Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 412 Relaxation after the war

Chapter 412 Relaxation after the war

So Lin Xuan told the ins and outs of how he killed that capable man.

Then he talked about how he deterred the strong man from committing suicide.

Then he talked about how he almost single-handedly forced Qianhuan Company to surrender.

Although these are all facts, they came from Lin Xuan's mouth.

That must be a little bit of oil and vinegar.

The effect is extremely good.

Yu Shengxiang immediately jumped up and hung on Lin Xuan.

Regardless of the two being on the street, they kissed Lin Xuan several times.

"My little aunt, there are still so many people here!"

"You are the eldest lady of the Yu family after all, restrain yourself."

Lin Xuan said helplessly.


"I won't!"

Yu Shengxiang turned her head arrogantly and pouted her small mouth.

"In front of outsiders, I am the young lady of the Yu family."

"But with you, I am your girlfriend!"

"Brother Xuan, I love you to death!"

Yu Shengxiang said in Lin Xuan's ear.

Lin Xuan was very annoyed by the hot air blown by Yu Shengxiang.

This little girl is too good at it!

Lin Xuan looked up and saw that it was getting dark, and his eyes rolled immediately.

"Xiangxiang, I think it's almost dark."

"It's not safe outside at night."

"Let's find a place to rest."

Lin Xuan hugged Yu Shengxiang and said softly.

"You, you are necrotic!"

Yu Shengxiang's face turned red immediately, and she gave Lin Xuan a hammer.

Upon hearing this, Yu Shengxiang still doesn't know what Lin Xuan is going to do?
But she didn't object, but lay on Lin Xuan's shoulder in silence.

Apparently it's the default.

"Let's go!"

Lin Xuan yelled, and just walked with Yu Shengxiang in his arms.

Soon, the two arrived at a hotel.

Lin Xuan and Yu Shengxiang opened a luxurious room.

"Xiangxiang, for such a long time, I miss you to death!"

Lin Xuan and Yu Shengxiang entered the room, Lin Xuan said softly.

"I, I also miss Brother Xuan..."

Yu Shengxiang said so shyly that her voice was almost inaudible in the end.

"Come on, let's have a good and in-depth exchange today."

Lin Xuan smiled and said to Yu Shengxiang.


Yu Shengxiang responded softly.

Immediately, the lights in the hotel were turned off.

Only some faint dim yellow lights were left flickering.


Early the next morning, Lin Xuan had already woken up.

Lin Xuan stretched his waist, only feeling refreshed.

After last night's exercise, Lin Xuan felt that his cultivation had made some progress.

Lin Xuan turned his head and looked at Yu Shengxiang who was still sleeping.

Yu Shengxiang opened her small mouth slightly at this moment, breathing lightly.

It's so cute!
Lin Xuan thought to himself.

Lin Xuan glanced at the time, but it was 06:30 in the morning.

So there was no rush to wake Yu Shengxiang up.

Lin Xuan got out of bed and ordered two breakfasts.

The Su family is going to come to the Yu family today, but it's still early.

Not in a hurry.

If the little girl hasn't woken up by eight o'clock, it won't be too late to call her.

Lin Xuan has been worrying about and contributing to the affairs of the Yujia Alliance and Qianhuan Company during this time.

Although he has many skills in the system, he will definitely not fail in a real fight.

But maintaining a high level of fighting for such a long time is not an easy task.

Now that it's finally over, Lin Xuan can relax for a while.

After about ten minutes, the ordered breakfast was delivered.

Lin Xuan took a look and saw that they were all light food, and there were two big glasses of milk.

It is very suitable for enjoying in the morning.

Lin Xuan took out his mobile phone and fiddled with it casually.


"What time is it?"

Not long after, a murmur came from behind Lin Xuan.

It turned out that Yu Shengxiang woke up.

"It's past seven, little lazy cat."

Lin Xuan said softly.

"Fuck you, you're the little lazy cat."

Yu Shengxiang raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, saying angrily.

It's only past seven o'clock!

I usually get up after [-] o'clock when I am at home.

It's early, okay?
Yu Shengxiang thought to herself.

"I'll sleep a little longer!"

Yu Shengxiang felt that she was still a little sleepy, so she wanted to lie down and go back to sleep.

"I ordered breakfast, do you want to eat it?"

"If you don't want it, then I won't keep it for you."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.


"Anything delicious?"

Yu Shengxiang suddenly opened his big eyes, and even the eyes were shining!
As soon as she heard about eating, the little girl suddenly became energetic!


Yu Shengxiang jumped down immediately and quickly came to Lin Xuan's side.

"Hahaha, Xiangxiang, why are you so cute?"

Lin Xuan said dotingly.

"Hmph, of course this girl is cute!"

Yu Shengxiang replied perfunctorily.

When she saw the food on the table, she couldn't look away.

"Silly girl, eat quickly."

Lin Xuan patted Yu Shengxiang's head.


Yu Shengxiang ignored Lin Xuan, picked up the food and put it in his mouth.

It didn't take long for Yu Shengxiang to eat most of the food on the table.

But although she eats very fast, her posture is very elegant.

There is no sense of spoiling the image at all.

Lin Xuan thought it was funny.

How much effort has this little girl put into eating?



After Yu Shengxiang finished eating, he sighed.

Lin Xuan didn't say much, and ate up the food that Yu Shengxiang hadn't touched.

Then the two talked for a long time in the room.

"Xiangxiang, it's past eight o'clock."

"Let's go home first."

"After all, the Patriarch of the Su family said that he will come to Yu's house today, so it's not good for us to go back too late."

Lin Xuan said to Yu Shengxiang.

"Okay, let's go back now."

Yu Shengxiang nodded obediently.

The two of them were not far from Yu's house, so they walked back.

When we arrived at Yu's house, it was not yet nine o'clock.

Seeing Lin Xuan and Yu Shengxiang coming back, Yu Chengjie went out to greet them enthusiastically.

After chatting for a while, we got to the point.

"Lin Xuan, the head of the Su family, Su Yuanyuan, said that he will be at Yu's house at ten o'clock today."

"I think, since it's your request to the Su family."

"It's up to you to communicate with him."

Yu Chengjie said to Lin Xuan.

"Actually, anyone can say the same about this matter, but Uncle Yu asked me to say it."

"That's up to me."

Lin Xuan nodded.

Time passed quickly, and it was already nine fifty in the blink of an eye.

A few minutes later, the gatekeepers of the Yu family came to report.

"Patriarch, Patriarch Su Yuanyuan and two elders of the Su family have arrived outside the door."

When Yu Chengjie heard this, he immediately stood up and went out.

After all, he is the head of the family, so he should greet him no matter what.

Lin Xuan glanced at the time, it was now 56:[-].

It was very punctual.

This point already left a good impression on Lin Xuan.

"Xiangxiang, let's go out with Uncle Yu."

Lin Xuan said to Yu Shengxiang.

"it is good."

Yu Shengxiang nodded.

So Lin Xuan took Yu Shengxiang's little hand and walked towards the gate of Yu's house together.

(End of this chapter)

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