Chapter 422 Making a Plan
"You have a good idea."

"Hearing what you said, I think it should be the same."

Xiao Qingyao nodded in agreement after hearing what Lin Xuan said.

When Xiao Qingyao heard Lin Xuan say that those people might be trying to test whether she was in Tianyi School or not.

Xiao Qingyao thought it made sense.

Otherwise, they have no reason to come to die.

In fact, it's not that Xiao Qingyao couldn't guess it, but that he just didn't bother to think about it.

No matter how many people come, as long as there are no B-level masters.

It was the same for Xiao Qingyao, and he was dismissed in a few moves.

Even if the half-step B-level master came last time, he was seriously injured by Xiao Qingyao's few strokes.

When he wanted to run, it was too late.

This half-step B-level master is not like the Mito Shunpei they faced before.

Or the same as Qian Xuantian that Lin Xuan faced.

There is nothing on him that can increase his own fetishes or skills.

As for Lin Xuan's guess, is there any treasure near Tianyi Sect or itself.

Xiao Qingyao told Lin Xuan with certainty.

There are no treasures in Tianyi School.

As for what happened behind Tian Yizong, she herself wasn't quite sure.

Behind the Tianyi School, it has always been chaotic.

Xiao Qingyao used to look annoying and wanted to clean it up.

But the previous suzerain of Tianyi Sect told Xiao Qingyao that the back cannot be moved.

That's why Xiao Qingyao endured it.

And Lin Xuan guessed that there might be treasures in the future, and Xiao Qingyao actually thought so too.

It's just that Xiao Qingyao is already a B-level cultivation base.

It can be said that there are almost no opponents on the mainland.

The B-level master of Skynet will not be an enemy of Xiao Qingyao.

It would be an exaggeration to say that Xiao Qingyao can be regarded as No. 1 in the world.

Naturally, he would not be tempted by any treasure.

In her opinion, those so-called treasures.

It's not as useful as your own true cultivation.

"The back is so messy, do you still want to find that treasure?"

Xiao Qingyao asked Lin Xuan.

"It's not what I was looking for."

"But if those people really came for the treasure."

"Instead of taking advantage of them, it's better for me."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said to Xiao Qingyao.

"It's up to you, you don't object if you want to find me."

"If you can find it, that's your chance."

"If you can't find it, you can't force it."

"You should understand this truth, right?"

Xiao Qingyao said to Lin Xuan with an indifferent tone.

"That's natural."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"By the way, my wife, I think I can take advantage of this matter."

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said to Xiao Qingyao.


"Thinking about what?"

Xiao Qingyao asked.

"It's just that they're trying to test whether you belong to the same family or not."

Lin Xuan said that he sat up here, looking very excited.

"Look, my wife, you were the one who shot them when they came before."

"But this time it's different. I took the initiative to kill them."

"So in their view, there is a high possibility that you will think that you have left the sect."

"Then next time, they are likely to make further tests."

"And this time, the interval will definitely not be very short."

"I estimate that there may be a half-step B-level master sent out."

Lin Xuan said to Xiao Qingyao.

"If the next time they come, it's still up to me."

"They will be even more convinced that you have left Tianyi School."

"So next time, a stronger force should be dispatched to Tianyizong."

"Wouldn't it be good for you to kill them when the time comes?"

Lin Xuan continued to analyze, speaking clearly and logically.

"Well, I can't refute what you said."

"Then it's done."

After thinking about it, Xiao Qingyao agreed with Lin Xuan's opinion.

The main reason is that Xiao Qingyao has long been annoyed by these people.

If they can kill most of their masters at once, it will also reduce the frequency of their coming to heaven.

In any case, it was a good thing for Xiao Qingyao.

"However, if the person who comes is a half-step B-level person."

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

Xiao Qingyao seemed to have thought of something and asked Lin Xuan.

"I said my wife, do you want to do this!"

Lin Xuan exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"The last time at Wanquan Villa, if I hadn't defeated Mito Shunpei in the end."

"That time you will be in danger!"

Lin Xuan brought up the old story again, and proved himself to Xiao Qingyao.

"Also, I beat a half-step B-level master with my own hands in Hangcheng!"

"As long as the opponent doesn't come together with two half-step B-level masters, there must be no problem."

"Even if two really come, I don't have any problem protecting myself."

Hearing what Lin Xuan said, Xiao Qingyao also remembered what happened in Wanquan Villa at that time.

That time was indeed thanks to Lin Xuan.

But in Hangcheng, he also beat away a half-step B-level master?
Xiao Qingyao didn't expect that there would be half-level B-level masters in Hangcheng.

"Come and tell me what happened to the half-step B-level master you defeated in Hangcheng."

Xiao Qingyao asked.

Seeing Xiao Qingyao's question, Lin Xuan talked about his fight with Qian Xuantian with great interest.

It's just omitting the previous things, and the capable man who was killed by him.

After all, it was the strength of the Luo Tian Wanxiang Pillar that could kill him, not his own ability.

So Lin Xuan didn't say anything.

When Xiao Qingyao heard that Qian Xuantian had used the Spiritual Void Infusion Technique, she shook her head in disdain.

"Spiritual Deficiency Infusion Technique is such a rubbish skill, what Qian Xuantian would actually practice it."

"It's really interesting."

"This kind of exercise that is so difficult to practice and doesn't have much effect is simply waste."

Xiao Qingyao seemed to have a poor evaluation of the Spiritual Deficiency Infusion Technique.

It was completely different from the reaction of the three masters when they saw the spirit-deficiency infusion technique.

But Lin Xuan could also understand, after all, Xiao Qingyao was a true B-level expert.

The vision is completely different from that of the three masters.

What is unbelievable in the eyes of a C-level expert may be unremarkable in the eyes of a B-level expert.

"Although in my opinion, the spirit-deficiency infusion technique is nothing."

"However, you were able to defeat the half-step B-level master after performing the spirit-deficiency infusion technique, which is quite a bit of skill."

Xiao Qingyao looked at Lin Xuan, with a hint of praise in his tone.

"In that case, go ahead with your plan."

"If you think about it, an ordinary half-step B-level master is really not your opponent."

"In this case, I don't need to worry about your safety."

"Just go ahead and do it boldly."

Xiao Qingyao nodded and agreed to Lin Xuan's plan.

"But if you do encounter any trouble, just tell me."

"This seat will help you settle down!"

Xiao Qingyao seemed to regard Lin Xuan as an ordinary disciple, patted his head and said.

It is the tone of elders caring for younger generations!
(End of this chapter)

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