Chapter 323
Could this be some kind of biological weapon?

Lin Xuan thought to himself.

Lin Xuan wanted to shake off the bottle, but found that the bottle was stuck to his palm and he couldn't shake it off!

Moreover, the liquid in the bottle was continuously penetrating into Lin Xuan's body at an accelerated rate.

Lin Xuan was taken aback.

【Ding!The system prompts the host that the host is fusing the diamond fluid.Wait until the host fusion is complete, and the physical fitness will be improved. 】

[At the same time, he acquired a special ability, which made the palms of his hands exposed to the liquid extremely hard. 】

At this moment, the sound of the system rang.

Diamond Fluid?

What is this?
After merging this thing, it is enough to improve the physical fitness.

Can you also make your hands that come into contact with liquids become extremely hard?
Lin Xuan looked at his right hand and thought to himself, what is the use of this?
Lin Xuan couldn't figure it out, so he had to walk forward holding the bottle.

But as soon as Lin Xuan took a step, the bottle turned into powder and fell to the ground.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Xuan looked down and saw that his hands were covered with layers of brown substances.

It must be the diamond fluid.

The more Lin Xuan thought about it, the more weird he felt, but the system didn't say that this thing was harmful, so he didn't have to worry about it.

So Lin Xuan continued to walk forward.


After walking a few steps, Lin Xuan suddenly froze in place.

Lin Xuan found himself unable to move!

【Ding!The system reminds the host that the diamond fluid has been absorbed, and the system is transforming the host's body. 】

[During the transformation process, the host's body will become stiff, please do not move around, choose a hidden environment and wait patiently. 】

The sound of the system sounded again.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but want to scold her!

What an unreliable system!

The body is in a state of stiffness, and I need to find a hidden place to wait, you should have said it earlier!
However, the location where Lin Xuan is now is a street.

Although it is very late, almost no one can be seen.

But how can it be said to be hidden here?

If the person who came out in a bad mood at night saw it, wouldn't he think he was crazy standing on the side of the road?
Lin Xuan cursed the system with his thoughts, but there was no response.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to wait there for the transformation of the system.

After a while, Lin Xuan was still in a paralyzed state and didn't get any better.

What kind of broken transformation is this, it's too deceitful!
Lin Xuan complained secretly in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Xuan felt two beams of light coming from behind.

It should be one or several cars.

It's no big deal, Lin Xuan thought.

But immediately Lin Xuan noticed something was wrong.

Because these two beams of light are rapidly approaching him!
Could it be that it was aimed at me? !
Lin Xuan had a bad feeling.

This is probably the Shi family, or someone sent by the wolf country people!

As for why he recognized him, he hadn't taken off his headgear at this moment, and he was dressed in black.

With a little brain, you can see that something is wrong!


The car hit Lin Xuan at a fast speed!
Lin Xuan's body circled in mid-air, and flew out far away!

Lin Xuan felt dizzy for a moment.

【Ding!The body of the host has been transformed.]

At the same time, the sound of the system happened to rang.

What is this called!
Lin Xuan hadn't finished his thoughts, and he couldn't even hear the system's voice.

Lin Xuan fainted and fell on the road.

Lie still.

"Is this the kid?"

Two people got out of the car, looking very majestic.

One of them said to the other.

"Not sure, but judging by his outfit, he doesn't look like a good person."

Another responded, kicking Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan remained motionless.

"Why is he standing there like a statue, convulsing?"

the first voice asked again.

"You don't care what he's doing there, anyway, we've got him now."

"It is said that this kid is very powerful, which just saves us a lot of effort."

The second person answered.

"Then take him back."

"Don't take off his hood for now, wait for the elder of the Shi family to identify it."

"If so, torture them to extract a confession."

"If not, just kill it."

The first voice continued.

"Okay, let's go."

The second person answered.

Ever since, Lin Xuan was picked up by these two people and thrown into the trunk.

Just after closing the car door, a person seemed to feel unsafe, and pushed Lin Xuan out again.

They threw Lin Xuan on the co-pilot and fastened their seat belts.

At the same time, he leaned his head on the back of the seat, pretending to be a scene of falling asleep after drinking too much.

The people who were originally on the co-pilot sat in the back row, but the three of them seemed a bit crowded.


There was a sound of the engine, and the car sped away.

The car was driving very fast, and it was bumpy because it was going too fast.

Lin Xuan had woken up at this time.

However, he still pretended to be fainted, and the disguise was very good.

Not long after Lin Xuan was thrown onto the co-pilot, he woke up.

The adamantium fluid seems to have a strong effect on his body modification.

The most intuitive thing is that Lin Xuan's fighting ability has been greatly improved.

Lin Xuan thought that if it was his physical strength before.

After being hit by such a high-speed car, it took at least 10 minutes to wake up from a coma.

But now, within 10 minutes, Lin Xuan had already woken up.

And now Lin Xuan doesn't feel any pain in his body.

There was only a slight numbness in the affected part, as if it had been pressed for a long time without moving.

It did not affect Lin Xuan's combat effectiveness at all.

Lin Xuan felt that the four people in the car were all top masters in the realm of late C-level.

Compared to the second elder of the Shi family, Shi Tianfang, whom I met before, I'm afraid he is much stronger.

These four people should be regarded as basically invincible fighters below B-level.

But even so, Lin Xuan was sure of escaping at this time.

Lin Xuan is now in a coma, as long as the four of them are unprepared.

It couldn't be easier to escape through the window.

But Lin Xuan didn't want to escape at all.

Because these four people were obviously not sent by the Shi family.

Then, it is definitely a wolf countryman!
It's just that they are hidden masters among the wolf countrymen who just traded with the Shi family, and they are also masters in the Blood Shadow Organization.

Lin Xuan was not sure about this.

So Lin Xuan decided to go with them first.

If there is any change at that time, there is still time to escape.

After making up his mind, Lin Xuan kept his head tilted and continued to pretend to be dizzy.

The car kept moving forward, and Lin Xuan estimated that after 10 to [-] minutes, the car finally stopped.

The door opened, and the four got out of the car one by one.

Then a person opened the co-pilot's door and dragged Lin Xuan out.

Lin Xuan relaxed his whole body without any effort.

The man dragged Lin Xuan out without any doubts.

He casually lifted Lin Xuan on his shoulder and walked in one direction.

(End of this chapter)

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