Chapter 379 Take the initiative
So, Yu Chengjie called Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was hanging out with Yu Shengxiang outside, but rushed back immediately after receiving the call.

Lin Xuan also knew that the current situation was always a matter of life and death.

Not to be sloppy.

When Lin Xuan returned to Yu's house, he listened to the development and process of the matter from the three heads of the family.

He was silent for a while.

The current situation is indeed not good.

But if the situation is allowed to develop, it will fall into a situation that cannot be extricated.

At that time, it will be too late.

After Lin Xuan thought for a while, he made an opinion.

"Uncle Yu, the two Patriarchs."

"Now I think, instead of waiting for Qianhuan Company to make a move first, let's see each other again."

"It's better for us to act first and take the initiative."

"Forcing Qianhuan Company to give up its financial advantage and fight us with real swords and guns."

"Our current joint strength may not necessarily be weaker than them."

"Even if it is really weak, there is not much difference."

Lin Xuan said to the three residents.

Three Patriarchs, you look at me, and I look at you.

All frowned.

It is true that what Lin Xuan said was right.

However, how to make the first move.

Which point to shoot for.

These are all issues to consider.

"Lin Xuan, we also had such thoughts."

"However, Qianhuan Company's strength and funds are extremely strong."

"Facing our attack, he may not be able to accept it."

Yu Chengjie thought for a while and said.

"That's right, if Qianhuan Company deliberately avoids us and doesn't engage in a direct confrontation with us."

"So what?"

Fang Qingtian said.

"The financial resources of Qianhuan Company are really terrible."

"I don't think it is necessary for him to give up this advantage and adopt a rigid comparison of strength."

Bai Zhanyi also spoke.

None of the three Patriarchs were simple characters.

Two of them are the heads of the three major families in Hangzhou, and one was the head of the first family in Hangzhou.

Their control of this information and the comparison of the strengths of the two sides.

It can be said that every detail has been mastered very well.

Because of this, they feel that the current situation is in dire straits.

"Hahaha, the three Patriarchs are right."

"However, monks can't run away from the temple if they can run away."

"As long as our offensive is strong enough, Qianhuan Company will not always back down."

"He kept retreating, and we kept fighting."

"When it reaches a certain level, he will naturally not be able to bear it anymore."

"Don't worry, the three Patriarchs, this matter will be left to me."

Lin Xuan smiled and took on this arduous task.

"Lin Xuan, what do you mean..."

"You want to act alone, targeting Qianhuan Company?"

Yu Chengjie heard the meaning of Lin Xuan's words, and asked Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan responded.

"But, is this too dangerous?"

Fang Qingtian asked with some concern.

"Lin Xuan, you are the backbone of our current alliance."

"If something happens to you accidentally, we will be ruined."

"Is there a more conservative way?"

Bai Zhanyi didn't quite agree either.

Facing the concerns and doubts of the three Patriarchs, Lin Xuan laughed heartily.

"Three Patriarchs, you all know the strength of my Lin Xuan."

"I said that if I want to leave, no one in this world can leave me alone."

"So, you don't need to worry about me."

"My departure will definitely bring unexpected losses to Qianhuan Company.

"Just wait for the good news."

Lin Xuan said lightly, a strong self-confidence bloomed in him.


"Well, since you insist on doing so."

"We listen to you."

Yu Chengjie hesitated for a moment, and finally respected Lin Xuan's opinion.

"Trust me, you won't be disappointed."

"Now, what I need is the distribution of Qianhuan Company's main forces in Hangzhou."

"No matter how many shares he owns anywhere, I just need to know the location of his main company."

Lin Xuan said to the three Patriarchs.

"no problem."

"You wait here for a while."

Yu Chengjie nodded.

Immediately, he turned to leave.

Not long after, Yu Chengjie came back with a map.

"Lin Xuan, here are the locations of Qianhuan Company's main company and three branches."

"As for the strong people inside, there are probably at least 100 C-level masters!"

"You must be careful."

Yu Chengjie exhorted again worriedly.

"Uncle Yu, don't worry, I know."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"By the way, Uncle Yu, the two Patriarchs."

"If I go, it will definitely anger Qianhuan Company."

"They have nothing to do with me, but they can choose to retaliate against you."

"So I suggest that all your industries in Hangzhou be stopped immediately."

"All foreign trade exports are stopped, and all personnel are concentrated in one place."

"If you can disappear, then disappear, don't let Qianhuan Company catch any opportunities."

"This will also avoid unnecessary casualties."

Lin Xuan said to the three Patriarchs.

"One more thing, in order to prevent Qianhuan Company from attacking us one by one."

"It's better to gather our masters together."

"Only in this way, they will not dare to act rashly."

"As for things like real estate, it's useless to worry about it now."

"If we fail, it's all the same to lose early and lose later."

"If we win, the whole of Hangtown will be ours."

"There's no need to worry about that anymore."

"The three Patriarchs are all sensible people, so I don't need to say more about this."

Lin Xuan added one more item.

"Okay, of course we understand that."

"As for what you said you were worried about, we will arrange it right away."

After hearing this, the three Patriarchs said in unison.

What Lin Xuan said was not unreasonable, and what he was worried about was inevitable.

Now only by abandoning immediate interests can we make plans for long-term things.

And now that the three have formed an alliance, there is no need to subdivide each other's assets.

"My operation this time will take as short as three days and as long as five days."

"I'll definitely be back then."

"During this period, I will not take the initiative to contact you."

"Don't contact me unless necessary."

"I want to devote myself to the confrontation with Qianhuan Company."

"Wait for my good news."

Lin Xuan exhorted the three Patriarchs.

Smiling and waving at them, he walked out of Yu's house.

"Heroes make boys, really heroes make boys!"

"It's hard to imagine what level Lin Xuan's strength will be after reaching B-level in the future!"

Looking at the back of Lin Xuan going away, Yu Chengjie couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Hahaha, congratulations to your Yu family for getting a good son-in-law!"

Fang Qingtian laughed loudly and patted Yu Chengjie on the shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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