with Lin Xuan and experience this feeling.

Coupled with the girl's nature, have you ever been to this kind of place before?

Naturally, they are flocking to them.

Just like this, Lin Xuan was dragged in by Xiao Qingyao with a helpless expression.

"Hi, welcome to the Sea of ​​Love."

As soon as I entered the door, there were two rows of waiters at the entrance of the hotel respectfully saluting.

Put your hands on your sides, half bowed, and the etiquette is very standard.

Lin Xuan replied with an awkward yet polite smile.

"Hello, two distinguished guests."

"What can I do for you?"

At the bar, a handsome waitress asked with a smile.

The sound is very crisp and pleasant.

Lin Xuan felt like listening to music when he heard the sound.

Coupled with the gentle light music in the hotel, I couldn't help being intoxicated.

"I'm asking you!"

Xiao Qingyao bumped Lin Xuan with her elbow.

It's her first time here, so she doesn't know what to do.

"Oh, oh oh."

Lin Xuan reacted, oh a few times.

After some inquiries, Lin Xuan opened a top-notch suite.

Not to mention Xiao Qingyao, it was actually his first visit to this kind of place.

It's not exactly the first time either.

However, the place of the big sword that I have experienced with Li Shanchang before is completely incomparable with this place!

And at that time Lin Xuan was in a daze and didn't do anything.

After taking the room card, Xiao Qingyao bounced and walked in front, very active.

Lin Xuan followed helplessly.

What's wrong with my wife, how does this look like the head of a dignified sect?

Not to mention the nickname of the female devil, with a B-level cultivation.

This is totally a little girl!
It is said that the environment can change people, which is indeed a wise saying.

This immediate effect was beyond Lin Xuan's expectation.

Xiao Qingyao opened the door of the room, only took a look, then raised her small hand to cover her mouth.

What greets the eye is a giant pink heart decoration.

There is also a circle of small fountains around the heart-shaped decoration, constantly spraying water.

There are even a few goldfish in the pool below, playing and playing as they please.

Lin Xuan behind also saw this and raised his eyebrows.

This hotel really creates an atmosphere.

If it weren't for those veteran women in love, I'm afraid they would have fallen the first time they entered the hotel.

No wonder the price is so expensive!
Expensive is really justified!

Xiao Qingyao pulled Lin Xuan over and asked Lin Xuan to take various pictures of her.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to follow suit.

Hundreds of photos were taken back and forth, and Xiao Qingyao also changed dozens of poses.

Lin Xuan's hands were sore, Xiao Qingyao let him go.

After taking pictures, the two walked inside.

Open the door of the room inside, and there is a pink double bed.

It was hung by pink mosquito nets on all sides, and a huge pink flower was formed on the top.

There is also a scent in the room.

It's just that this is not some kind of medicine, but a very soft, pleasant perfume.

There is also a faint smell of rose in it.

May I ask, which girl can stand up to such a hotel structure?

Xiao Qingyao rushed forward and threw herself on the bed.

Xiao Qingyao hugged the huge pillow on the bed with both hands, with a sweet look on her face.

The bed feels very comfortable, soft and elastic.

"Lin Xuan, come here, this feeling is really great!"

Xiao Qingyao rolled back and forth on it, messing up the sheets.

Anyway, the money is spent, so it must be an experience.

So Lin Xuan also sat on it, this feeling is really nothing to say.

There is even a feeling of jumping on a trampoline.

I am afraid that many people will linger in this hotel!

After a while, Xiao Qingyao reluctantly got up.

Xiao Qingyao took small brisk steps, looking around in each room.

"Hey, Lin Xuan, what is this?"

Xiao Qingyao picked up a jar, not knowing what was in it.

"What is this, and how is it used?"

Xiao Qingyao picked up another cylinder-shaped object and asked Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan found that he couldn't explain to her, otherwise this warm scene would have disappeared.

Then, Xiao Qingyao opened the closet again!
As soon as it was opened, Xiao Qingyao exclaimed.

The clothes inside are really dazzling.

Xiao Qingyao changed her clothes immediately, without even caring that Lin Xuan was by her side.

Lin Xuan's eyes widened instantly!
"How about it, do I look good?"

When Xiao Qingyao finished changing her clothes and showed them in front of Lin Xuan, she saw Lin Xuan's complexion was a little abnormal.

"Ahem, wife, look, I'm really feeling a little uncomfortable."

Lin Xuan looked at Xiao Qingyao, who showed off her perfect figure, and couldn't help being infatuated.

"You, you are a badass!"

Xiao Qingyao looked at Lin Xuan and blushed instantly.

Xiao Qingyao laughed coquettishly, even though her face was blushing, she took the initiative to hold Lin Xuan's hand.

Because she was happy, she even called herself a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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