Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 320 One Person Picks One Team

Chapter 320 One Person Picks One Team

That being the case, then you can't blame the young master for being rude!

Lin Xuan thought, ready to make a move.

Just as the Shi family was walking back, they were about to pass by him.

Lin Xuan took out the Qiankun Zhuan and threw it out at once.


There was a loud noise on the head of the man in the middle, and then the man shook twice and fell to the ground.

"not good!"

"There is a situation, be prepared!"

The Shi family reacted instantly and shouted loudly.

Lin Xuan's figure appeared in front of the Shi family, dressed in black with a mask on his head.

"who are you?"

A Shi family member asked.

"I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to live on from now on, you will save money to buy roads."

Lin Xuan looked up at the sky and said dismissively.

"Don't play with these imaginary things, don't hide your head and show your tail if you have the guts."

The Shi family kept a close eye on Lin Xuan.

"I said, are you out of your mind?"

"If I can do this in a fair and aboveboard manner, my lord, can I still wear a hood?"

"As expected of the Shi family, everyone has a pile of stones in their heads."

Lin Xuan was amused by the Shi family's question, and immediately began to sneer.

"Since you know we are from the Shi family, do you still dare to rob us?"

The Shi family was obviously a little surprised.

In this Hangcheng, apart from Xueying who has this ability, no other force dares to do this.

It's just that the Shi family has a deal with the Wolf Country people.

Blood Shadow is the official warrior organization of the wolf country people, and it will definitely not fight the Shi family for no reason.

Where did this kid come from?
Could it be the Yu family?

But who is in the Yu family, they know all about it.

I have never seen such a young and bold Yu family.

The Shi family couldn't figure it out.

The person who was attacked by Lin Xuan just now was still bleeding from his head and unconscious.

This is a C-level mid-term master.

Even if it was a sneak attack, he could be beaten like this in one fell swoop.

To say the least, it is only possible to do it at the late C level.

Not to mention the Yu family, even in the entire city of Hangzhou, such a C-level late stage master cannot be found.

So even though the Shi family knew that Lin Xuan had bad intentions, they didn't act recklessly.

Their mission is to safely escort the goods back to Shi's house.

Naturally, if you can afford conflict, you cannot afford conflict.

"Heh, what about the Shi family, I have never put your Shi family in my eyes."

"Hurry up and hand over the things, don't force me to do it."

Lin Xuan let out a chuckle, speaking unceremoniously.

When the Shi family heard this, their eyes instantly became dangerous.

Since it was the idea of ​​goods, a fight would definitely be unavoidable.

It's just that looking at this kid's cultivation, it's not too high to be outrageous.

How dare he face so many people alone?

Could it be that he is just a cover, and there are more people ambush in the dark?

The Shi family sneaked around to observe the surroundings, looking for where there was difficulty to ambush other people.

"Hahaha, the Shi family is really as timid as a mouse."

"You don't need to look for it, there is only one young master."

Lin Xuan saw what the Shi family was thinking and laughed mercilessly.

After hearing this, the Shi family all looked at Lin Xuan in surprise.

Dare to face more than twenty C-level masters at the same time, how capable is this kid?

"You are very courageous, you dare to rob our way by yourself?"

The Shi family looked at Lin Xuan and thought it was a bit ridiculous.

"What, is there a problem?"

"Isn't it easy to deal with you mob?"

Lin Xuan said arrogantly.

"Oh, that's good!"

"Let us learn how capable you are!"

The Shi family nodded viciously.

But although the Shi family didn't think that Lin Xuan could pick twenty people by himself.

But for the sake of caution, there is no carelessness.

At that moment, seven or eight C-level masters stood up.

Seeing Lin Xuan, he shook his head slightly.

"Boy, dare to rob my Shi family's things, I don't know how courageous you have grown!"

A mid-level Shi family member punched Lin Xuan.

The wind of the fist is fierce, and the tiger is full of wind!
Lin Xuan raised his arm to block it, and punched the mid-level C-level Shi family member on the chin.


There was a clear sound of bone cracking, and the jaw of this master of the Shi family was crushed by Lin Xuan's punch.

With a light push from Lin Xuan's palm, the Shi family fell to the ground immediately.

"It's a hard stubble!"

The Shi family was shocked immediately.

Killed a C-level mid-term master in an understatement?

Could it be that this is a young expert who has reached the B level?

Why never heard of it!

"Don't make a mess! Leave a few people to protect, and let the rest go together!"

A member of the Shi family with a deep voice yelled, and in an instant more than a dozen people rushed towards Lin Xuan together.

Lin Xuan took his time and generously sent a circle of blessings from God.

Some of the dozen or so Shi family members were rushing forward, some were running, and some had jumped into the air.

At that moment, the expressions of all the Shi family members were quite exciting!


Several Shi family members braked instantly and made a mess.

Two more fell from the sky and fell into the mud.

The few people with better concentration also stood in place with their legs crossed, and stopped moving forward.

All the Shi family members only felt that the place was hot and moist.

The red soaked the trousers they were wearing and looked particularly garish.

"You, what kind of evil kung fu is this?!"

The Shi family looked at Lin Xuan dumbfounded.

They never figured out why there was a reaction that only the opposite sex had in their own place!

"Don't worry about whether it's evil or not, as long as it's easy to use."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Come on, let's have a good fight."

"Everyone, don't let it go, it won't be fun for me to fight like that!"

Lin Xuan challenged the Shi family members.

"Despicable and shameless!"

The Shi family was furious.

What a shameless boy!

You don't know what evil technique you used to embarrass us to the extreme, how can you concentrate on fighting?
You actually said to have a good fight here.

You have taken all the benefits, right?

But in the face of Lin Xuan rushing over, these people had to persist in the fight even if they were unwell.

But these people are influenced by the blessings from God, how can they have accurate judgment and accuracy?
Lin Xuan slid through the crowd, punching this person and kicking that person.

More than a dozen C-level masters of the Shi family were played and applauded by Lin Xuan alone!
"Little bastard, I will definitely kill you!"

A member of the Shi family yelled at Lin Xuan with a ferocious expression.

"You have a leg!"

But Lin Xuan yelled and kicked this person on the head!

The tall body was instantly kicked high by Lin Xuan, and then landed hard.

Then Lin Xuan jumped up, and his feet landed on the belly of the Shi family.


This poor C-level master of the Shi family only had time to let out a sharp scream before tilting his head and not moving.

(End of this chapter)

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