Chapter 390
After getting the defense increase, the strong man finally looked a little better.

He really didn't expect that one day he would be forced to such a point.

I am a half-step B-level powerhouse who ranks among the top three in Hangzhou.

Just being beaten so embarrassingly by such an unknown young man, even activated the secret technique.

It would be a shame to say it.

Now that the defense has increased a lot, the strong man thinks that he can fight Lin Xuan.

"Boy, now your attack may not be able to achieve the effect you want."

The strong man punched each other with both fists a few times and said to Lin Xuan.

"Hmph, interesting."

"Let me see how hard your tortoise shell is."

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he used all his strength.

A punch went directly to the strong man.

The strong man whose defense had been greatly increased this time did not choose to retreat, but rushed towards Lin Xuan's fist.

Lin Xuan hit the strong man's arm fiercely with this punch, and then he punched one after another.

The strong man protected himself with one arm, and hit Lin Xuan with the other.

Lin Xuan dodged flexibly, holding the Qiankun Brick in his hand.

Even if you can block my fist, I don't believe that my strength plus Qiankun bricks can't break your defense.

Lin Xuan aimed at the strong man's arm, and the Qiankun brick kept falling down.

After hitting it twice, the strong man sensed something was wrong and wanted to retreat.

At this time, Lin Xuan's one hundred thousand clone technique came in handy again.

Several clones of Lin Xuan held the strong man to prevent him from retreating, and at the same time held his arm.

The strong man wanted to struggle, but facing the power of so many clones, he couldn't break free at all.

The next moment, the Qiankun Brick hit the strong man's head.

Make a "boom" sound!

After being hit by Lin Xuan with all his strength, even though the strong man's defense increased a lot, he was still a little dazed.

Even his movements slowed down, and his strength also became smaller.

Lin Xuan took this opportunity to smash the Qiankun bricks on the strong man's head.


The strong man yelled, and suddenly his strength soared!
The next moment, Lin Xuan's clone was already shaken away by the strong man.

And one hand of the strong man rested on his head.

Blocked Lin Xuan's smash.

Seeing the strong man screaming in pain, Lin Xuan felt that his strength was also increasing.

It seems that this strong man has used another secret method.

This kind of secret method is the same as what Lin Xuan has seen before, and it will increase his strength in all directions in a short period of time.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan put away the Qiankun Brick and looked at the strong man, waiting for his next move.

Lin Xuan wants to try, this half-step B-level strong man has been buffed.

What level will it reach.

Will it be like the Supreme Elder of the Shi family, reaching infinitely close to B-level strength in a short period of time.

"Boy, you pissed me off!"

"I will make you pay the price!"

The strong man gritted his teeth and popped out these words from his mouth.

"Hahaha, I've pissed off too many people."

"However, everyone disappoints me in the same way."

Lin Xuan was unmoved and said flatly.


"You wait for me!"

The strong man tried again, and the clothes on his body were torn by him.


The brawny man let out a loud cry, and his aura became even more tyrannical.

At this time, his eyes had become scarlet.

"Boy, I'm going to kill you!"

The strong man let out a loud shout, beating his chest with both fists.

Like a gorillas gone mad!
However, after his strength had been increased in all directions, the strong man did something unexpected by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan thought that the strong man would fight against him, and he was even ready.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the strong man twisted his body and ran directly outside.

The decisiveness of the strong man was beyond Lin Xuan's expectation.

As the saying goes, the thunder is loud and the rain is little, so that's all there is to it, right?

What is this all about?

With the big move, the strength has been increased in all directions.

With his mind affected, shouldn't he fight himself hard afterwards?

But the strong man saw that the situation was not good, and it was the best plan to go directly.

Wasn't his sanity affected?
Or is he acting deliberately to show himself?
Just to let myself concentrate on defending against his attack, so that I can escape by the way?

Could it be that these masters are so afraid of death?

A dignified and half-step B-level master, he chose to run away directly!
This can also prove what a terrible impression Lin Xuan left on him at this time.

The strong man's speed was so fast that he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lin Xuan was not familiar with the terrain here, and he didn't expect that the strong man would run away directly.

At this time, if you want to chase again, you can't catch up.

Even if you can catch up, as long as the strong man fights and retreats with himself.

That is nothing to do with him.

Once he is led to the site of Qianhuan Company, he may be in trouble.

Moreover, with the strengthened strength of the strong man now, it is enough to retreat completely.

Even if Lin Xuan can always be better than him by relying on skills, there is no way.

It is very difficult for a half-step B-level master to escape with all his heart.

what a pity!

This half-step B-level expert just ran away!
Lin Xuan couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

If a strong man escapes today, it is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and it will be a serious problem in the future.

Although Lin Xuan is not afraid of him, the Yu Family Alliance does not have that strength.

But one thing Lin Xuan can be sure of is that.

From then on, this strong man definitely didn't dare to do anything when he saw himself alone.

Because Lin Xuan had already planted a seed of fear in his heart.

Unless the strong man's cultivation reaches B level, he will always be afraid of Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan shook his head, and turned his gaze to the other C-level masters here.

Since I can't keep that half-step B-level strong man.

Then you C-level masters, don't even think about leaving!

Anyway, I have come here, so I have to make some achievements, right?

Thinking like this, Lin Xuan walked over to them.



I don't know who yelled first, and these thirty or so C-level masters suddenly became a mess.

He ran out in a hurry.

How could Lin Xuan do what they wanted?

A hundred thousand clones were cast, and a dozen Lin Xuans blocked the doors and windows.

All the retreats of these C-level masters were blocked.

"Your boss has the ability to leave, do you have that ability?"

Lin Xuan asked ferociously.

"Leave them all here, don't even try to leave!"

Lin Xuan said coldly.

Seeing Lin Xuan's expression, these C-level masters backed away in fright.

Just now, they saw it with their own eyes.

The boss who usually respects himself and others like a god, was played by this kid.

Even after increasing his all-round strength at all costs, he chose to run away directly!

How terrifying must this kid be?
His strength is so strong, how could he and others be able to deal with him?
These C-level masters were frightened by Lin Xuan, and even trembled a little.

(End of this chapter)

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