Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 427 Fierce battle against the man in black

Chapter 427 Fierce battle against the man in black

"Hahaha, what I'm afraid of is what I'm afraid of."

"Even if you try your best, you don't have that ability!"

Lin Xuan laughed out loud when he saw the man in black being forced to such an extent.

Facing Lin Xuan's ridicule, the man in black did not refute.

Instead, he looked at Lin Xuan without saying a word, and at the same time mobilized all his strength.

He is biding his time.

At this moment, Lin Xuan is obviously stronger than himself. If he fights recklessly, he may end badly.

The main reason is that the man in black still has another thought in his heart at this moment.

That is, he hopes that the twenty or so C-level masters he brought can defeat Lin Xuan's dozen clones.

If they can win, they won't be alone against Lin Xuan.

However, how could he hide this little thought from Lin Xuan?
"I said, if you want to procrastinate, then I advise you to give up as soon as possible."

"If you don't do it again, then I will do it first."

Lin Xuan said to the man in black relaxedly.


The man in black pointed at Lin Xuan angrily.

His own mind was seen through, but the other party was still so relaxed.

This undoubtedly made him extremely uncomfortable.

It is already impossible not to act now, instead of letting the other party act first, it will take the upper hand.

It's better to fight him with all your strength first.

Thus, the man in black concentrated all his strength on his hands.

Jump up and kill Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan saw that the man in black made a movement, and immediately stood up to greet him with a slight smile.

Lin Xuan's right hand directly grabbed the man in black.

The man in black immediately hit Lin Xuan's right hand.

But to his surprise, his attack hit Lin Xuan's hand.

Lin Xuan seemed to ignore it directly!

This is impossible!
Even if his cultivation is stronger than his own, he won't be able to ignore his own attack.

The man in black didn't have time to think, since the attack was ineffective, he could only dodge

It's just that his speed is so slow in Lin Xuan's eyes at the moment.

"Where do you want to hide?"

Lin Xuan's indifferent voice sounded, and he punched the man in black in the chest in an unexpected gesture.

The man in black was immediately sent flying backwards by the force of Lin Xuan's punch.

But fortunately, he is a half-step B-level powerhouse. Even if Lin Xuan is stronger than him, he can't be destroyed with one move.

The man in black fell to the ground, and his body left a long mark under the force.

As soon as I got up, I couldn't control the fatigue.

Although Lin Xuan's punch didn't seriously hurt him, the force of this punch entered his body through his chest.

Not only did it cause the blood in his body, who was unable to guard against it, to surge.

And at this moment, it seemed that a big stone was blocked in his chest, and he couldn't breathe.

"Well, how do you feel?"

Lin Xuan landed smoothly, and did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

In fact, Lin Xuan's plan was to force out the enhanced skills of the man in black before killing him.

But what puzzled him was that the man in black didn't seem to understand this skill.

Moreover, the strength of the man in black was even lower than those half-step B ranks he had fought against before.

It seems to be slightly less.

Lin Xuan didn't know why this happened.

But maybe he has just become a half-step B-level master, or it may be due to other reasons.

The strength of a warrior is not entirely determined by his cultivation.

For warriors of the same level, how long have they practiced, and whether they have rich combat experience.

One's own physical quality and psychological quality are the factors that determine one's own strength.

Even if they are warriors of different levels, high-level warriors may not be able to crush low-level warriors.

But those who can do this are rare.


Seeing that Lin Xuan had the upper hand and wanted to be good, the man in black was furious.

But he has nothing to do with Lin Xuan.

His strength is lower than others, even if he wants to kill Lin Xuan, he still has more than enough energy.

On the other side, Lin Xuan's avatars were still fighting those twenty or so C-level masters.

With the subtle cooperation of Lin Xuan's dozens of clones, five of the C-level masters had died at this time.

But the five who died were all mid-level C warriors.

And the remaining C-level masters are all late C-level cultivation bases.

At this moment, Lin Xuan's avatars happened to be fighting one by one with the masters of the late C-level.

It just looks like it's a fair game for one against the other.

But Lin Xuan's avatars had the upper hand.

Moreover, their fighting locations are very close, even if a certain avatar is in danger.

The avatar beside him can also come to the rescue.

In this way, with the help of Lin Xuan's avatars.

It is only a matter of time to win.

The man in black took the time to glance over there, feeling bitterness in his heart.

He didn't expect that this kid's ability was so weird.

He also didn't expect that Xiao Qingyao was the only one in the Tianyi School.

There will also be a perverted master like Lin Xuan.

Originally, he thought that Xiao Qingyao was not in Tianyizong.

I, a half-step B-level master, led the team and led more than [-] C-level masters.

Completing the task is a sure thing.

But how can I expect that I have so many masters.

He was actually blocked by Lin Xuan alone.

Not to mention, Lin Xuan's ability was beyond everyone's expectations.

Not only can you stop people like yourself, but it is even very likely to wipe out people like yourself!

The Tianyi School turned out to be such a land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

At this moment, the man in black couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world that can be given to him.

But now that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, the man in black can only fight Lin Xuan at the moment.

I hope that I can catch a certain mistake of Lin Xuan and turn defeat into victory.

The combat experience of the man in black is still very strong, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate to half a level B level.

It's just that he didn't know what kind of monster he was facing.

Don't say that it is impossible for Lin Xuan to make any mistakes, even if they really did.

With the existence of the system's skills, it is enough to make up for it in an instant.

Moreover, Lin Xuan will never appear in a weak state of powerlessness.

Just relying on the strength of the man in black is not enough to consume Lin Xuan to that extent.

Even if it is possible, a recovery fruit can solve the problem instantly.

These are all Lin Xuan's cards, and the man in black knows nothing about it.

Lin Xuan took a few steps forward and hit the man in black.

Seeing this, the man in black could only forcibly disregard his injury and fight Lin Xuan.

The two fisted and kicked, the fight was so intense!
However, the attack on the man in black.

Lin Xuan can always block it just right.

Facing Lin Xuan's attack, the man in black sometimes barely received two moves, and sometimes dodged sideways.

The gap between the two can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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