Chapter 338 Living in Yunge
It was beyond Lin Xuan's expectation that the Shi family would pay attention to him so quickly.

Even if he was with Yu Shengxiang, how could he attract the Shi family's attention?

Could it be that the Shi family knew that they did it themselves?
But at that time, only Shi Tian was left alive.

Moreover, he supervised the whole process by himself, so Shi Tianfang had no chance to use his mobile phone or any other contact method to send news to the Shi family.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but think of what Shi Tianfang said when he first met him.

How can you understand the Shi family's exercises?

Could it be that Shi Tianfang secretly left some traces on the road that he didn't notice?

Lin Xuan thought about it, and there was only this possibility.

Moreover, the Shi family only knew that this matter was related to the Yu family, but they were not sure what was going on.

Otherwise, it was not just a test just now, but should have killed himself directly.

However, the strength Lin Xuan showed just now was enough to confuse the eyes and ears.

Based on the strength he showed, it is quite rare at this age.

After a while, the Shi family will definitely not find out that they are the one who caused the incident.

Even if he was careful, the Shi family would never find out.

However, I don't know if the Shi family will have a second trial.

Whatever you want, I will accept it.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan felt relieved.

At this time, Yu Shengxiang came back.

"Brother Xuan, I'm back."

Yu Shengxiang's walking steps were a little wobbly, probably because of drinking.

Seeing Yu Shengxiang's state, Lin Xuan couldn't bear to let her go a long way.

So, Lin Xuan carried Yu Shengxiang on his back and walked outside the bar.

Yu Shengxiang put her little head on Lin Xuan's shoulder, and fell asleep after a while.

It seems that Yu Shengxiang is also very tired from playing today.

Lin Xuan slowed down, for fear of waking up Yu Shengxiang.

Where are you going?

It's not far from here to return to Yu's house.

If he took a taxi back, it would definitely alarm the Yu family at such a late hour.

It's better to find a hotel anywhere outside and barely make do for one night.

Lin Xuan looked around and saw a hotel named Yunge.

The hotel is only a few hundred meters away from the bar.

Lin Xuan felt that this was also the property of the Shi family.

Since Shi's family opened a bar here, there is no reason to let go of the surrounding locations.

Moreover, the Shi family definitely has the strength to monopolize this area.

If so, go check it out.

After all, the Shi family can be regarded as the enemy of the Shi family now, so there is no need to give the Shi family a good face.

Even Lin Xuan was not satisfied with the status quo, and wanted to create some troubles for the Shi family.

In this way, not only can the Shi family suffer more losses.

For the Yu family, there is also more buffer time.

This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

But Lin Xuan didn't dare to go too far now, after all, Yu Shengxiang was still by his side.

In case of a big trouble, it would be easy for him to leave.

But in case Yu Shengxiang was hurt because of this, Lin Xuan didn't know how much he would feel distressed.

So Lin Xuan intends to play by ear, not blatantly.

Thinking like this, Lin Xuan walked towards Yunge Hotel with Yu Shengxiang on his back.

As soon as he walked to the door of the hotel, before Lin Xuan could speak, the waiter opened the door for Lin Xuan.

At the same time, he bowed and made a gesture of please.

The attitude is extremely respectful, Lin Xuan secretly said.

But this has no effect on him.

If this hotel belonged to the Shi family, there should be trouble.

Looking at the facilities in the hotel, Lin Xuan knew without much thought that this was a five-star hotel.

Such a large amount of money is undoubtedly the property of the Shi family.

"Stay in the store, open a room for me."

"Ask for the top!"

Lin Xuan walked over with Yu Shengxiang on his back, and said to the waiter at the front desk.

"Okay, wait a minute!"

The waiter nodded and handed Lin Xuan a card.

The card has the number 0302 written on it.

"Sir, judging by your appearance, you must have had a drink with your lover."

"I took it upon myself to give you a room with a bathtub."

"Our hotel has hot water 24 hours a day, please feel free to use it."

"You and your sweetheart can take a hot bath to sober up."

"It also relieves fatigue and refreshes the mind."

The waiter smiled at Lin Xuan and said that he looked very shrewd.

"Okay, it doesn't matter."

Lin Xuan waved his hand and took the card.

People in the Shi family really know how to do business, so it's hard for anyone to refuse such a talk.

As for the hot bath that the waiter said, it is even more difficult for people to refuse!
Bath, good stuff!
Lin Xuan walked upstairs with Yu Shengxiang on his back and opened the room.

It is indeed a five-star hotel, with all the facilities in the room.

There are antique calligraphy and paintings, fitness equipment, leather sofas, and even an astronomical telescope on the balcony.

This arrangement is even much higher than that of a normal five-star hotel.

Lin Xuan gently put Yu Shengxiang on the bed, and then went to the bathroom to have a look.

There is indeed a large bath, about a dozen square meters in size.

The entire bathroom is equivalent to a house.

The Shi family is really rich!
Lin Xuan couldn't help sighing.

Lin Xuan turned on the hot water switch, and water began to gurgle in the bathtub.

Lin Xuan tested the temperature, it was about forty degrees, and the temperature was just right.

Lin Xuan took off the coat he was wearing, revealing a perfect and strong figure.

Stretching comfortably, Lin Xuan went back to find Yu Shengxiang.

"En ~ Brother Xuan."

Yu Shengxiang rubbed her eyes with her hands and said softly.

"Honey, you're awake."

Seeing Yu Shengxiang's appearance of just waking up, Lin Xuan asked.

"Well, I just woke up when you put me down."

"By the way, where is this? Why is it so luxurious?"

Yu Shengxiang looked at the surrounding environment and asked suspiciously.

The environment here, even if she is the eldest daughter of the Yu family, she was used to being rich and powerful when she was young.

Can't help but admire.

"Ah, this is a five-star hotel."

Lin Xuan explained to Yu Shengxiang.

"Hmph, brother Xuan is necrotic!"

"You brought me to the hotel, you must want to do that again!"

Yu Shengxiang snorted and turned away from Lin Xuan.

"Oh my wife, you misunderstood."

"It's so late now, if we go back to Yu's house, wouldn't it make Uncle and the others restless?"

Lin Xuan pointed to the wall clock on the wall, the time on it was past one o'clock in the morning.

"Besides, you've been tired all day, why don't we find a place to live outside and rest?"

"I brought you to the hotel for the sake of you and my uncle."

Lin Xuan said seriously.

"Ahem, as for other things..."

"That's just a random thing, a piggyback."

Lin Xuan coughed twice and rubbed his hands.

A tiger pounced and detained Yu Shengxiang!
"Honey, it's been a long night, why don't we do something interesting?"

Lin Xuan looked into Yu Shengxiang's eyes and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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