Chapter 372 Confused
The next day, at five o'clock in the morning, the Fang family got up one after another.

Lin Xuan noticed the movement and got up too.

"Lin Xuan, should we have something to eat first?"

"In this way, it will be more powerful to fight in a while."

Fang Qingtian asked Lin Xuan.

"It's just five o'clock, don't worry, Patriarch Fang will arrange it."

Lin Xuan responded.

Fang Qingtian nodded, and immediately asked someone to make arrangements.

In less than ten minutes, breakfast is ready.

The Fang family and Lin Xuan used this time to finish washing.

The diet in the morning is very light, just some gruel, bread and eggs.

Lin Xuan is not picky, these are normal food in the morning.

Lin Xuan and Fang's family ate and chatted very harmoniously.

Around 05:30, everyone finished their breakfast and was ready to go.

The Fang family naturally had a special car to pick them up, and Lin Xuan and Fang Qingtian sat in the same car.

Fang's house is not too far from Bai's house, it takes about half an hour to arrive.

Fang Qingtian called the Patriarch of the Bai family, and the Patriarch of the Bai family connected immediately.

"Old Bai, I'm already here."

Fang Qingtian said something succinctly.

"Okay, I'll send someone to pick you up now."

The Patriarch of the Bai family was also direct, and hung up the phone with just one sentence.

"Let's go."

Fang Qingtian said something, got out of the car and opened the door for Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan never expected that Fang Qingtian would be so attentive, so he smiled and said nothing.

This time the Fang family came with three cars, including Lin Xuan, there were a total of twelve people.

Except for Lin Xuan, all of them are late C-level masters.

Of course, Lin Xuan, the superficial C-level mid-term, is actually the strongest one.

Not long after, someone from the Bai family came out.

"The Patriarch of the Fang family is here to welcome you."

"Please forgive me!"

The first person saluted Qingtian slightly.

"Elder Bai, you're welcome, let's go."

Fang Qingtian said politely.


Elder Bai made a gesture of invitation and led the way.

Fang Qingtian walked in front, while the Fang family and Lin Xuan followed behind.

Lin Xuan didn't want to expose the truth now, so he simply pretended.

"Mr. Lin, the one just now is the third elder of the Bai family, and he is also a late C-level cultivation base."

Fang Yunfei also came this time, and introduced Lin Xuan to the Bai family elder who led the way.


"If you compare with you, who is stronger between the two of you?"

Lin Xuan asked casually.

"Uh, probably between siblings, maybe he's stronger."

"But it's just one point. It's impossible to defeat me."

Fang Yunfei thought for a moment and answered.

"Well, it seems that the Fang family is stronger than the Bai family."

Lin Xuan came to a conclusion.

After all, Fang Yunfei is in the top ten in the Fang family.

And this third elder of the Bai family is properly ranked in the top five.

From this we can clearly compare the strengths of the two.

After a while, under the leadership of the third elder of the Bai family, everyone walked into the hall of the Bai family.

Lin Xuan saw more than a dozen people sitting there upright in the hall.

It can be seen that these are all C-level masters.

The head of the Bai family doesn't seem to be a simple-minded guy.

Even if Fang Qingtian and him agreed on the Bai family, he still took precautions.

But with Lin Xuan around, these defenses were futile.

The Fang family and Lin Xuan went in and sat down, and the Patriarch of the Bai family came out of the room.

"Old Fang, long time no see."

The head of the Bai family spoke.

"Hmph, it's indeed been a long time."

"I don't know if you ordered the good things your Bai family did."

Fang Qingtian's acting skills are pretty good, and he directly entered the state of exposing the teacher to ask the crime.


"Old Fang, what do you mean by this sentence?"

The head of the Bai family didn't understand.

"The other day your Fang family took action on my Bai family's property, and I immediately sent someone to investigate."

"From the information I got, my Bai family has nothing to offend your Fang family."

The head of the Bai family said.

"On the contrary, it's you, Lao Fang. Isn't it a little unreasonable for you to do this?"

"Isn't it too much for you to send people to destroy my four properties without saying anything?"

"Even if there is really something to offend, why don't you come to me directly?"

"With our cooperative relationship, I will definitely give you justice."

"Why do you bother to do it first, making both parties unhappy?"

The Patriarch of the Bai family asked Fang Qingtian, his tone already smelling like gunpowder.

"Hmph, what you said is beautiful."

"Bai Zhanyi, why don't you ask what your son has done!"

Fang Qingtian turned a blind eye to Bai Zhanyi's attitude, but snorted disdainfully.


"my son?"

Bai Zhanyi was stunned by this question.

Although after he got the news, he immediately investigated his various industries.

But dimension did not think of his son.

Could it be that his son offended the Fang family?
The more Bai Zhanyi thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible.

My son is ignorant and incapable of learning. He idles around all day long and only knows how to eat, drink, play and be jealous.

He knew all this.

If it was said that his son accidentally offended the Fang family, he would not be surprised.

"It turned out that the dog provoked you."

Bai Zhanyi nodded.

"Old Fang, let me apologize to you first."

"However, even if the dog really offended you, you wouldn't be like this, would you?"

"Although he's not good enough, he's still the one who has been calling you uncle since he was a child."

"Why do you bother to argue with him?"

Bai Zhanyi's tone softened.

And hearing the conversation between Bai Zhanyi and Fang Qingtian, all the masters of the Bai family also relaxed.

Even more thought about watching a play.

The young master of the Bai family has caused troubles for the Bai family a lot.

The family paid a lot of price for this ineffective young master.

It wasn't until one time that the young master of the Bai family got into trouble with Qianhuan Company that he restrained himself a lot.

And it was precisely because of that that the Bai family learned that Qianhuan Company was a subsidiary force of Blood Shadow.

That time, the price paid by the Bai family was really not small.

Therefore, these masters of the Bai family all have some opinions on this young master.

It's just that due to his identity, he is embarrassed to say it clearly.

But this time, this prodigal son has provoked the Fang family again.

Hmph, let's see how the Patriarch ends up.

At this time, some of the masters of the Fang family and some of the masters of the Bai family even sat together.

Some chatted quietly.

"If it's a trivial matter, I wouldn't bother with a child."

"But this time, it's different."

Fang Qingtian's voice cooled down.

"What's the matter, old Fang, just tell me."

"I promise to give you an explanation."

Bai Zhanyi couldn't help shaking his head, and the other party said to Qingtian.

"Okay, then I'll tell you straight."

"Actually, this time... I'm also a little embarrassed."

Fang Qingtian hesitated to speak.

"Oh, just say it quickly!"

Bai Zhanyi couldn't bear it any longer, and asked anxiously.

"Okay, actually..."

"Go on!
Fang Qingtian shook his head, and suddenly shouted loudly!
All the masters of the Bai family, including Lin Xuan, made an instant move!

(End of this chapter)

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