Chapter 332 Celebration
But the stronger Lin Xuan is at the moment, the happier the Yu family will be.

After all, this is the future son-in-law of the Yu family!
Everyone in the Yu family couldn't help but envy Yu Chengjie, the head of the Yu family.

She is worthy of being the head of the family, look at the beautiful daughter she gave birth to!

Going out for a trip has brought such a powerful boost to the Yu family!

Everyone couldn't help casting envious glances at Yu Chengjie, and many people began to flatter Yu Chengjie.

This made Yu Chengjie very embarrassed.

Others don't know, but he and Lin Xuan know it clearly.

How did Yu Shengxiang and Lin Xuan know each other?

Yu Chengjie peeked at Lin Xuan and found that Lin Xuan didn't care.

I let go of my heart and said a few words to fool the past.

"Uncle Yu, I have to remind you, kid."

Lin Xuan stood up suddenly and said to Yu Chengjie.

"what's up?"

"Sit down, sit down and talk."

Seeing that Lin Xuan had something to say, Yu Chengjie dared not neglect it.

Hastily stretched out his hand to signal Lin Xuan to take a seat, and at the same time had a look of all ears.

"Uncle Yu, although we have the upper hand in this confrontation with the Shi family."

"But according to what you said, the current strength of the Shi family is still far superior to that of the Yu family."

Lin Xuan's voice was very serious.

"So many people have been lost in the Shi family this time, even the second elder is missing."

"Because of emotion and reason, it is impossible for them not to pay attention to it."

"Although they may not know that I did it, there are only a few enemies of the Shi family in Hangzhou."

"And Yu's family is the biggest suspect!"

Lin Xuan analyzed slowly, and the Yu family listened carefully.

"That's why the kid speculates that the Shi family should take action against the Yu family."

"That's why the kid suggested to Uncle Yu to quickly mobilize the elite of the Yu family."

"During this period of time, if you can not confront the Shi family head-on."

"If you find a good time to strike, you must kill it with one blow!"

After Lin Xuan said these words, everyone in the Yu family fell into deep thought.

Indeed, this time, although it has the upper hand.

But it can be said that it is all due to Lin Xuan alone.

The Yu family just watched from the other side and did nothing.

If the Shi family came to attack the Yu family aggressively, it would be really difficult to resist.

Who knows if the Shi family will do something drastic after being stimulated by this wave?
So the Yu family started discussing this matter, and it was extremely noisy for a while.

Lin Xuan apologized, greeted Yu Chengjie and left.

At the same time, he did not forget to pull away Yu Shengxiang who looked at him like an idol.

Naturally, Yu Chengjie can do anything.

He even stroked his beard with a look of joy.

On the other side, the Shi family.


"All the people sent by my Shi family have lost contact?"

"Even the Second Elder, Shi Tianfang, hasn't heard from him?"

In the Shi family meeting room, Shi Yuanfang, the head of the Shi family, slapped the armrest of the chair suddenly, and asked loudly.

Originally, he thought that this time it was just Xueying and the Shi family going to discuss something.

He even thought of it, the blood shadow caught the person Shi Tianfang reported to him, and came to Xingshi to question him.

Shi Tianfang also explained this to him, and he didn't think there was anything unusual about it.

So, in order to give each other a step and face, the Shi family sent 15 people.

But until now, even a little bit of information has not been sent back.

This made Shi Yuanfang keenly aware of something wrong.

After all, having been the Patriarch of the Shi Family for so many years, it is impossible for him to be someone who has earned his reputation.

What's more, Shi Tianfang is originally a character who seeks to survive in stability, such behavior is really a bit abnormal.

So Shi Yuanfang ordered to call those who were away from the Shi family.

The result was the last thing he wanted to see!

Fifteen people, none of whom could be contacted.

"Great Elder, you send a few people to take a look at the place they made an appointment with."

"Remember to send someone who is good at hiding and fast."

Shi Yuanfang gave an order to the first old man to attack.

"Yes, I understand."

The old man replied, turned and went out.

"Huh, what's the situation?"

"Could it be that the blood shadow moved the hand?"

"But there's no reason for that!"

Shi Yuanfang frowned and muttered to himself.

"I'd better call the Blood Shadow headquarters and ask. Fifteen C-level masters are no small matter."

After all, Shi Yuanfang took out his mobile phone, found a number, and dialed it.


"Brother Xuan! You are really amazing!"

"I love you to death!"

Yu Shengxiang hugged Lin Xuan's neck, and kissed Lin Xuan's face with a bang.

The little girl's eyes are full of Lin Xuan at the moment, wishing she could kiss Lin Xuan's face to death.

Lin Xuan looked at Yu Shengxiang hanging on his body with a helpless expression.

After the two withdrew from the Yu family's banquet, Yu Shengxiang couldn't wait to pull Lin Xuan outside.

I haven't seen Lin Xuan for two days, but I miss the little girl badly.

The two are in a hotel in the center of Hangzhou at the moment, and the style is very romantic.

"Brother Xuan, tell me quickly, how did you kill those Shi family members?"

Yu Shengxiang blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at Lin Xuan eagerly.

"I said, you are a girl, why do you like to hear about these beatings and killings?"

"You little girl, aren't you afraid?"

Lin Xuan touched Yu Shengxiang's head and asked gently.

"I'm not afraid, of course I'm not!"

"Brother Youxuan, with you by my side, I'm not afraid of anything!"

Yu Shengxiang pouted and continued to look at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan couldn't bear Yu Shengxiang's coquettish Dafa, so he had no choice but to explain it to Yu Shengxiang.

Among them, Lin Xuan naturally put gold on his face.

Create a witty and invincible image in front of the beautiful woman!

Yu Shengxiang listened to Lin Xuan seriously, nodding from time to time, and laughing happily from time to time.

During this period, Lin Xuan's mouth was dry and he wanted to stop.

But Yu Shengxiang is listening to the excitement, how can he agree?

So Lin Xuan had no choice but to endure, and continued to tell stories to Yu Shengxiang.

When he finally finished speaking, Lin Xuan leaned directly on the back of the sofa.

"Wow! Brother Xuan, you are amazing!"

Yu Shengxiang clapped his hands, and the more he looked at Lin Xuan, the more handsome he felt.

"Ahem, I have done your Yu family such a big favor this time, and I have told you the story for so long."

"Should you reward me?"

Lin Xuan looked at Yu Shengxiang maliciously.

The little girl panicked, of course she knew what Lin Xuan was thinking.

Even though Lin Xuan wanted that, even though he... didn't object.

But at this time, isn't it a little out of date?

"Well, after telling the story for so long, brother Xuan, you must be thirsty!"

"I'll get you a glass of water!"

The little girl wanted to run away for a good reason, but how could she escape from Lin Xuan's palm?

"Don't go, there is something better than water to quench your thirst."

Lin Xuan looked at Yu Shengxiang affectionately, bowed his head and kissed her.


Yu Shengxiang faltered, and immediately fell into Lin Xuan's arms.


(End of this chapter)

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