Chapter 381 anticlimactic
Seeing Lin Xuan's strength, the other personnel working in the port were frightened.

They turned around and ran away one by one, only hating their parents for losing two legs!
Do you still remember what those C-level masters told them before?

Lin Xuan didn't chase after seeing this, they were just ordinary people.

Lin Xuan knew that there were more than one port terminals like Qianhuan Company in Hangzhou.

However, if he destroys this place first, other places will definitely be known in the first place.

And just when Lin Xuan was about to destroy the facilities here, there was a sound of breaking wind from behind.

Lin Xuan dexterously dodged, only to see five people coming behind him.

"Boy, did you do all of this?"

The first person, tall and big, shouted at Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan just clicked his eyes and knew that these five people were all late C-level masters.

He was still wondering before that the pier was the main source of income for Qianhuan Company.

Why are there only a few ordinary C-level masters.

It turned out that those serious masters did not supervise their work all the time.

Think about it too, no matter where the late C-level masters are placed.

They are rare strategic resources.

Where do you have to do everything yourself and direct the work next time?

Once there is something, they will show up as fast as possible.

However, they still underestimated Lin Xuan's strength.

In such a short period of time, those ordinary C-level masters were all killed.

"I did it, what can you do?"

Lin Xuan replied disdainfully.

"Very well, act recklessly on the territory of my Thousand Fantasy Company."

"It doesn't matter where you are from or what status you have."

"Today you will definitely die!"

The person at the head said.

"Hahaha, that's what those people said earlier."

"Unfortunately, they are the ones who died."

Lin Xuan ignored the man's malicious words and said contemptuously.

"Okay, let me try, how much weight do you have!"

After all, the man jumped up and rushed straight to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's communication system, activated skills are always better than you.

Then Lin Xuan jumped up, stretched out his right palm, and fought hard with the man!
The two collided fiercely in the air, and Lin Xuan floated down.

On the other hand, the man involuntarily took several steps back after landing.

Obviously, he was at a disadvantage in this collision with Lin Xuan.

"how is this possible?"

The man glanced at Lin Xuan in disbelief, and said in surprise.

At this moment, the palms he and Lin Xuan touched were trembling unconsciously.

When it collided, he felt as if he had hit a wall of extremely dense rocks!
It was a painful feeling.

Not only him, but the four late C-level masters around him were also quite surprised.

This young man, who seemed to be only in his twenties, actually knocked back the boss with a single palm?
This is not scientific!
As the leader guarding the port of Qianhuan Company, the man's strength is already one in a million.

In the realm of late C-level, it should be invincible.

Usually, this man has also exchanged ideas with four other late C-level masters.

Although the realm is the same, everyone can go through twenty moves under the men's hands.

Even if the four of them teamed up, it would only put the man at a disadvantage.

It is absolutely impossible to defeat or even kill.

Could it be that this kid is half-step B rank?
In addition to the Blood Shadow headquarters in Hangzhou, is there such a master?

The five people looked at each other, at a loss.

"Well, I didn't disappoint you, did I?"

Seeing the expressions of the five people, Lin Xuan smiled slightly.

"Hmph, boy, there are two brushes."

"But you are only one person, so what can you do if you are strong?"

"You guys come up with me and take him down!"

The man snorted and said to his partner.

This time, he was not careless.

He could perceive that Lin Xuan's strength was only slightly stronger than him.

Although very powerful, it did not exceed his expectations.

With the five of us working together, we should be able to take him down.

"It's useless for five people to go up together."

Lin Xuan shook his head.

"Then come try it!"

The man shouted loudly, and the five rushed towards Lin Xuan at the same time.

"Oh, I'm ashamed that everyone is so polite."

"Let me give you a small gift first."

Lin Xuan said something.

Subsequently, the blessing from God was used on five people.

The figures of the five people rushing forward stopped abruptly, and stopped in place awkwardly.

Lin Xuan seized the opportunity and made a bold move.

Facing Lin Xuan who was rushing towards him, the man forcibly turned his body sideways and collided with Lin Xuan again.

He was directly sent flying by Lin Xuan.

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan shouted and kicked the other four people.

Lin Xuan kicked a person away, and the Qiankun Brick was thrown out again.


A person's head was hit by the Qiankun Brick, and he fell to the ground immediately.

Moaned in pain.

At the same time, Lin Xuan and the other three fought hard.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan stood on the ground after completing a set of skills.

He quietly looked at the five people in front of him.

It is indeed a C-level late-stage master carefully selected by Qianhuan Company.

Whether it is adaptability or defense, they are far from being comparable to ordinary C-level late-game masters.

Lin Xuan shot this time, but he didn't kill anyone.

This surprised Lin Xuan slightly.

"Damn, what kind of sorcery is this?"

The man stood up and looked at Lin Xuan in surprise.

He just reached into his trousers to feel it, and even touched blood.

How is this possible?
And this kid's palm is ridiculously hard, and that one doesn't know what kind of material it is.

It looks like a brick.

He actually knocked one of his companions dizzy all at once.

It was just a wave of confrontation, and each of the five people was injured to varying degrees!

This situation has never been encountered in their life for such a long time!

"This is not black magic, it's just that your knowledge is too shallow."

Lin Xuan smiled and shook his head.

"Why, didn't you just say that you want to keep me?"

"Why aren't you crazy now?"

Lin Xuan asked back with a smile.

"I'm afraid we are not his opponents, so we will report to the company first!"

"Then we split up and fled."

"This kid's moves are too weird for us to parry."

"Only relying on us, we are definitely not his opponent."

The man whispered to the other four people.

Lin Xuan didn't know what they were muttering, so he stood there and watched.

"Hmph, boy."

"I admit that we are not your opponent, but don't be too happy!"

"You messed with Qianhuan Company, and you will definitely not be able to survive in Hangzhou."

"Some people will come to clean you up."

"I'm waiting to see the day you die!"

"Brothers, go!"

The man pointed at Lin Xuan and said, then shouted, and ran away directly!

Where there is life, there is hope.

They are naturally very clear about this truth.

(End of this chapter)

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