Chapter 425 Shocked
Therefore, when Lin Xuan's punch was about to hit the man in gray.

He only reacted with a loud shout from the man in black.

Without the prompt from the man in black, he wouldn't even have noticed Lin Xuan's movements.

The next moment, Lin Xuan's fist hit the man in gray.

Lin Xuan came prepared, and the man in gray was on guard against haste.

Under such circumstances, there is naturally no second possibility for the ending.

With this punch, the gray-clothed man was immediately thrown backwards by Lin Xuan.

He fell to the ground in a terrible embarrassment.

The power of Lin Xuan's punch even split the bamboo hat on his head.

A bare head was revealed.

And the man in gray just wanted to prevent Lin Xuan's critical left arm.

At this moment, he was directly broken by Lin Xuan's punch!
"You, how did this happen!"

The man in gray looked at Lin Xuan in horror, unable to conceal the shock in his heart.

This kid's strength has changed too much, is this his true strength?
"Hmph, really ignorant."

"Didn't you just say that you only used [-]% of your strength?"

"Then what about your remaining [-]%?"

"Why don't you come out?"

Lin Xuan looked at the man in gray with disdain, and said coldly.

The man in gray was speechless.

How could he have imagined that Lin Xuan really only exerted less than half of his strength.

As a result of his procrastination, he was directly punched and seriously injured by Lin Xuan.

At this moment, not only was his left arm broken, but the man in gray also felt breathless in his chest.

How could the power of Lin Xuan's punch be so easily dispelled?

With this punch, not only the man in gray was terrified.

The man in black standing behind watching was also shocked.

When Aunt Lan saw such a result, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, Lin Xuan didn't try his best before, but luckily he held back and didn't make a phone call.

"Boy, you really have a hand."

"In the realm of C-level, it is basically invincible."

The man in black stood up and said to Lin Xuan.

"Hmph, it doesn't look bad."

Lin Xuan snorted, agreeing with what the man in black said.

"However, no matter how strong you are in C-level cultivation."

"You can't challenge people who are stronger than you across borders."

"So, you are happy too early."

The man in black said to Lin Xuan indifferently.

"Hahaha, who is too happy, I don't know yet."

"You think I can't see that you are a half-step B-level master?"

"Also, you made another mistake."

"Who told you that my performance just now is my strongest strength?"

Lin Xuan laughed loudly, pointed at the man in black and said.

Hearing what Lin Xuan said, the man in black narrowed his eyes immediately.

If ordinary people said this, he might dismiss it.

But from Lin Xuan's performance just now, the black silver man can conclude.

This kid is definitely a ruthless character.

Is what he said true?

Does he still have the means to counter him?

The man in black couldn't believe it.

At the same time, the curiosity of the man in black was also aroused by Lin Xuan.

It is true that Lin Xuan's strength is very strong, but he does not believe that Lin Xuan can really have the means to fight against half-step B-level powerhouses.

After all, the fluctuations from Lin Xuan's body are a proper C-level.

"Then let me try to see what kind of strength you have."

The man in black walked towards Lin Xuan slowly, and said in a deep voice.

"Hey, half-step B-level master, it's really fresh."

"Let me try your half-step B-level, how is it different from other half-step B-level masters!"

Lin Xuan looked at the man in black who was walking towards him, and said softly.

After saying this, the man in black felt his heart skip a beat.

What Lin Xuan said meant that he had fought against other half-step B-level masters before?

But when things developed like this, he couldn't help but back down.

Besides, I am the leader of this operation.

There is no reason to be cowardly in the face of a kid.

"bring it on!"

The man in black shouted and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

He learned the lesson of the man in gray in front and didn't hold back at all.

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host is in danger, and the automatic activation skills are always a little stronger than you. 】

This time, before Lin Xuan communicated with the system, the voice of the system sounded in Lin Xuan's mind.

A half-step B-level expert makes a move, but it's different.

Lin Xuan instantly felt the power in his body increase rapidly, facing the attack of the man in black.

Lin Xuan stepped forward without fear.

It was still a simple punching and punching, but this time the result was better than the last time.

The effect was simply heaven and earth.

A shock wave spread out from the center of the two people's collision again, this time the power was doubled.

Not only did the twenty or so C-level masters who came couldn't stand still, they all backed away.

Even Aunt Lan was affected.

The messy vegetation fell down one after another by the shock waves generated by the collision between the two.

If it wasn't for Aunt Lan's quick response, the location would have been exposed directly.

"How come, why is your strength stronger than mine?"

The voice of the man in black came from the cloud of dust.

When the collision happened just now, the man in black clearly felt Lin Xuan's cultivation.

That's a bit better than the half-step B-level self!

Apart from his good looks, this kid looks like nothing else.

Could it be a half-step B-level master who hides his secrets?
This is not scientific!
Moreover, when he appeared here, he was obviously a member of Tianyi Sect!
That is to say, the Tianyi Sect has the exception of Xiao Qingyao, a serious B-level female devil.

There is such a young half-step B-level master?
Then the strength of Yizong today is a bit scary!
The man in black thought to himself.

"How is this impossible?"

"As a half-step B-level master, you have never seen the world?"

Lin Xuan said disdainfully.

"I said a long time ago that if you leave, I don't care about you."

"But if you go any further, I'll kill you."

"It's a pity that you don't listen."

"Now even if you want to leave, it's too late."

Lin Xuan glanced at the C-level masters around, shook his head and said.

Seeing what Lin Xuan said, these C-level masters suddenly felt fearful.

"Everyone, don't underestimate the enemy, this kid is very weird!"

"Although his cultivation is stronger than mine, it is still very limited."

"I'll hold him back, you guys go together!"

"Although this kid is powerful, he is alone."

"Definitely not an opponent of so many of us!"

The man in black saw Lin Xuan's thoughts, and it was obvious that he wanted to break the morale of the army.

So he immediately shouted at the twenty or so masters he had brought.

The man in black was decisive.

Realizing that Lin Xuan's cultivation base is a little higher than his at the moment, he didn't choose to entangle with Lin Xuan.

Instead, they directly intend to rush forward.

(End of this chapter)

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