Chapter 351
"Hahaha, your old dog's speed is nothing more than that."

Lin Xuan appeared in a flash, pointed at Shi Kaitai and laughed.

"how is this possible?!"

Shi Kaitai exclaimed.

Because with his eyesight, he didn't catch where Lin Xuan just hid.

How did it suddenly appear now?

Doesn't this mean that Lin Xuan's cultivation level now surpasses his?

However, his strength is clearly in the mid-stage C rank!

Could it be that he has been hiding his strength?
However, how can such a thing as cultivation be faked?
Even if it is a B-level master, it is impossible to suppress the cultivation base and show a C-level mid-term.

Because even if a B-level master only exerts one or two percent of his strength, there is still an essential gap between the strength of a C-level master.

Even if the displayed power is the same, it can be sensed immediately.

Not only Shi Kaitai was shocked, but all the Shi family members who saw this phenomenon widened their eyes.

Only the old man with white hair and childlike face narrowed his eyes unlike Shi Kaitai's shock.

He raised his hand and stroked his beard, as if he saw something.

"Now, it's time for you to try my master's skills!"

Seeing that Shi Kaitai was in shock, Lin Xuan took the initiative to attack.

Shi Kaitai's heart is not good, and he hastily unfolded his movements to dodge.

However, facing Lin Xuan who is stronger than him now, how could he dodge it?

Shi Kaitai, who was still moving at high speed, only felt a hand land on his shoulder.

He turned his head abruptly and saw Lin Xuan's smirking face.

With a sound of "bang", Lin Xuan's right fist slammed into Shi Kaitai's face fiercely!
There was only a "click", and a clear voice came from Shi Kaitai's face!

Under the bombardment of Lin Xuan's incomparably hard right hand, there was no other possibility for the bridge of his nose except for a fracture.

Shi Kaitai's figure was thrown flying by Lin Xuan's punch, and he couldn't control himself after being hit hard on the face.

At this moment, his mind was full of muddleheadedness.

I just feel that there are little stars in front of my eyes.

And how could Lin Xuan let go of such a good opportunity?

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan let out a loud shout, and kicked Shi Kaitai deftly on the head.

Shi Kaitai's body twirled and fell from the air, hitting the ground hard!

After a few twitches, he passed out.

Although he is considered invincible in the late C-level, even though his body has been greatly enhanced by his cultivation.

But in the face of Lin Xuan whose cultivation base was stronger than his own, it was impossible for him to be safe and sound with that incomparably hard right hand.

Shi Kaitai, who was hit on the head twice by Lin Xuan, completely lost his combat effectiveness.

Not dying after these two blows is already a manifestation of his strong cultivation base.


Shi Yuanfang let out a loud roar, his fists being squeezed and cracking.

He didn't expect that the great elder in his family would be defeated by Lin Xuan in just a short while!

The other Shi family members also looked at each other in blank dismay.

How strong is this kid?
Even the Great Elder is no match, so how can we beat him?

Some people even felt a retreat in their hearts.

Lin Xuan didn't care about these things, all he had to do was cut the weeds and root them out.

With the Qiankun Brick in his hand, Lin Xuan walked over to the unconscious Shi Kaitai.

He knew that Shi Kaitai was not dead yet, so he wanted to make up for it.

And with the might of just defeating Shi Kaitai, these Shi family members did not dare to step forward for a while.

After all, the brick-like thing Lin Xuan held in his hand could shoot someone to death in one go!

They didn't want Lin Xuan to aim that thing at his head.

Just like that, Lin Xuan walked towards Shi Kaitai, but none of the Shi family dared to stop him.

After seeing Lin Xuan's plan, Shi Yuanfang rushed over by himself.

When Shi Yuanfang was young, it can be said that Shi Kaitai watched him grow up.

Although the relationship between the two cannot be said to be father and son, it is more like uncle and nephew.

Now that something happened to Shi Kaitai, he was naturally worried.

Seeing that the Shi family members around were frightened by Lin Xuan, they did not dare to rescue them.

He even dropped the airs of the Patriarch and went to the rescue himself.

However, because of the fight just now.

In order to leave space for Lin Xuan and Shi Kaitai to fight, the Shi family retreated far away.

At this time, it is impossible for Shi Yuanfang to go to the rescue in time.

The Qiankun Brick in Lin Xuan's hand was already raised high, aiming at Shi Kaitai's head, he was about to smash it down.

If Shi Kaitai hits the ground this time, even if Shi Kaitai has two lives, he won't survive!


Shi Yuanfang roared.

Lin Xuan naturally discovered that Shi Yuanfang came to rescue him, but he still didn't stop what he was doing.

Because he was confident enough to face Shi Yuanfang calmly after killing Shi Kaitai.

So, this time he smashed it down without hesitation.

But at this critical moment, Lin Xuan suddenly felt cold all over his body.

The danger seemed to be approaching him rapidly.

Lin Xuan didn't have time to think about it, and a dry land plucked a green onion and jumped high.

While he was still in the air, Lin Xuan saw his original place, and was swept across by a tyrannical force.

Qi Jin passed through his previous position and hit a wall behind him.

Just listening to the sound of "boom", the thick wall exploded!
After landing, Lin Xuan turned his head to look, and the old man with white hair and childlike face just retracted his fingers.

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host is in danger, and the automatic activation skills are always a little stronger than you. 】

At the same time, the voice of the system rang in Lin Xuan's mind.

In an instant, Lin Xuan felt that his strength was multiplying!

This feeling is actually very similar to when I faced Mito Shunpei before!

This old man is indeed a master!
His cultivation base should have surpassed C-level and reached half-step B-level level!

Good guy!
The Shi family is worthy of being the number one family in Hangzhou, and there is even a half-step B-level master!

No wonder, no wonder the Shi family's development is so rapid.

There is such an expert hiding in Shi's house, facing some turmoil in Hangzhou.

Getting through that was a breeze!
Who said that Hangzhou is all C-level masters, and there are no B-level or half-step B-level masters?

Lin Xuan cursed in his heart.

But this can't be blamed on the person who said that, after all, this is a top secret of the Shi family.

How could the idler know?

This half-step B-level master looks quite young.

Even Shi Kaitai is much older than the great elder of the Shi family.

Judging from Shi Yuanfang's attitude towards the old man before.

This old man is either the Patriarch of the previous generation of the Shi family, or the Supreme Elder of the Shi family.

And after this old man made a move, it directly boosted the morale of the members of the Shi family who were intimidated by Lin Xuan!
Obviously, the status and strength of this old man in the Shi family is unparalleled.

It's like the Shi family's white jade pillars that support the sky, and the purple golden beams that frame the sea!
(End of this chapter)

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