Chapter 366 Solve it alone
The palm hit his head, and the man shook twice and fainted on the ground.

At the same time, the Qiankun brick also hit another person's head.

Lin Xuan made a stride, and struck his neck with another palm.


The man only had time to utter a word before falling to the ground.

Facing the two late C-level masters of the Bai family, Lin Xuan achieved an instant kill!

Although it was a sneak attack, it was enough to show how terrifying Lin Xuan's current strength is!
Lin Xuan took out the Qiankun Brick and slapped the heads of the two people to pieces.

After confirming that they were completely dead, Lin Xuan dealt with the scene briefly.

Lest anyone find out and cause a lot of trouble.

"According to the previous statement, there should be three late C-level masters here, and five C-level masters."

"Where will they be?"

Lin Xuan was talking to himself.

Lin Xuan took out a map from his pocket, which was given to him by Fang Qingtian.

After all, he is the head of the Fang family, so he knows a lot about the Bai family.

Lin Xuan looked at the sign on the map, and his current location should be in the area of ​​the dormitory.

No wonder he met those two C-level masters here.

Either they just woke up in the morning, or they came to wake up other people who were not awake.

Lin Xuan was also glad that he came early.

Only in this way can two people be killed without any trace.

At this time, many people are still in dreamland.

The masters of the Bai family have been in this manor for a long time, and they have developed a kind of inertia.

Lin Xuan quietly touched the location of the dormitory.

When he heard the indistinct snoring that he thought of inside, he knew that the Bai family inside hadn't woken up yet.

Lin Xuan glanced at his watch, it was not yet eight o'clock.

So Lin Xuan decided to sit back and wait, hiding near the dormitory, come and kill one by one!
After making up his mind, Lin Xuan hid at the corner of the dormitory door.

At the same time, Lin Xuan carefully looked around.

There is no such thing as monitoring.

But not here, presumably there must be a place to work inside.

Then it's best to get rid of everyone here!
Lin Xuan waited there quietly, he was very patient.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Xuan heard a voice from inside.

It must be that the people inside are washing up after waking up.

Lin Xuan pulled himself together and was ready to make a move.

Not long after, a voice came from inside.

"Okay, it's time to work."

"Stay in your place, don't get sleepy."

"Look at Bai Qi and Bai Yu, they still got up so early."

A person inside said.

Judging from that bossy tone, this should be the remaining late C-level expert.

And the Bai Qi and Bai Yu he was talking about should be the two who died under Lin Xuan's hands.

Not long after the words fell, the door of the dormitory was opened.

A man in white came out.

"Another boring day."

He sighed, yawned, and stretched his waist at the same time.

good chance!
Lin Xuan thought in his heart, and shot instantly.

When people just wake up, they are not very awake.

Being in such a relaxed state again can be said to be the most vulnerable time.

The moment Lin Xuan rushed over, the Qiankun Brick had already been thrown out.

At the same time, Lin Xuan's hand tightly covered his mouth.


The man in white only had time to let out a small muffled groan before he was hit in the head by the Qiankun Brick.

Lin Xuan twisted his neck hard with both hands!
Immediately, the neck of this late C-level master of the Bai family was broken by Lin Xuan!
Lin Xuan let go of his hand, and the late C-level master of the Bai family lay softly on the ground.

At this moment, there is still a lot of unwillingness and confusion in his eyes.

He never imagined that he would die in his manor right after waking up.

He doesn't even know who made the move!
His eyes were wide open, as if he wanted to see who had done such a cruel thing to him.

It's a pity that he is destined not to see it.

Lin Xuan wiped his face, and the eyes of the man in white closed.

This time, it was eternal sleep.

Lin Xuan took the body of the man in white away and hid it in a hidden place.

Then Lin Xuan returned to the door of the dormitory and continued to ambush.

Not long after, more than [-] people came out of the dormitory one after another.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan directly performed the Hundred Thousand Clone Technique!
Facing these Bai family members who haven't figured out the situation, they naturally have to do their best.

Get rid of them as quickly as possible, so as not to cause future troubles if the news leaks.

More than a dozen Lin Xuan appeared, and rushed to the Bai family as quickly as possible!


The Bai family was taken aback by Lin Xuan's appearance, and only had time to shout.

Such a sudden attack, even the masters of the late C-level did not react.

Not to mention the ordinary C-level masters and some D-level warriors here.

Lin Xuan's body aimed at the five C-level masters, and the rest fought against Lin Xuan's clone.

Facing an opponent like Lin Xuan, those warriors whose strength did not reach C-level quickly fell to the ground.

And those C-level masters couldn't hold back under Lin Xuan's attack.

When Lin Xuan's avatar came free, it didn't take long for them all to be wiped out.

Lin Xuan rushed into the dormitory to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net.

After some investigation, Lin Xuan found that the dormitory was empty.

The task appears to have been successfully accomplished.


Lin Xuan slapped his forehead.

He just remembered that he didn't leave anyone alive, so what should he do with the handover of the property?
He only cared about silence as soon as possible, but forgot about it.

But the thing has been done, and there is no chance for him to regret it.

You can only wait until the time to hit the head of the Bai family and threaten the head of the Bai family or other high-ranking members of the Bai family.

However, Lin Xuan did not expect that there were only twenty people in a manor.

He thought there would be four or fifty or more.

Although many people don't affect him, some of the Bai family are still innocent.

It is good to kill less.

Thinking like this, Lin Xuan decided to go back home.

So Lin Xuan dealt with the scene and hid the bodies of those who died.

Then Lin Xuan walked out, took a taxi far away, and rushed towards Yu's house.

I don't know what's going on with another large property of the Bai family and those four small properties.

When he returned to Yu's house, he would naturally have an answer.

After half an hour, Lin Xuan arrived at Yu's house.

Yu Chengjie is at home, talking on the phone.

Seeing Lin Xuan coming in, Yu Chengjie raised his hand to signal Lin Xuan to sit down.

After a few minutes, Yu Chengjie put down the phone.

"Lin Xuan, three of the four small properties of the Bai family have been taken over by the people I sent."

"The people I sent were very cautious. In addition, several Fang family members followed, and no one passed on the news."

"There is also a small industry, which is estimated to be coming to an end soon."

"As for the large property of the Bai family, we still don't know what's going on."

Yu Chengjie said to Lin Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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