Chapter 325

"Boy, what is your cultivation?"

The bald head looked at Lin Xuan and asked another question.

"Ah, me, I'm a C-level midterm."

Lin Xuan pretended not to understand, so he replied.

"I, I'm really a C-level midterm! If you don't believe me, you can check it out."

Seeing that the bald head did not speak, Lin Xuan pretended to be scared and said.

The bald head reached out and pressed Lin Xuan's shoulder, and nodded after feeling it.

"You are young, but your cultivation is not bad."

"But your brain is really not enough."

The bald head nodded and said to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's eyes widened, pretending not to understand.

"For the sake of your honest cooperation, I will tell you."

The bald head looked at Lin Xuan and nodded.

"Actually, this matter is not so much that others harm you, it is better to say that you are courting death yourself."

"This kind of thing, you, a kid who has just entered the middle stage of C-level, dare to intervene?"

"I think Shi Tianfang has long thought of getting rid of you."

"Because the Shi family doesn't have a young patriarch now, and the Shi family's patriarch only has two daughters."

"I'm still wondering why Shi Yuanfang is not in a hurry to have a son. It turns out that you have a son."

"In this way, the Patriarch of the Shi family can be regarded as having a descendant."

"But this is not a good thing for the elders of the Shi family who want to seize power."

"If you are the authentic young master of the Shi family that everyone knows, those people certainly wouldn't dare to do anything to you."

"But you are just an illegitimate child, and very few people know of your existence."

"Then it's no big deal to kill you."

"At most, I plead guilty at the last moment, and if I ask for a charge of unfavorable protection, I will just get over it."

The bald head spoke faster and faster, as if he felt that he had seen everything clearly.

"So you know now, you are just a pawn being used."

The bald man moved his face closer to Lin Xuan and said softly.

Lin Xuan's tears remained, and at the same time, his face was full of anger and unwillingness.

"Brother, can you not kill me?"

"I want revenge, I must take revenge!"

Lin Xuan trembled all over, and there seemed to be anger in his eyes.

Even because of anger, his teeth rattled.

"Oh, of course I won't kill you."

"Your identity is a baby."

"It's perfect for dealing with the Shi family and threatening the head of the Shi family."

"As long as you cooperate, I will give you a chance to take revenge."

The bald man said to Lin Xuan with a smile.

"I will definitely cooperate!"

Lin Xuan nodded heavily.

Seeing that Lin Xuan was so sensible, the bald head stopped embarrassing him.

He walked to the side, picked up the phone and made a call, but he didn't know who it was.

But Lin Xuan is not curious about this, because he can be sure.

Even if this bald head is not from the wolf country, he definitely belongs to the organization of the wolf country people.

I'm afraid it belongs to the blood shadow!
If this is the case, then Lin Xuan will make a lot of money acting in this wave.

This bald man's mind is still a bit simple, and there are still some loopholes in what Lin Xuan said after careful study.

But Lin Xuan's acting skills are really good, the image of a little person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

It feels very real to be grasped by Lin Xuan.

So it is estimated that the bald head was also deceived by Lin Xuan's acting skills, so he believed his words.

What's more, Lin Xuan's various actions also gave him a cover.

When ordinary people notice these things, they are confused by the superficial things, so they won't go deep into it.

First of all, Lin Xuan's strength was seriously overestimated, which led to the real C-level mid-term cultivation now revealed.

That kind of gap is not taken seriously by others.

Secondly, no one could explain why Lin Xuan would stand there stupidly until he was hit by a car.

This is completely unreasonable, how could a living person be inexplicably frozen there?
Unless it was settled there after being plotted by others, there is no explanation that can make sense.

In this way, the internal story of the Shi family constructed by Lin Xuan is logical.

Although this wave is dangerous, it has achieved remarkable results.

As Lin Xuan expected, there should be a conflict between the Shi family and Xueying.

Sure enough, he really guessed right.

"Notify the headquarters that there is a problem with the Shi family."

The bald man turned around and said to the four people.


One of them agreed, and then picked up his mobile phone to make a call.

I saw the man cautiously talking to the phone, whispering something.

"Brother, the headquarters asked you to explain this matter."

The bald man listened and answered the phone.

"Well, that's it."

"Just wait, I won't be able to explain clearly on the phone for a while."

"Okay, I see. I'll see you later."

Lin Xuan only heard a few words from the bald man before the phone was hung up.

The bald man put down his phone and turned around.

"After a while, I will go to the headquarters to report by myself. You can watch this kid and wait for my news here."

The bald man said to the four people, and gave Lin Xuan another warning look.

That's like saying, don't play tricks, you kid.

In a darker room, two people were having a conversation.


"Is there such a thing?"

"There's no need for the Shi family to do this, right? Are you making a mistake?"

A low and hoarse voice sounded, with some doubts and uncertainties in the voice.

"First seat, I have already told you all the doubts about this matter."

"Perhaps the subordinates did not think carefully. I wonder if you found anything wrong?"

The bald man's voice sounded very respectful.

"I don't think there is anything wrong, but I always feel that things are not that simple."

"The Shi family, do you really have such ambitions?"

"Besides us, his Shi family has no rivals in Hangcheng now, aren't they satisfied?"

The low and hoarse voice continued.

"First seat, what should we do about this matter?"

"Should I pretend to be confused, or"

The bald man bowed and asked.

"Just kidding, don't forget what organization you belong to!"

"Pretend to be confused? When do we need to pretend to be confused with others?"

"Next time you say something like that again, get out."

The low and hoarse voice suddenly rose a degree, as if a little angry.

"Yes! This subordinate knows his mistake, there will be absolutely no next time!"

The bald man hurriedly knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"Okay, get up."

"Although it is still uncertain whether the Shi family has ambitions or not, their recent power development is indeed a bit fast."

"In this case, I would rather kill by mistake than let it go!"

"If the Shi family doesn't have such an idea, then they should be compensated afterwards."

"Go down, I will arrange this matter."

The deep and hoarse voice sounded again, but this time it was a little more sinister.

The bald man agreed and retreated silently.

(End of this chapter)

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