Chapter 396 The Book of War!

However, such a peaceful day is in Hangcheng, at this juncture.

Definitely not going to last long.

After the silent confrontation between the two sides lasted for about five days, the calm was broken by one person.

The person who came was a deacon of Qianhuan Company.

Yu Family Alliance, lobby.

"Li Yongjian, the deacon of Xiaqianhuan Company, has met the three Patriarchs."

In front of the three Patriarchs and Lin Xuan, a man stood proudly and said.

Even facing the three patriarchs at the same time, the man still stood up straight without any fear.


"Deacon Li is here, why?"

Yu Chengjie, as the protagonist, asked.

"Patriarch Yu is joking, why bother to ask?"

"I'm here this time, of course I'm here to fight."

Li Yongjian laughed and said neither humble nor overbearing.


"You are so courageous, you dare to come here alone."

"Aren't you afraid that I will take action and leave you here?"

Fang Qingtian narrowed his eyes and threatened.

It can be said that Li Yongjian's demeanor disgusted him very much.

"Hahaha, since Li is here."

"I'm ready to go back."

"As the saying goes, when two parties engage in battle, they don't kill each other."

"If the three Patriarchs can give up their face for me, it will be nothing if Li dies here!"

Li Yongjian laughed out loud and didn't care.

"Hmph, I'm a little courageous."

Fang Qingtian snorted.

Apparently he's just talking, it's impossible to actually do it.

"Okay, what about the gauntlet?"

Yu Chengjie waved his hand and asked Li Yongjian.

"It's right here, Patriarch Yu, please take a look."

After Li Yongjian finished speaking, he stretched out his hand into his bosom, and then flicked his fingers.

A letter landed on the table next to Yu Chengjie.

"Good work!"

Bai Zhanyi stared at Li Yongjian and said something.

"Patriarch Bai doesn't need to be too modest."

"Since the tactics have been delivered, I will take my leave."


Li Yongjian laughed out loud after saying that, unfolded his movement and floated out.

He didn't pay much attention to the members of the Yu Family Alliance at all, he was very unrestrained and arrogant.

"Bastard, a little deacon of Qianhuan Company is so rampant."

Bai Zhanyi thumped the table and said.

"Patriarch Bai doesn't need to get angry, this man still has some skills."

"I killed a deacon of Qianhuan Company before, and he was a top-notch late C-level cultivator."

"If you want to come to this deacon, it's the same."

Lin Xuan spoke.

"It's actually a good thing for Qianhuan Company to do this, and this proves it."

"In the hearts of most of them, they don't see our Yu Family Alliance in their eyes."

"So when the time comes, we will be able to win by surprise."

Lin Xuan continued.

"Yes, this is indeed a good thing for us."

"Now, let us see what is written in the gauntlet."

As Yu Chengjie spoke, he opened the letter.

The above is an extremely wild font, majestic and majestic.

The full text seems to be completed in one go, without any sloppiness.

It seems that he has the demeanor of a wild grass master.

"Book to Chengjie, lift up the sky, spread your wings."

"The three patriarchs are quite talented, but they don't know the time and want to fight against me."

"I, Qian Huan, have always believed in cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots. Now that I am the enemy, I will do my best to eradicate it to prevent future troubles."

"Three people in this book will fight in a decisive battle in the chaotic forest in the southwest of Hangzhou three days later."

"You and I collide, and the common people are not hurt, that's one of them."

"It doesn't matter if you lose on both sides, or I win."

"They all stay away from Hangzhou to save their face, this is the second."

"A battle in three days' time will surely be handed down to future generations."

"The fragrance will last forever, and the stink will last forever, it's all up to God."

"I hope the three don't refuse."

The signature is: Qian Xuantian.

After reading the letter, the three Patriarchs looked at each other in blank dismay.

Immediately, Yu Chengjie handed the letter to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan read it once, and then fell silent.

"It's already obvious that the Thousand Fantasy Company will have a decisive battle with us in three days."

"It's just that the location is chosen in the chaotic forest. Could there be some conspiracy?"

Fang Qingtian thought for a while, and said to Lin Xuan and the other two Patriarchs.

"Hmph, it's a good excuse."

"Whatever you say doesn't hurt the common people and preserves your dignity is not all for your own convenience."

"With the strength of Qianhuan Company, it is really more and more despised to engage in these imaginary things."

Bai Zhanyi snorted and said.

"The history books are written by the victors."

"In order to win, it's okay to use all means."

"Besides, Qianhuan Company was cultivated by Blood Shadow."

"It's not surprising that the group of scumbags in the wolf country do anything."

"We have to be prepared."

Yu Chengjie shook his head and said.

"Since everyone suspects that Qianhuan Company will do something secretly."

"Then let me go to the chaotic forest to investigate first."

"It's still too dangerous if someone else goes."

Lin Xuan said.

"If they really have any secret arrangements, I will destroy them."

"Even if it can't be destroyed, at the worst, you can know what's going on, which is better than a black eye."

Lin Xuan said to the three Patriarchs.

"Alright, then I'll trouble you."

"This task is indeed the most suitable only for you to do it."

Yu Chengjie nodded.

"Just a little thing."

"It's getting late today, and I'll go to the Luanlin tomorrow to have a look."

"Uncle Yu, the two Patriarchs, just rest assured."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"it is good."

"Then let's call the clansmen to discuss it today."

Yu Chengjie said.

Then Yu Chengjie, Fang Qingtian and Bai Zhanyi went to gather their clansmen.

Not long after, more than 100 people gathered in the hall.

They are all C-level masters of the three families.

Yu Chengjie told about Qianhuan Company coming to fight and discussing the decisive battle three days later.

These C-level masters were very excited.

With Lin Xuan's jewels in front, these masters wished they could kill a few more masters from Qianhuan Company.

Hearing the news now, it seems that he can't wait to play a game.

"Everyone, we cannot underestimate the enemy."

"Although Lin Xuan is powerful, there are half-step B-level masters in Qianhuan Company."

"So, Lin Xuan will be restrained by them and cannot join our battle."

"What you need to face is about [-] to [-] C-level masters."

Yu Chengjie said to everyone.

"Are you confident?"

Yu Chengjie paused and continued to ask.


More than 100 C-level masters responded loudly at the same time, and the voices were very neat!

Yu Chengjie nodded in relief. It is a good thing that his morale is so strong.

"Everyone, recharge your batteries these few days, and Qian Huan Company will suffer a severe loss when the time comes."

Fang Qingtian said to everyone.

"That's right, Qianhuan Company has become famous and arrogant over the years."

"Let's teach him a lesson he will never forget this time."

Bai Zhanyi echoed from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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